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  1. Azure
  2. ===============
  3. To deploy Kubernetes on [Azure]( uncomment the `cloud_provider` option in `group_vars/all.yml` and set it to `'azure'`.
  4. All your instances are required to run in a resource group and a routing table has to be attached to the subnet your instances are in.
  5. Not all features are supported yet though, for a list of the current status have a look [here](
  6. ### Parameters
  7. Before creating the instances you must first set the `azure_` variables in the `group_vars/all.yml` file.
  8. All of the values can be retrieved using the azure cli tool which can be downloaded here:
  9. After installation you have to run `azure login` to get access to your account.
  10. #### azure\_tenant\_id + azure\_subscription\_id
  11. run `azure account show` to retrieve your subscription id and tenant id:
  12. `azure_tenant_id` -> Tenant ID field
  13. `azure_subscription_id` -> ID field
  14. #### azure\_location
  15. The region your instances are located, can be something like `westeurope` or `westcentralus`. A full list of region names can be retrieved via `azure location list`
  16. #### azure\_resource\_group
  17. The name of the resource group your instances are in, can be retrieved via `azure group list`
  18. #### azure\_vnet\_name
  19. The name of the virtual network your instances are in, can be retrieved via `azure network vnet list`
  20. #### azure\_subnet\_name
  21. The name of the subnet your instances are in, can be retrieved via `azure network vnet subnet list RESOURCE_GROUP VNET_NAME`
  22. #### azure\_security\_group\_name
  23. The name of the network security group your instances are in, can be retrieved via `azure network nsg list`
  24. #### azure\_aad\_client\_id + azure\_aad\_client\_secret
  25. These will have to be generated first:
  26. - Create an Azure AD Application with:
  27. `azure ad app create --name kubernetes --identifier-uris http://kubernetes --home-page --password CLIENT_SECRET`
  28. The name, identifier-uri, home-page and the password can be choosen
  29. Note the AppId in the output.
  30. - Create Service principal for the application with:
  31. `azure ad sp create --applicationId AppId`
  32. This is the AppId from the last command
  33. - Create the role assignment with:
  34. `azure role assignment create --spn http://kubernetes -o "Owner" -c /subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION_ID`
  35. azure\_aad\_client\_id must be set to the AppId, azure\_aad\_client\_secret is your choosen secret.
  36. #### azure\_loadbalancer\_sku
  37. Sku of Load Balancer and Public IP. Candidate values are: basic and standard.
  38. #### azure\_exclude\_master\_from\_standard\_lb
  39. azure\_exclude\_master\_from\_standard\_lb excludes master nodes from `standard` load balancer.
  40. #### azure\_disable\_outbound\_snat
  41. azure\_disable\_outbound\_snat disables the outbound SNAT for public load balancer rules. It should only be set when azure\_exclude\_master\_from\_standard\_lb is `standard`.
  42. #### azure\_primary\_availability\_set\_name
  43. (Optional) The name of the availability set that should be used as the load balancer backend .If this is set, the Azure
  44. cloudprovider will only add nodes from that availability set to the load balancer backend pool. If this is not set, and
  45. multiple agent pools (availability sets) are used, then the cloudprovider will try to add all nodes to a single backend
  46. pool which is forbidden. In other words, if you use multiple agent pools (availability sets), you MUST set this field.
  47. #### azure\_use\_instance\_metadata
  48. Use instance metadata service where possible
  49. ## Provisioning Azure with Resource Group Templates
  50. You'll find Resource Group Templates and scripts to provision the required infrastructure to Azure in [*contrib/azurerm*](../contrib/azurerm/