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Setup cloud storage

This document explains how to setup cloud storages to store the imported datasets to the cloud storage. The following cloud storages are supported in doccano:

Amazon S3

The steps of connecting your Amazon S3 bucket to doccano to store the imported datasets.

Create credentials

You must provide your AWS access keys to make programmatic calls to AWS.

When you create your access keys, you create the access key ID (for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) and secret access key (for example, wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY) as a set. The secret access key is available for download only when you create it. If you don't download your secret access key or if you lose it, you must create a new one.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as an IAM user.
  2. In the navigation bar on the upper right, choose your user name and then choose My Security Credentials.
  3. To create an access key, choose Create access key. If you already have two access keys, this button is disabled and you must delete an access key before you can create a new one. When prompted, choose either Show secret access key or Download .csv file. This is your only opportunity to save your secret access key. After you've saved your secret access key in a secure location, chose Close.

Create a bucket

To store your dataset to Amazon S3, you must first create an Amazon S3 bucket in one of the AWS Regions. When you create a bucket, you must choose a bucket name and Region. You can optionally choose other storage management options for the bucket. After you create a bucket, you cannot change the bucket name or Region.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console.
  2. Choose Create bucket.
  3. In Bucket name, enter a name for your bucket(e.g. doccano).
  4. In Region, choose the AWS Region where you want the bucket to reside. Choose a Region close to you to minimize latency and costs and address regulatory requirements.
  5. Under Object Ownership, to disable or enable ACLs and control ownership of objects uploaded in your bucket, choose ACLs disabled.
  6. In Bucket settings for Block Public Access, choose the Block Public Access settings that you want to apply to the bucket.
  7. Choose Create bucket.

Create a .env file

Once you create a credential and a bucket, you must create a .env file:

Google Cloud Storage

The steps of connecting your Google Cloud Storage bucket to doccano to store the imported datasets.

Create credentials

Create a service account:

  1. In the Cloud Console, go to the Create service account page.
  2. Select your project.
  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name. The Cloud Console fills in the Service account ID field based on this name. In the Service account description field, enter a description. For example, Service account for quickstart.
  4. Click Create and continue.
  5. To provide access to your project, grant the following role(s) to your service account: Cloud Storage > Storage Admin.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Done to finish creating the service account. Do not close your browser window. You will use it in the next step.

Create a service account key:

  1. In the Cloud Console, click the email address for the service account that you created.
  2. Click Keys.
  3. Click Add key, then click Create new key.
  4. Click Create. A JSON key file is downloaded to your computer.
  5. Click Close.

Create a .env file

Once you create a credential and a bucket, you must create a .env file. Notice that the file contents differ slightly between the Pip and Docker versions:

# In the case of Pip
# In the case of Docker

Run doccano with the .env file


When you execute the webserver and task command, specify --env_file option:

doccano webserver --env_file=.env
doccano task --env_file=.env


When you execute the docker container create command, specify --eng-file option:

# Create a container
docker container create --name doccano \
  -e "ADMIN_USERNAME=admin" \
  -e "" \
  -e "ADMIN_PASSWORD=password" \
  -v doccano-db:/data \
  --env-file .env \
  -p 8000:8000 doccano/doccano

# Notice that you must copy the credential in the case of Google Cloud Storage
docker cp {CREDENTIAL_PATH} doccano:/doccano/

# Start the container
docker container start doccano
