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set -o errexit set -o pipefail if [[ ${DEBUG:-false} == "true" ]]; then set -o xtrace fi
checksums_file="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)/roles/download/defaults/main/checksums.yml" downloads_folder=/tmp/kubespray_binaries
function get_versions { local type="$1" local name="$2" # NOTE: Limit in the number of versions to be register in the checksums file local limit="${3:-7}" local python_app="${4:-"import sys,re;tags=[tag.rstrip() for tag in sys.stdin if re.match(\'^v?(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)$\',tag)];print(\' \'.join(tags[:$limit]))"}" local version="" local attempt_counter=0 readonly max_attempts=5
until [ "$version" ]; do version=$("_get_$type" "$name" "$python_app") if [ "$version" ]; then break elif [ ${attempt_counter} -eq ${max_attempts} ]; then echo "Max attempts reached" exit 1 fi attempt_counter=$((attempt_counter + 1)) sleep $((attempt_counter * 2)) done
echo "${version}" }
function _get_github_tags { local repo="$1" local python_app="$2"
# The number of results per page (max 100). tags="$(curl -s "$repo/tags?per_page=100")" if [ "$tags" ]; then echo "$tags" | grep -Po '"name":.*?[^\\]",' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}' | python -c "$python_app" fi }
function _vercmp { local v1=$1 local op=$2 local v2=$3 local result
# sort the two numbers with sort's "-V" argument. Based on if v2 # swapped places with v1, we can determine ordering. result=$(echo -e "$v1\n$v2" | sort -V | head -1)
case $op in "==") [ "$v1" = "$v2" ] return ;; ">") [ "$v1" != "$v2" ] && [ "$result" = "$v2" ] return ;; "<") [ "$v1" != "$v2" ] && [ "$result" = "$v1" ] return ;; ">=") [ "$result" = "$v2" ] return ;; "<=") [ "$result" = "$v1" ] return ;; *) echo "unrecognised op: $op" exit 1 ;; esac }
function get_checksums { local binary="$1" local version_exceptions="cri_dockerd_archive nerdctl_archive containerd_archive" declare -A skip_archs=( ["crio_archive"]="arm ppc64le" ["calicoctl_binary"]="arm" ["ciliumcli_binary"]="ppc64le" ["etcd_binary"]="arm" ["cri_dockerd_archive"]="arm ppc64le" ["runc"]="arm" ["crun"]="arm ppc64le" ["youki"]="arm arm64 ppc64le" ["kata_containers_binary"]="arm arm64 ppc64le" ["gvisor_runsc_binary"]="arm ppc64le" ["gvisor_containerd_shim_binary"]="arm ppc64le" ["containerd_archive"]="arm" ["skopeo_binary"]="arm ppc64le" ) echo "${binary}_checksums:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for arch in arm arm64 amd64 ppc64le; do echo " $arch:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for version in "${@:2}"; do checksum=0 [[ "${skip_archs[$binary]}" == *"$arch"* ]] || checksum=$(_get_checksum "$binary" "$version" "$arch") [[ "$version_exceptions" != *"$binary"* ]] || version=${version#v} echo " $version: $checksum" | tee --append "$checksums_file" done done }
function get_krew_archive_checksums { declare -A archs=( ["linux"]="arm arm64 amd64" ["darwin"]="arm64 amd64" ["windows"]="amd64" )
echo "krew_archive_checksums:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for os in "${!archs[@]}"; do echo " $os:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for arch in arm arm64 amd64 ppc64le; do echo " $arch:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for version in "$@"; do checksum=0 [[ " ${archs[$os]} " != *" $arch "* ]] || checksum=$(_get_checksum "krew_archive" "$version" "$arch" "$os") echo " $version: $checksum" | tee --append "$checksums_file" done done done }
function get_calico_crds_archive_checksums { echo "calico_crds_archive_checksums:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for version in "$@"; do echo " $version: $(_get_checksum "calico_crds_archive" "$version")" | tee --append "$checksums_file" done }
function get_containerd_archive_checksums { declare -A support_version_history=( ["arm"]="2" ["arm64"]="1.6.0" ["amd64"]="1.5.5" ["ppc64le"]="1.6.7" )
echo "containerd_archive_checksums:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for arch in arm arm64 amd64 ppc64le; do echo " $arch:" | tee --append "$checksums_file" for version in "${@}"; do _vercmp "${version#v}" '>=' "${support_version_history[$arch]}" && checksum=$(_get_checksum "containerd_archive" "$version" "$arch") || checksum=0 echo " ${version#v}: $checksum" | tee --append "$checksums_file" done done }
function _get_checksum { local binary="$1" local version="$2" local arch="${3:-amd64}" local os="${4:-linux}" local target="$downloads_folder/$binary/$version-$os-$arch" readonly github_url="" readonly github_releases_url="$github_url/%s/releases/download/$version/%s" readonly github_archive_url="$github_url/%s/archive/%s" readonly google_url="" readonly release_url="" readonly k8s_url="$release_url/release/$version/bin/$os/$arch/%s"
# Download URLs declare -A urls=( ["crictl"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools" "crictl-$version-$os-$arch.tar.gz")" ["crio_archive"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "cri-o/cri-o" "cri-o.$arch.$version.tar.gz")" ["kubelet"]="$(printf "$k8s_url" "kubelet")" ["kubectl"]="$(printf "$k8s_url" "kubectl")" ["kubeadm"]="$(printf "$k8s_url" "kubeadm")" ["etcd_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "etcd-io/etcd" "etcd-$version-$os-$arch.tar.gz")" ["cni_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "containernetworking/plugins" "cni-plugins-$os-$arch-$version.tgz")" ["calicoctl_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "projectcalico/calico" "calicoctl-$os-$arch")" ["ciliumcli_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "cilium/cilium-cli" "cilium-$os-$arch.tar.gz")" ["calico_crds_archive"]="$(printf "$github_archive_url" "projectcalico/calico" "$version.tar.gz")" ["krew_archive"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "kubernetes-sigs/krew" "krew-${os}_$arch.tar.gz")" ["helm_archive"]="$version-$os-$arch.tar.gz" ["cri_dockerd_archive"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "Mirantis/cri-dockerd" "cri-dockerd-${version#v}.$arch.tgz")" ["runc"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "opencontainers/runc" "runc.$arch")" ["crun"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "containers/crun" "crun-$version-$os-$arch")" ["youki"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "containers/youki" "youki_$([ $version == "v0.0.1" ] && echo "v0_0_1" || echo "${version#v}" | sed 's|\.|_|g')_$os.tar.gz")" ["kata_containers_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "kata-containers/kata-containers" "kata-static-$version-${arch//amd64/x86_64}.tar.xz")" ["gvisor_runsc_binary"]="$(printf "$google_url/gvisor/releases/release/$version/%s/runsc" "$(echo "$arch" | sed -e 's/amd64/x86_64/' -e 's/arm64/aarch64/')")" ["gvisor_containerd_shim_binary"]="$(printf "$google_url/gvisor/releases/release/$version/%s/containerd-shim-runsc-v1" "$(echo "$arch" | sed -e 's/amd64/x86_64/' -e 's/arm64/aarch64/')")" ["nerdctl_archive"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "containerd/nerdctl" "nerdctl-${version#v}-$os-$([ "$arch" == "arm" ] && echo "arm-v7" || echo "$arch" ).tar.gz")" ["containerd_archive"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "containerd/containerd" "containerd-${version#v}-$os-$arch.tar.gz")" ["skopeo_binary"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "lework/skopeo-binary" "skopeo-$os-$arch")" ["yq"]="$(printf "$github_releases_url" "mikefarah/yq" "yq_${os}_$arch")" )
mkdir -p "$(dirname $target)" [ -f "$target" ] || curl -LfSs -o "${target}" "${urls[$binary]}" sha256sum ${target} | awk '{print $1}' }
function main { mkdir -p "$(dirname "$checksums_file")" echo "---" | tee "$checksums_file" get_checksums crictl $(get_versions github_tags kubernetes-sigs/cri-tools) get_checksums crio_archive $(get_versions github_tags cri-o/cri-o) kubernetes_versions=$(get_versions github_tags kubernetes/kubernetes 20) echo "# Checksum" | tee --append "$checksums_file" echo "# Kubernetes versions above Kubespray's current target version are untested and should be used with caution." | tee --append "$checksums_file" get_checksums kubelet $kubernetes_versions get_checksums kubectl $kubernetes_versions get_checksums kubeadm $kubernetes_versions get_checksums etcd_binary $(get_versions github_tags etcd-io/etcd) get_checksums cni_binary $(get_versions github_tags containernetworking/plugins) calico_versions=$(get_versions github_tags projectcalico/calico 20) get_checksums calicoctl_binary $calico_versions get_checksums ciliumcli_binary $(get_versions github_tags cilium/cilium-cli 10) get_calico_crds_archive_checksums $calico_versions get_krew_archive_checksums $(get_versions github_tags kubernetes-sigs/krew 2) get_checksums helm_archive $(get_versions github_tags helm/helm) get_checksums cri_dockerd_archive $(get_versions github_tags Mirantis/cri-dockerd) get_checksums runc $(get_versions github_tags opencontainers/runc 5) get_checksums crun $(get_versions github_tags containers/crun) get_checksums youki $(get_versions github_tags containers/youki) get_checksums kata_containers_binary $(get_versions github_tags kata-containers/kata-containers 10) gvisor_versions=$(get_versions github_tags google/gvisor 0 "import sys,re;tags=[tag[8:16] for tag in sys.stdin if re.match('^release-?(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)$',tag)];print(' '.join(tags[:9]))") get_checksums gvisor_runsc_binary $gvisor_versions get_checksums gvisor_containerd_shim_binary $gvisor_versions get_checksums nerdctl_archive $(get_versions github_tags containerd/nerdctl) get_containerd_archive_checksums $(get_versions github_tags containerd/containerd 30) get_checksums skopeo_binary $(get_versions github_tags lework/skopeo-binary) get_checksums yq $(get_versions github_tags mikefarah/yq) }
if [[ ${__name__:-"__main__"} == "__main__" ]]; then main fi