#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # original: https://github.com/CiscoCloud/terraform.py
Dynamic inventory for Terraform - finds all `.tfstate` files below the working directory and generates an inventory based on them. """
import argparse from collections import defaultdict import random from functools import wraps import json import os import re
VERSION = '0.4.0pre'
def tfstates(root=None): root = root or os.getcwd() for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(root): for name in filenames: if os.path.splitext(name)[-1] == '.tfstate': yield os.path.join(dirpath, name)
def convert_to_v3_structure(attributes, prefix=''): """ Convert the attributes from v4 to v3
Receives a dict and return a dictionary """
result = {} if isinstance(attributes, str): # In the case when we receive a string (e.g. values for security_groups) return {'{}{}'.format(prefix, random.randint(1,10**10)): attributes} for key, value in attributes.items(): if isinstance(value, list): if len(value): result['{}{}.#'.format(prefix, key, hash)] = len(value) for i, v in enumerate(value): result.update(convert_to_v3_structure(v, '{}{}.{}.'.format(prefix, key, i))) elif isinstance(value, dict): result['{}{}.%'.format(prefix, key)] = len(value) for k, v in value.items(): result['{}{}.{}'.format(prefix, key, k)] = v else: result['{}{}'.format(prefix, key)] = value return result
def iterresources(filenames): for filename in filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as json_file: state = json.load(json_file) tf_version = state['version'] if tf_version == 3: for module in state['modules']: name = module['path'][-1] for key, resource in module['resources'].items(): yield name, key, resource elif tf_version == 4: # In version 4 the structure changes so we need to iterate # each instance inside the resource branch. for resource in state['resources']: name = resource['provider'].split('.')[-1] for instance in resource['instances']: key = "{}.{}".format(resource['type'], resource['name']) if 'index_key' in instance: key = "{}.{}".format(key, instance['index_key']) data = {} data['type'] = resource['type'] data['provider'] = resource['provider'] data['depends_on'] = instance.get('depends_on', []) data['primary'] = {'attributes': convert_to_v3_structure(instance['attributes'])} if 'id' in instance['attributes']: data['primary']['id'] = instance['attributes']['id'] data['primary']['meta'] = instance['attributes'].get('meta',{}) yield name, key, data else: raise KeyError('tfstate version %d not supported' % tf_version)
def _clean_dc(dcname): # Consul DCs are strictly alphanumeric with underscores and hyphens - # ensure that the consul_dc attribute meets these requirements. return re.sub('[^\w_\-]', '-', dcname)
def iterhosts(resources): '''yield host tuples of (name, attributes, groups)''' for module_name, key, resource in resources: resource_type, name = key.split('.', 1) try: parser = PARSERS[resource_type] except KeyError: continue
yield parser(resource, module_name)
def iterips(resources): '''yield ip tuples of (instance_id, ip)''' for module_name, key, resource in resources: resource_type, name = key.split('.', 1) if resource_type == 'openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2': yield openstack_floating_ips(resource)
def parses(prefix): def inner(func): PARSERS[prefix] = func return func
return inner
def calculate_mantl_vars(func): """calculate Mantl vars"""
@wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): name, attrs, groups = func(*args, **kwargs)
# attrs if attrs.get('role', '') == 'control': attrs['consul_is_server'] = True else: attrs['consul_is_server'] = False
# groups if attrs.get('publicly_routable', False): groups.append('publicly_routable')
return name, attrs, groups
return inner
def _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep='.'): for compkey, value in list(source.items()): try: curprefix, rest = compkey.split(sep, 1) except ValueError: continue
if curprefix != prefix or rest == '#': continue
yield rest, value
def parse_attr_list(source, prefix, sep='.'): attrs = defaultdict(dict) for compkey, value in _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep): idx, key = compkey.split(sep, 1) attrs[idx][key] = value
return list(attrs.values())
def parse_dict(source, prefix, sep='.'): return dict(_parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep))
def parse_list(source, prefix, sep='.'): return [value for _, value in _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep)]
def parse_bool(string_form): if type(string_form) is bool: return string_form
token = string_form.lower()[0]
if token == 't': return True elif token == 'f': return False else: raise ValueError('could not convert %r to a bool' % string_form)
@parses('packet_device') def packet_device(resource, tfvars=None): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] name = raw_attrs['hostname'] groups = []
attrs = { 'id': raw_attrs['id'], 'facilities': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'facilities'), 'hostname': raw_attrs['hostname'], 'operating_system': raw_attrs['operating_system'], 'locked': parse_bool(raw_attrs['locked']), 'tags': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'tags'), 'plan': raw_attrs['plan'], 'project_id': raw_attrs['project_id'], 'state': raw_attrs['state'], # ansible 'ansible_ssh_host': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'ansible_ssh_user': 'root', # Use root by default in packet # generic 'ipv4_address': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'public_ipv4': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'ipv6_address': raw_attrs['network.1.address'], 'public_ipv6': raw_attrs['network.1.address'], 'private_ipv4': raw_attrs['network.2.address'], 'provider': 'packet', }
if raw_attrs['operating_system'] == 'flatcar_stable': # For Flatcar set the ssh_user to core attrs.update({'ansible_ssh_user': 'core'})
# add groups based on attrs groups.append('packet_operating_system=' + attrs['operating_system']) groups.append('packet_locked=%s' % attrs['locked']) groups.append('packet_state=' + attrs['state']) groups.append('packet_plan=' + attrs['plan'])
# groups specific to kubespray groups = groups + attrs['tags']
return name, attrs, groups
def openstack_floating_ips(resource): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] attrs = { 'ip': raw_attrs['floating_ip'], 'instance_id': raw_attrs['instance_id'], } return attrs
def openstack_floating_ips(resource): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] return raw_attrs['instance_id'], raw_attrs['floating_ip']
@parses('openstack_compute_instance_v2') @calculate_mantl_vars def openstack_host(resource, module_name): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] name = raw_attrs['name'] groups = []
attrs = { 'access_ip_v4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'access_ip_v6': raw_attrs['access_ip_v6'], 'access_ip': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'ip': raw_attrs['network.0.fixed_ip_v4'], 'flavor': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'flavor', sep='_'), 'id': raw_attrs['id'], 'image': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'image', sep='_'), 'key_pair': raw_attrs['key_pair'], 'metadata': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'metadata'), 'network': parse_attr_list(raw_attrs, 'network'), 'region': raw_attrs.get('region', ''), 'security_groups': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'security_groups'), # ansible 'ansible_ssh_port': 22, # workaround for an OpenStack bug where hosts have a different domain # after they're restarted 'host_domain': 'novalocal', 'use_host_domain': True, # generic 'public_ipv4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'private_ipv4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'provider': 'openstack', }
if 'floating_ip' in raw_attrs: attrs['private_ipv4'] = raw_attrs['network.0.fixed_ip_v4']
try: if 'metadata.prefer_ipv6' in raw_attrs and raw_attrs['metadata.prefer_ipv6'] == "1": attrs.update({ 'ansible_ssh_host': re.sub("[\[\]]", "", raw_attrs['access_ip_v6']), 'publicly_routable': True, }) else: attrs.update({ 'ansible_ssh_host': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'publicly_routable': True, }) except (KeyError, ValueError): attrs.update({'ansible_ssh_host': '', 'publicly_routable': False})
# Handling of floating IPs has changed: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-openstack/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#010-june-21-2017
# attrs specific to Ansible if 'metadata.ssh_user' in raw_attrs: attrs['ansible_ssh_user'] = raw_attrs['metadata.ssh_user']
if 'volume.#' in list(raw_attrs.keys()) and int(raw_attrs['volume.#']) > 0: device_index = 1 for key, value in list(raw_attrs.items()): match = re.search("^volume.*.device$", key) if match: attrs['disk_volume_device_'+str(device_index)] = value device_index += 1
# attrs specific to Mantl attrs.update({ 'role': attrs['metadata'].get('role', 'none') })
# add groups based on attrs groups.append('os_image=' + str(attrs['image']['id'])) groups.append('os_flavor=' + str(attrs['flavor']['name'])) groups.extend('os_metadata_%s=%s' % item for item in list(attrs['metadata'].items())) groups.append('os_region=' + str(attrs['region']))
# groups specific to kubespray for group in attrs['metadata'].get('kubespray_groups', "").split(","): groups.append(group)
return name, attrs, groups
def iter_host_ips(hosts, ips): '''Update hosts that have an entry in the floating IP list''' for host in hosts: host_id = host[1]['id']
if host_id in ips: ip = ips[host_id]
host[1].update({ 'access_ip_v4': ip, 'access_ip': ip, 'public_ipv4': ip, 'ansible_ssh_host': ip, })
if 'use_access_ip' in host[1]['metadata'] and host[1]['metadata']['use_access_ip'] == "0": host[1].pop('access_ip')
yield host
## QUERY TYPES def query_host(hosts, target): for name, attrs, _ in hosts: if name == target: return attrs
return {}
def query_list(hosts): groups = defaultdict(dict) meta = {}
for name, attrs, hostgroups in hosts: for group in set(hostgroups): # Ansible 2.6.2 stopped supporting empty group names: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/42584/commits/d4cd474b42ed23d8f8aabb2a7f84699673852eaf # Empty group name defaults to "all" in Ansible < 2.6.2 so we alter empty group names to "all" if not group: group = "all"
groups[group].setdefault('hosts', []) groups[group]['hosts'].append(name)
meta[name] = attrs
groups['_meta'] = {'hostvars': meta} return groups
def query_hostfile(hosts): out = ['## begin hosts generated by terraform.py ##'] out.extend( '{}\t{}'.format(attrs['ansible_ssh_host'].ljust(16), name) for name, attrs, _ in hosts )
out.append('## end hosts generated by terraform.py ##') return '\n'.join(out)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( __file__, __doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) modes.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', help='list all variables') modes.add_argument('--host', help='list variables for a single host') modes.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help='print version and exit') modes.add_argument('--hostfile', action='store_true', help='print hosts as a /etc/hosts snippet') parser.add_argument('--pretty', action='store_true', help='pretty-print output JSON') parser.add_argument('--nometa', action='store_true', help='with --list, exclude hostvars') default_root = os.environ.get('TERRAFORM_STATE_ROOT', os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', ))) parser.add_argument('--root', default=default_root, help='custom root to search for `.tfstate`s in')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version: print('%s %s' % (__file__, VERSION)) parser.exit()
hosts = iterhosts(iterresources(tfstates(args.root)))
# Perform a second pass on the file to pick up floating_ip entries to update the ip address of referenced hosts ips = dict(iterips(iterresources(tfstates(args.root))))
if ips: hosts = iter_host_ips(hosts, ips)
if args.list: output = query_list(hosts) if args.nometa: del output['_meta'] print(json.dumps(output, indent=4 if args.pretty else None)) elif args.host: output = query_host(hosts, args.host) print(json.dumps(output, indent=4 if args.pretty else None)) elif args.hostfile: output = query_hostfile(hosts) print(output)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()