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  1. [ssh_connection]
  2. pipelining=True
  3. ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=30m -o ConnectionAttempts=100 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
  4. #control_path = ~/.ssh/ansible-%%r@%%h:%%p
  5. [defaults]
  6. strategy_plugins = plugins/mitogen/ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy
  7. host_key_checking=False
  8. gathering = smart
  9. fact_caching = jsonfile
  10. fact_caching_connection = /tmp
  11. stdout_callback = skippy
  12. library = ./library
  13. callback_whitelist = profile_tasks
  14. roles_path = roles:$VIRTUAL_ENV/usr/local/share/kubespray/roles:$VIRTUAL_ENV/usr/local/share/ansible/roles:/usr/share/kubespray/roles
  15. deprecation_warnings=False
  16. inventory_ignore_extensions = ~, .orig, .bak, .ini, .cfg, .retry, .pyc, .pyo, .creds
  17. [inventory]
  18. ignore_patterns = artifacts, credentials