<template> <v-main> <v-container fluid> <v-row justify="center"> <v-col cols="12" md="9"> <v-card> <v-img contain :src="currentDoc.filename" max-height="300" class="grey lighten-2" /> </v-card> <v-card> <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="currentDoc.annotations" item-key="id" hide-default-header hide-default-footer disable-pagination class="elevation-1" @input="update" > <template #top> <v-text-field v-model="newText" :prepend-inner-icon="mdiPencil" :label="$t('annotation.newText')" autofocus single-line hide-details filled @keyup.enter="create" @compositionstart="compositionStart" @compositionend="compositionEnd" /> </template> <template #[`item.text`]="{ item }"> <v-edit-dialog> <span class="title" style="font-weight: 400"> {{ item.text }} </span> <template #input> <v-textarea :value="item.text" :label="$t('generic.edit')" autofocus @change="update(item.id, $event)" /> </template> </v-edit-dialog> </template> <template #[`item.action`]="{ item }"> <v-icon small @click="remove(item.id)"> {{ mdiDeleteOutline }} </v-icon> </template> </v-data-table> </v-card> </v-col> <v-col cols="12" md="3"> <list-metadata :metadata="currentDoc.meta" /> </v-col> </v-row> </v-container> </v-main> </template>
<script> import { mdiPencil, mdiDeleteOutline } from '@mdi/js' import ListMetadata from '@/components/tasks/metadata/ListMetadata'
export default { components: { ListMetadata }, layout: 'demo',
data() { return { newText: '', headers: [ { text: 'Text', align: 'left', value: 'text' }, { text: 'Actions', align: 'right', value: 'action' } ], isComposing: false, hasCompositionJustEnded: false, mdiPencil, mdiDeleteOutline, currentDoc: { id: 8, filename: require('~/assets/images/demo/cat.jpeg'), annotations: [ { id: 17, text: 'A cat playing with flowers', user: 1, document: 8 }, { id: 18, text: 'A flower is blooming on the ground', user: 1, document: 8 } ], meta: { url: 'https://github.com/Hironsan' }, annotation_approver: null } } },
methods: { update(annotationId, text) { if (text.length > 0) { const index = this.currentDoc.annotations.findIndex((item) => item.id === annotationId) this.currentDoc.annotations[index].text = text } else { this.remove(annotationId) } }, create() { if (this.isComposing || this.hasCompositionJustEnded) { this.hasCompositionJustEnded = false return } if (this.newText.length > 0) { const payload = { id: Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)), text: this.newText } this.currentDoc.annotations.push(payload) this.newText = '' } }, remove(annotationId) { this.currentDoc.annotations = this.currentDoc.annotations.filter( (item) => item.id !== annotationId ) }, compositionStart() { this.isComposing = true }, compositionEnd() { this.isComposing = false this.hasCompositionJustEnded = true } } } </script>