This document aims to instruct how to setup OAuth for doccano. doccano now supports social login via GitHub and Active Directory by [#75]( In this document, we show GitHub OAuth as an example. ## Create OAuth App 1. In the upper-right corner of GitHub, click your profile photo, then click **Settings**. 2. In the left sidebar, click **Developer settings**. 3. In the left sidebar, click **OAuth Apps**. 4. Click **New OAuth App**. 5. In "Application name", type the name of your app. 6. In "Homepage URL", type the full URL to your app's website. 7. In "Authorization callback URL", type the callback URL(e.g. ) of your app. 8. Click Register application. ## Set enviromental variables Once the application is registered, your app's `Client ID` and `Client Secret` will be displayed on the following page: ![image]( 1. Copy the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` from the Developer Applications of your app on GitHub. 2. Set the `Client ID` and `Client Secret` to enviromental variables: ```bash export OAUTH_GITHUB_KEY=YOUR_CLIENT_ID export OAUTH_GITHUB_SECRET=YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET ``` ## Run server ```bash python runserver ``` Go to login page: ![image](