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  1. ## I can't install doccano.
  2. Following list is ordered by from easy to hard. If you are not familiar with Python development, please consider easy setup.
  3. 1. [One click deployment to Cloud Service.](
  4. * Only you have to do is create an account. Especially [Heroku]( does not require your credit card (if free plan).
  5. * [![Deploy to Azure](](
  6. * [![Deploy](](
  7. * [![AWS CloudFormation Launch Stack SVG Button](](
  8. * > Notice: (1) EC2 KeyPair cannot be created automatically, so make sure you have an existing EC2 KeyPair in one region. Or [create one yourself]( (2) If you want to access doccano via HTTPS in AWS, here is an [instruction](
  9. 2. [Use Docker](
  10. * Docker doesn't bother you by the OS, Python version, etc problems. Because an environment for application is packed as a container.
  11. * Get doccano's image: `docker pull chakkiworks/doccano`
  12. * Create & Run doccano container: `docker run -d --name doccano -p 8000:80 chakkiworks/doccano`
  13. * Create a user: `docker exec doccano tools/ "admin" "" "password"`
  14. * Stop doccano container: `docker stop doccano`
  15. * Re-Launch doccano container: `docker start doccano`
  16. 3. Install from source
  17. * **I want to remember you that this is the hardest setup way. You have to install Python/Node.js and type many commands.**
  18. * [Install Python](
  19. * [Install Node.js](
  20. * Get the source code of doccano: `git clone`
  21. * Move to doccano directory: `cd doccano`
  22. * Create environment for doccano: `virtualenv venv`
  23. * Activate environment: `source venv/bin/activate`
  24. * Install required packages: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
  25. * Move server directory: `cd app/server`
  26. * Build frontend library: `npm install`
  27. * Build frontend source code: `npm run build`
  28. * Back to server directory: `cd ../`
  29. * Initialize doccano: `python migrate`
  30. * Create user: `python createsuperuser`
  31. * Run doccano: `python runserver`
  32. * Stop doccano: Ctrl+C
  33. * Re-Launch doccano: `python runserver` (Confirm you are at `app/server` directory and environment is active).
  34. ## I can't upload my data.
  35. Please check the following list.
  36. - File encoding: `UTF-8` is appropriate.
  37. - Filename: alphabetic file name is suitable.
  38. - File format selection: File format radio button should be selected properly.
  39. - When you are using JSON/JSONL: Confirm JSON data is valid.
  40. - You can use [JSONLint]( or some other tool (when JSONL, pick one data and check it).
  41. - When you are using CSV: Confirm CSV data is valid.
  42. - You can use Excel or some tools that have import CSV feature.
  43. - Lack of line: Data file should not contain blank line.
  44. - Lack of field: Data file should not contain blank field.
  45. **You don't need your real & all data to validate file format. The picked data & masked data is suitable if your data is large or secret.**
  46. ## I want to add annotators.
  47. * You can create other annotators by [Django Admin site](