You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  18. <v-flex>
  19. <h1 class="mb-2 display-1 text-xs-center">
  20. Text Annotation for Human
  21. </h1>
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  32. GitHub
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  34. <v-btn
  35. class="blue lighten-2 ml-5"
  36. dark
  37. large
  38. href="/auth"
  39. >
  40. Get Started
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  56. <h2 class="headline">
  57. The best features
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  70. <v-card-title primary-title class="layout justify-center">
  71. <div class="headline text-xs-center font-weight-bold mb-2">
  72. Team Collaboration
  73. </div>
  74. </v-card-title>
  75. <v-card-text class="subtitle-1 layout justify-center">
  76. Annotation with your team mates.
  77. </v-card-text>
  78. </v-card>
  79. </v-flex>
  80. <v-flex xs12 md4>
  81. <v-card>
  82. <v-img
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  86. <v-card-title primary-title class="layout justify-center">
  87. <div class="headline text-xs-center font-weight-bold mb-2">
  88. Any Language
  89. </div>
  90. </v-card-title>
  91. <v-card-text class="subtitle-1 layout justify-center">
  92. Annotation with any language.
  93. </v-card-text>
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  96. <v-flex xs12 md4>
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  102. <v-card-title primary-title class="layout justify-center">
  103. <div class="headline text-xs-center font-weight-bold mb-2">
  104. Open Source
  105. </div>
  106. </v-card-title>
  107. <v-card-text class="subtitle-1 layout justify-center">
  108. Annotation with free and customizable.
  109. </v-card-text>
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  142. xs12
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  145. <h1 class="mb-2 display-1 text-xs-center">
  146. Realize your ideas quickly
  147. </h1>
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  149. <v-btn
  150. class="blue lighten-2"
  151. dark
  152. large
  153. href="/demo"
  154. >
  155. Try demo
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