# doccano doccano is a document annotation tool. The purpose is making annotation process efficient. First, manually labeling small data in minutes using the labeling interface. Second, train built-in classification model using the labeled data and classify unlabeled data with their probability. Then, sort data in ascending order by the probability. You can efficiently annotate the data. ![doccano](docs/demo.png) ## Features * Active Learning based annotation ## Requirements * Python3.6+ * numpy 1.14.3+ * scikit-learn 0.19.1+ * scipy 1.1.0+ * django 2.0.5+ Put data into [doccano/data](https://github.com/chakki-works/doccano/tree/master/data) directory. ## Installation To install doccano, simply run: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/chakki-works/doccano.git $ cd doccano $ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Usage First, run web application: ```bash $ cd doccano/server $ python run_server.py ``` Then, open in your browser.