@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Installs and configures GlusterFS on Linux.
For GlusterFS to connect between servers, TCP ports `24007`, `24008`, and `24009`/`49152`+ (that port, plus an additional incremented port for each additional server in the cluster; the latter if GlusterFS is version 3.4+), and TCP/UDP port `111` must be open. You can open these using whatever firewall you wish (this can easily be configured using the `geerlingguy.firewall` role).
This role performs basic installation and setup of Gluster, but it does not configure or mount bricks (volumes), since that step is easier to do in a series of plays in your own playbook. Ansible 1.9+ includes the [`gluster_volume`](https://docs.ansible.com/gluster_volume_module.html) module to ease the management of Gluster volumes.
This role performs basic installation and setup of Gluster, but it does not configure or mount bricks (volumes), since that step is easier to do in a series of plays in your own playbook. Ansible 1.9+ includes the [`gluster_volume`](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/gluster/gluster/gluster_volume_module.html) module to ease the management of Gluster volumes.