@ -86,27 +86,26 @@ ansible-playbook --limit "all:!fake_hosts" -e @${CI_TEST_VARS} ${CI_TEST_ADDITIO
## Kubernetes conformance tests
## Kubernetes conformance tests
ansible-playbook -i ${ ANSIBLE_INVENTORY } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/100_check-k8s-conformance.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
ansible-playbook -i ${ ANSIBLE_INVENTORY } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/100_check-k8s-conformance.yml $ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL
## Idempotency checks 1/5 (repeat deployment)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
## Idempotency checks 1/5 (repeat deployment)
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
## Idempotency checks 2/5 (Advanced DNS checks)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
## Idempotency checks 2/5 (Advanced DNS checks)
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml
## Idempotency checks 3/5 (reset deployment)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e reset_confirmation = yes --limit "all:!fake_hosts" reset.yml
if [ " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
## Idempotency checks 3/5 (reset deployment)
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e reset_confirmation = yes --limit "all:!fake_hosts" reset.yml
## Idempotency checks 4/5 (redeploy after reset)
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
## Idempotency checks 4/5 (redeploy after reset)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e local_release_dir = ${ PWD } /downloads --limit "all:!fake_hosts" cluster.yml
## Idempotency checks 5/5 (Advanced DNS checks )
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv.yml
## Idempotency checks 5/5 (Advanced DNS checks)
if [ " ${ IDEMPOT_CHECK } " = "true" -a " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } --limit "all:!fake_hosts" tests/testcases/040_check-network-adv .yml
# Clean up at the end, this is to allow stage1 tests to include cleanup test
if [ " ${ RESET_CHECK } " = "true" ] ; then
ansible-playbook ${ ANSIBLE_LOG_LEVEL } -e @${ CI_TEST_REGISTRY_MIRROR } -e @${ CI_TEST_VARS } ${ CI_TEST_ADDITIONAL_VARS } -e reset_confirmation = yes - -limit "all:!fake_hosts" reset .yml