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  1. ---
  2. - name: "Download calico-upgrade tool (force version)"
  3. get_url:
  4. url: "{{ calico_upgrade_url }}"
  5. dest: "{{ bin_dir }}/calico-upgrade"
  6. mode: 0755
  7. owner: root
  8. group: root
  9. force: yes
  10. environment: "{{proxy_env}}"
  11. - name: "Create etcdv2 and etcdv3 calicoApiConfig"
  12. template:
  13. src: "{{ item }}-store.yml.j2"
  14. dest: "/etc/calico/{{ item }}.yml"
  15. with_items:
  16. - "etcdv2"
  17. - "etcdv3"
  18. - name: "Tests data migration (dry-run)"
  19. shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calico-upgrade dry-run --output-dir=/tmp --apiconfigv1 /etc/calico/etcdv2.yml --apiconfigv3 /etc/calico/etcdv3.yml"
  20. register: calico_upgrade_test_data
  21. failed_when: '"Successfully" not in calico_upgrade_test_data.stdout'
  22. - name: "If test migration is success continue with calico data real migration"
  23. shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calico-upgrade start --no-prompts --apiconfigv1 /etc/calico/etcdv2.yml --apiconfigv3 /etc/calico/etcdv3.yml --output-dir=/tmp/calico_upgrade"
  24. register: calico_upgrade_migration_data