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16 lines
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  1. ---
  2. shellcheck:
  3. extends: .job
  4. stage: unit-tests
  5. tags: [light]
  6. variables:
  8. before_script:
  9. - ./tests/scripts/
  10. - curl --silent --location ""${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}"/shellcheck-"${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}".linux.x86_64.tar.xz" | tar -xJv
  11. - cp shellcheck-"${SHELLCHECK_VERSION}"/shellcheck /usr/bin/
  12. - shellcheck --version
  13. script:
  14. # Run shellcheck for all *.sh
  15. - find . -name '*.sh' -not -path './.git/*' | xargs shellcheck --severity error
  16. except: ['triggers', 'master']