# CI Setup
## Pipeline
1. build: build a docker image to be used in the pipeline 2. unit-tests: fast jobs for fast feedback (linting, etc...) 3. deploy-part1: small number of jobs to test if the PR works with default settings 4. deploy-extended: slow jobs testing different platforms, OS, settings, CNI, etc... 5. deploy-extended: very slow jobs (upgrades, etc...)
## Runners
Kubespray has 3 types of GitLab runners:
- packet runners: used for E2E jobs (usually long), running on Equinix Metal (ex-packet), on kubevirt managed VMs - light runners: used for short lived jobs, running on Equinix Metal (ex-packet), as managed pods - auto scaling runners (managed via docker-machine on Equinix Metal): used for on-demand resources, see [GitLab docs](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/configuration/autoscale.html) for more info
## Vagrant
Vagrant jobs are using the [quay.io/kubespray/vagrant](/test-infra/vagrant-docker/Dockerfile) docker image with `/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock` exposed from the host, allowing the container to boot VMs on the host.
## CI Variables
In CI we have a set of overrides we use to ensure greater success of our CI jobs and avoid throttling by various APIs we depend on. See:
- [Docker mirrors](/tests/common/_docker_hub_registry_mirror.yml) - [Test settings](/tests/common/_kubespray_test_settings.yml)
## CI Environment
The CI packet and light runners are deployed on a kubernetes cluster on Equinix Metal. The cluster is deployed with kubespray itself and maintained by the kubespray maintainers.
The following files are used for that inventory:
### cluster.tfvars
```ini # your Kubernetes cluster name here
cluster_name = "ci"
# Your Equinix Metal project ID. See https://metal.equinix.com/developers/docs/accounts/
equinix_metal_project_id = "_redacted_"
# The public SSH key to be uploaded into authorized_keys in bare metal Equinix Metal nodes provisioned
# leave this value blank if the public key is already setup in the Equinix Metal project
# Terraform will complain if the public key is setup in Equinix Metal
public_key_path = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
# cluster location
metro = "da"
# standalone etcds
number_of_etcd = 0
plan_etcd = "t1.small.x86"
# masters
number_of_k8s_masters = 1
number_of_k8s_masters_no_etcd = 0
plan_k8s_masters = "c3.small.x86"
plan_k8s_masters_no_etcd = "t1.small.x86"
# nodes
number_of_k8s_nodes = 1
plan_k8s_nodes = "c3.medium.x86" ```
### group_vars/all/mirrors.yml
```yaml --- docker_registry_mirrors: - "https://mirror.gcr.io"
containerd_grpc_max_recv_message_size: 16777216 containerd_grpc_max_send_message_size: 16777216
containerd_registries_mirrors: - prefix: docker.io mirrors: - host: https://mirror.gcr.io capabilities: ["pull", "resolve"] skip_verify: false - host: https://registry-1.docker.io capabilities: ["pull", "resolve"] skip_verify: false
containerd_max_container_log_line_size: -1
crio_registries_mirrors: - prefix: docker.io insecure: false blocked: false location: registry-1.docker.io mirrors: - location: mirror.gcr.io insecure: false
netcheck_agent_image_repo: "{{ quay_image_repo }}/kubespray/k8s-netchecker-agent" netcheck_server_image_repo: "{{ quay_image_repo }}/kubespray/k8s-netchecker-server"
nginx_image_repo: "{{ quay_image_repo }}/kubespray/nginx" ```
### group_vars/all/settings.yml
```yaml --- # Networking setting
kube_service_addresses: kube_pods_subnet: kube_network_plugin: calico # avoid overlap with CI jobs deploying nodelocaldns
# ipip: False
calico_ipip_mode: "Never" calico_vxlan_mode: "Never" calico_network_backend: "bird" calico_wireguard_enabled: True
# Cluster settings
upgrade_cluster_setup: True force_certificate_regeneration: True
# Etcd settings
etcd_deployment_type: "host"
# Kubernetes settings
kube_controller_terminated_pod_gc_threshold: 100 kubelet_enforce_node_allocatable: pods kubelet_preferred_address_types: 'InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname' kubelet_custom_flags: - "--serialize-image-pulls=true" - "--eviction-hard=memory.available<1Gi" - "--eviction-soft-grace-period=memory.available=30s" - "--eviction-soft=memory.available<2Gi" - "--system-reserved cpu=100m,memory=4Gi" - "--eviction-minimum-reclaim=memory.available=2Gi"
# DNS settings
resolvconf_mode: none dns_min_replicas: 1 upstream_dns_servers: - -
# Extensions
ingress_nginx_enabled: True helm_enabled: True cert_manager_enabled: True metrics_server_enabled: True
# Enable ZSWAP
kubelet_fail_swap_on: False kube_feature_gates: - "NodeSwap=True" ```
## Aditional files
This section documents additional files used to complete a deployment of the kubespray CI, these files sit on the control-plane node and assume a working kubernetes cluster.
### /root/nscleanup.sh
```bash #!/bin/bash
$kubectl get ns | grep -P "(\d.+-\d.+)" | awk 'match($3,/[0-9]+d/) {print $1}' | xargs -r $kubectl delete ns $kubectl get ns | grep -P "(\d.+-\d.+)" | awk 'match($3,/[3-9]+h/) {print $1}' | xargs -r $kubectl delete ns $kubectl get ns | grep Terminating | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -i $kubectl delete vmi/instance-1 vmi/instance-0 vmi/instance-2 -n {} --force --grace-period=0 & ```
### /root/path-calico.sh
```bash #!/bin/bash
calicoctl patch felixconfig default -p '{"spec":{"allowIPIPPacketsFromWorkloads":true, "allowVXLANPacketsFromWorkloads": true}}' ```
### /root/kubevirt/kubevirt.sh
```bash #!/bin/bash
export VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases | grep tag_name | grep -v -- '-rc' | sort -r | head -1 | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' | sed 's/,//' | xargs) echo $VERSION kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${VERSION}/kubevirt-operator.yaml kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${VERSION}/kubevirt-cr.yaml ```
### /root/kubevirt/virtctl.sh
```bash #!/bin/bash
VERSION=$(kubectl get kubevirt.kubevirt.io/kubevirt -n kubevirt -o=jsonpath="{.status.observedKubeVirtVersion}") ARCH=$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z)-$(uname -m | sed 's/x86_64/amd64/') || windows-amd64.exe echo ${ARCH} curl -L -o virtctl https://github.com/kubevirt/kubevirt/releases/download/${VERSION}/virtctl-${VERSION}-${ARCH} chmod +x virtctl sudo install virtctl /usr/local/bin ```