<template> <v-app> <the-header> <template #leftDrawerIcon> <v-app-bar-nav-icon @click="drawerLeft = !drawerLeft" /> </template> </the-header>
<v-navigation-drawer v-model="drawerLeft" app clipped color="" > <the-side-bar :link="getLink" :role="getCurrentUserRole" /> </v-navigation-drawer>
<v-main> <v-overlay :value="loading"> <v-progress-circular indeterminate size="64" /> </v-overlay> <v-container fluid> <v-row no-gutters class="d-none d-sm-flex" > <v-col> <approve-button v-if="canViewApproveButton" :approved="approved" :disabled="currentDoc ? false : true" /> <filter-button v-model="filterOption" /> <guideline-button /> </v-col> <v-spacer /> <v-col> <pagination v-model="page" :length="total" /> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row justify="center"> <v-col cols="12" md="9"> <nuxt /> </v-col> <v-col cols="12" md="3"> <metadata-box v-if="currentDoc && !loading" :metadata="JSON.parse(currentDoc.meta)" /> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-main>
<bottom-navigator v-model="page" :length="total" class="d-flex d-sm-none" /> </v-app> </template>
<script> import { mapActions, mapGetters, mapState, mapMutations } from 'vuex' import BottomNavigator from '@/components/containers/annotation/BottomNavigator' import GuidelineButton from '@/components/containers/annotation/GuidelineButton' import MetadataBox from '@/components/organisms/annotation/MetadataBox' import FilterButton from '@/components/containers/annotation/FilterButton' import ApproveButton from '@/components/containers/annotation/ApproveButton' import Pagination from '~/components/containers/annotation/Pagination' import TheHeader from '~/components/organisms/layout/TheHeader' import TheSideBar from '~/components/organisms/layout/TheSideBar'
export default { middleware: ['check-auth', 'auth', 'set-project'],
components: { TheSideBar, TheHeader, BottomNavigator, Pagination, GuidelineButton, FilterButton, ApproveButton, MetadataBox },
fetch() { this.getDocumentList({ projectId: this.$route.params.id, limit: this.limit, offset: this.offset, q: this.$route.query.q, isChecked: this.filterOption, filterName: this.getFilterOption }) },
data() { return { drawerLeft: null, limit: 10 } },
computed: { ...mapGetters('projects', ['getLink', 'getCurrentUserRole', 'getFilterOption', 'canViewApproveButton']), ...mapState('documents', ['loading', 'total']), ...mapGetters('documents', ['currentDoc', 'approved']), page: { get() { return parseInt(this.$route.query.page, 10) }, set(value) { this.$router.push({ query: { isChecked: this.$route.query.isChecked, page: parseInt(value, 10), q: this.$route.query.q } }) } }, filterOption: { get() { return this.$route.query.isChecked }, set(value) { this.$router.push({ query: { isChecked: value, page: 1, q: this.$route.query.q } }) } }, offset() { return Math.floor((this.page - 1) / this.limit) * this.limit }, current() { return (this.page - 1) % this.limit }, searchOptions() { // a bit tricky technique to capture variables change simultaneously.
// see https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/844#issuecomment-265315349
return JSON.stringify({ page: this.page, q: this.$route.query.q, isChecked: this.filterOption }) } },
watch: { total() { // To validate the range of page variable on reloading the annotation page.
if (this.total !== 0 && this.page > this.total) { this.$router.push({ path: `/projects/${this.$route.params.id}/` }) } }, offset() { this.$fetch() }, filterOption() { this.page = 1 this.$fetch() }, current: { handler() { this.setCurrent(this.current) }, immediate: true }, searchOptions() { this.saveSearchOptions(JSON.parse(this.searchOptions)) } },
methods: { ...mapActions('documents', ['getDocumentList']), ...mapMutations('documents', ['setCurrent']), ...mapMutations('projects', ['saveSearchOptions']) } } </script>