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  1. [[source]]
  2. name = "pypi"
  3. url = ""
  4. verify_ssl = true
  5. [dev-packages]
  6. model-mommy = "*"
  7. unittest-xml-reporting = "*"
  8. vcrpy = "*"
  9. vcrpy-unittest = "*"
  10. coverage = "*"
  11. flake8 = "*"
  12. isort = "*"
  13. pytest = "*"
  14. autopep8 = "*"
  15. pytest-cov = "*"
  16. mypy = "*"
  17. watchdog = "*"
  18. argh = "*"
  19. [packages]
  20. django = "~=3.2"
  21. django-heroku = "*"
  22. environs = "*"
  23. furl = "*"
  24. djangorestframework = "*"
  25. django-filter = "*"
  26. social-auth-app-django = "*"
  27. django-polymorphic = "*"
  28. django-cors-headers = "*"
  29. drf-yasg = "*"
  30. djangorestframework-xml = "*"
  31. apache-libcloud = "*"
  32. djangorestframework-csv = "*"
  33. django-rest-polymorphic = "*"
  34. conllu = "*"
  35. chardet = "*"
  36. colour = "*"
  37. pyexcel = "*"
  38. seqeval = "*"
  39. whitenoise = "*"
  40. dj-database-url = "*"
  41. python-jose = "*"
  42. pyexcel-xlsx = "*"
  43. lockfile = "*"
  44. gunicorn = "*"
  45. fasteners = "*"
  46. auto-labeling-pipeline = "*"
  47. dj-rest-auth = "*"
  48. django-drf-filepond = "*"
  49. celery = "~=5.2"
  50. django-celery-results = "*"
  51. sqlalchemy = "*"
  52. waitress = "*"
  53. [requires]
  54. python_version = "3.8"
  55. [scripts]
  56. isort = "isort api -c --skip migrations"
  57. flake8 = "flake8 --filename \"*.py\" --extend-exclude \"server,api/migrations,api/views/,authentification,api/\""
  58. wait_for_db = "python wait_for_db"
  59. test = "python test api.tests roles.tests members.tests metrics.tests users.tests data_import.tests"
  60. migrate = "python migrate"
  61. collectstatic = "python collectstatic --noinput"