import * as marked from 'marked'; import VueJsonPretty from 'vue-json-pretty'; import isEmpty from 'lodash.isempty'; import HTTP from './http'; import Preview from './preview.vue';
const getOffsetFromUrl = (url) => { const offsetMatch = url.match(/[?#].*offset=(\d+)/); if (offsetMatch == null) { return 0; }
return parseInt(offsetMatch[1], 10); };
const removeHost = (url) => { if (!url) { return url; }
const hostMatch = url.match(/^https?:\/\/[^/]*\/(.*)$/); if (hostMatch == null) { return url; }
return `${window.location.origin}/${hostMatch[1]}`; };
const storeOffsetInUrl = (offset) => { let href = window.location.href;
const fragmentStart = href.indexOf('#') + 1; if (fragmentStart === 0) { href += '#offset=' + offset; } else { const prefix = href.substring(0, fragmentStart); const fragment = href.substring(fragmentStart);
const newFragment = fragment.split('&').map((fragmentPart) => { const keyValue = fragmentPart.split('='); return keyValue[0] === 'offset' ? 'offset=' + offset : fragmentPart; }).join('&');
href = prefix + newFragment; }
window.location.href = href; };
const getLimitFromUrl = (url, prevLimit) => { try { const limitMatch = url.match(/[?#].*limit=(\d+)/);
return parseInt(limitMatch[1], 10); } catch (err) { return prevLimit; } };
const getSidebarTotal = (count, limit) => ( count !== 0 && limit !== 0 ? Math.ceil(count / limit) : 0 );
const getSidebarPage = (offset, limit) => ( limit !== 0 ? Math.ceil(offset / limit) + 1 : 0 );
export default { components: { VueJsonPretty, Preview },
data() { return { pageNumber: 0, docs: [], annotations: [], labels: [], guideline: '', total: 0, remaining: 0, searchQuery: '', url: '', offset: getOffsetFromUrl(window.location.href), picked: 'all', ordering: '', count: 0, prevLimit: 0, paginationPages: 0, paginationPage: 0, singleClassClassification: false, isAnnotationApprover: false, isMetadataActive: false, isAnnotationGuidelineActive: false, }; },
methods: {
resetScrollbar() { const textbox = this.$refs.textbox; if (textbox) { textbox.scrollTop = 0; } },
async nextPage() { this.pageNumber += 1; if (this.pageNumber === this.docs.length) { if (this.next) { this.url = this.next; await this.search(); this.pageNumber = 0; } else { this.pageNumber = this.docs.length - 1; } } else { this.resetScrollbar(); } },
async prevPage() { this.pageNumber -= 1; if (this.pageNumber === -1) { if (this.prev) { this.url = this.prev; await this.search(); this.pageNumber = this.docs.length - 1; } else { this.pageNumber = 0; } } else { this.resetScrollbar(); } },
async nextPagination() { if (this.next) { this.url = this.next; await this.search(); this.pageNumber = 0; } else { this.pageNumber = this.docs.length - 1; } this.resetScrollbar(); },
async prevPagination() { if (this.prev) { this.url = this.prev; await this.search(); this.pageNumber = this.docs.length - this.limit; } else { this.pageNumber = 0; } this.resetScrollbar(); },
async search() { await HTTP.get(this.url).then((response) => { this.docs = response.data.results; this.next = removeHost(response.data.next); this.prev = removeHost(response.data.previous); this.count = response.data.count; this.annotations = this.docs.map(doc => doc.annotations); this.offset = getOffsetFromUrl(this.url); this.prevLimit = this.limit; if (this.next || this.prevLimit) { this.limit = getLimitFromUrl(this.next, this.prevLimit); } else { this.limit = this.count; } this.paginationPages = getSidebarTotal(this.count, this.limit); this.paginationPage = getSidebarPage(this.offset, this.limit); }); },
documentMetadataFor(i) { const document = this.docs[i]; if (document == null || document.meta == null) { return null; }
const metadata = JSON.parse(document.meta); if (isEmpty(metadata)) { return null; }
return metadata; },
getState() { if (this.picked === 'all') { return ''; } if (this.picked === 'active') { return 'true'; } return 'false'; },
async submit() { const state = this.getState(); this.url = `docs?q=${this.searchQuery}&is_checked=${state}&offset=${this.offset}&ordering=${this.ordering}`; await this.search(); this.pageNumber = 0; },
removeLabel(annotation) { const docId = this.docs[this.pageNumber].id; return HTTP.delete(`docs/${docId}/annotations/${annotation.id}`).then(() => { const index = this.annotations[this.pageNumber].indexOf(annotation); this.annotations[this.pageNumber].splice(index, 1); }); },
replaceNull(shortcut) { if (shortcut == null) { shortcut = ''; } shortcut = shortcut.split(' '); return shortcut; },
shortcutKey(label) { let shortcut = label.suffix_key; if (label.prefix_key) { shortcut = `${label.prefix_key} ${shortcut}`; } return shortcut; },
approveDocumentAnnotations() { const document = this.docs[this.pageNumber]; const approved = !this.documentAnnotationsAreApproved;
HTTP.post(`docs/${document.id}/approve-labels`, { approved }).then((response) => { Object.assign(this.docs[this.pageNumber], response.data); }); },
watch: {
picked() { this.submit(); },
ordering() { this.offset = 0; this.submit(); },
annotations() { // fetch progress info.
HTTP.get('statistics?include=total&include=remaining').then((response) => { this.total = response.data.total; this.remaining = response.data.remaining; }); },
offset() { storeOffsetInUrl(this.offset); }, },
created() { HTTP.get('labels').then((response) => { this.labels = response.data; }); HTTP.get().then((response) => { this.singleClassClassification = response.data.single_class_classification; this.guideline = response.data.guideline; const roles = response.data.current_users_role; this.isAnnotationApprover = roles.is_annotation_approver || roles.is_project_admin; }); this.submit(); },
computed: { achievement() { const done = this.total - this.remaining; const percentage = Math.round(done / this.total * 100); return this.total > 0 ? percentage : 0; },
compiledMarkdown() { const documentMetadata = this.documentMetadata;
const guideline = documentMetadata && documentMetadata.guideline ? documentMetadata.guideline : this.guideline;
return marked(guideline, { sanitize: true, }); },
documentAnnotationsAreApproved() { const document = this.docs[this.pageNumber]; return document != null && document.annotation_approver != null; },
documentAnnotationsApprovalTooltip() { const document = this.docs[this.pageNumber];
return this.documentAnnotationsAreApproved ? `Annotations approved by ${document.annotation_approver}, click to reject annotations` : 'Click to approve annotations'; },
displayDocumentMetadata() { let documentMetadata = this.documentMetadata; if (documentMetadata == null) { return null; }
documentMetadata = { ...documentMetadata }; delete documentMetadata.guideline; delete documentMetadata.documentSourceUrl; return documentMetadata; },
documentMetadata() { return this.documentMetadataFor(this.pageNumber); },
id2label() { const id2label = {}; for (let i = 0; i < this.labels.length; i++) { const label = this.labels[i]; id2label[label.id] = label; } return id2label; },
progressColor() { if (this.achievement < 30) { return 'is-danger'; } if (this.achievement < 70) { return 'is-warning'; } return 'is-primary'; }, }, };