@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
set -euxo pipefail
export PYPATH = $( [ [ ! " $CI_JOB_NAME " = ~ "coreos" ] ] && echo /usr/bin/python || echo /opt/bin/python)
echo " CI_JOB_NAME is $CI_JOB_NAME "
echo " PYPATH is $PYPATH "
echo ${ PWD }
@ -28,7 +26,6 @@ if [[ "$CI_JOB_NAME" =~ "opensuse" ]]; then
ansible all -m raw -a 'netconfig update -f'
# Auto import repo keys
ansible all -m raw -a 'zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh'
PYPATH = /usr/bin/python3
# Check out latest tag if testing upgrade
@ -37,44 +34,44 @@ test "${UPGRADE_TEST}" != "false" && git fetch --all && git checkout "$KUBESPRAY
test " ${ UPGRADE_TEST } " != "false" && git checkout " ${ CI_BUILD_REF } " tests/files/${ CI_JOB_NAME } .yml tests/testcases/*.yml
# Create cluster
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
# Repeat deployment if testing upgrade
if [ " ${ UPGRADE_TEST } " != "false" ] ; then
test " ${ UPGRADE_TEST } " = = "basic" && PLAYBOOK = "cluster.yml"
test " ${ UPGRADE_TEST } " = = "graceful" && PLAYBOOK = "upgrade-cluster.yml"
git checkout " ${ CI_BUILD_REF } "
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" $PLAYBOOK
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" $PLAYBOOK
# Test control plane recovery
if [ " ${ RECOVER_CONTROL_PLANE_TEST } " != "false" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit " ${ RECOVER_CONTROL_PLANE_TEST_GROUPS } :!fake_hosts " -e reset_confirmation = yes reset.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } -e etcd_retries = 10 --limit etcd,kube-master:!fake_hosts recover-control-plane.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit " ${ RECOVER_CONTROL_PLANE_TEST_GROUPS } :!fake_hosts " -e reset_confirmation = yes reset.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads -e etcd_retries = 10 --limit etcd,kube-master:!fake_hosts recover-control-plane.yml
# Tests Cases
## Test Master API
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/010_check-apiserver.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/010_check-apiserver.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Test that all pods are Running
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/015_check-pods-running.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/015_check-pods-running.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Test that all nodes are Ready
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/020_check-nodes-ready.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/020_check-nodes-ready.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Test pod creation and ping between them
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/030_check-network.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/030_check-network.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Advanced DNS checks
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Kubernetes conformance tests
ansible-playbook -i ${ ANSIBLE_INVENTORY } -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/100_check-k8s-conformance.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook -i ${ ANSIBLE_INVENTORY } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/100_check-k8s-conformance.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Idempotency checks 1/5 (repeat deployment)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
## Idempotency checks 2/5 (Advanced DNS checks)
@ -84,15 +81,15 @@ fi
## Idempotency checks 3/5 (reset deployment)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } -e reset_confirmation = yes --limit "all:!fake_hosts" reset.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e reset_confirmation = yes --limit "all:!fake_hosts" reset.yml
## Idempotency checks 4/5 (redeploy after reset)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
## Idempotency checks 5/5 (Advanced DNS checks)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook -e ansible_python_interpreter = ${ PYPATH } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL