# Setup Auto Labeling In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up and use the auto-labeling feature. Auto-labeling is a feature that automates labeling using the Web API. This is not required to use doccano, but if you set it up, you will be able to label data more efficiently. The tutorial is divided into several sections: - Select a Template will give you a starting point to follow the tutorial. - Set Request Parameters will teach you how to set parameters required to send a request. - Specify Response Mapping will teach you the way to extract the label information from the response. - Specify Label Mapping will give you the way to map the extracted labels to the internal labels of doccano. - Enable the Feature will show you how to enable the auto-labeling. In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up auto-labeling using Amazon Comprehend Sentiment Analysis as an example. Therefore, we assume that you have a text classification project in doccano, an AWS account and be able to generate access keys. ## Select a Template First, move to the "settings" page and open "Auto Labeling" tab. The new tab should display a "Create" button and an empty table. Click the button and select "Amazon Comprehend Sentiment Analysis" from the dropdown menu: ![](../images/auto-labeling/select_template.png) ## Set Request Parameters Next, you need to set parameters to send an API request. In the case of Amazon Comprehend Sentiment Analysis, the following parameters are required: - aws_access_key - aws_secret_access_key - region_name - language_code In the following example, we set `us-west-2` as a `region_name` and `en` as a `language_code`: ![](../images/auto-labeling/set_parameters.png) Then, we will test them using the sample text to make sure whether the parameters are set correctly or not. In this case, we set "I like you" as a sample text and be able to get the response from Amazon Comprehend Sentiment Analysis. If you look at the Sentiment field in the response, you will see that its value is POSITIVE: ![](../images/auto-labeling/test_parameters.png) ## Specify Response Mapping Now, you can successfully fetch the API response. Next, you need to convert it to doccano format(below) with the mapping template([Jinja2](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.11.x/) format). ```plain Text Classification [{ "label": "Cat" }, ...] Sequence Labeling [{ "label": "Cat", "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 5 }, ...] Sequence to sequence [{ "text": "Cat" }, ...] ``` In the case of Amazon Comprehend Sentiment Analysis, we want to get `Sentiment` value from the response. As we can access the entire response by the `input` variable, the mapping template looks like the following: ```json [ { "label": "{{ input.Sentiment }}" } ] ``` After setting the template, we will test them using the sample response. This response is the same one we fetched in the `Set Request Parameters` section. ![](../images/auto-labeling/test_mapping_template.png) ## Specify Label Mapping Once you specify the mapping template, you need to convert the label in the response into the one you defined at the label page. Click the `Add` button and fill in the `From` and `To` fields. `From` means the response label string. In this case, we can specify `POSITIVE`. `To` means the label of this project. In this case, we specify `positive`: ![](../images/auto-labeling/add_label_mapping.png) After adding the label mapping, we will test them using the sample response: ![](../images/auto-labeling/test_label_mapping.png) ## Enable the Feature Finally, move to the "annotation" page and click "Auto Labeling" button. It should display a "Slide" button for switching enable/disable auto-labeling feature. Try to enable it: ![](../images/auto-labeling/enable.png) Each time you view a new document, it will be labeled automatically.