<template> <v-stage ref="stageRef" :config="{ ...configStage, dragBoundFunc }" @mousedown="onMouseDown"> <v-layer> <base-image :image-url="imageUrl" @loaded="imageLoaded" /> </v-layer> <v-layer> <v-editing-region v-if="!!editingPolygon" :polygon="editingPolygon" :color="editingPolygon.getColor(labels)" :max-width="imageSize.width" :max-height="imageSize.height" :scale="scale" @drag-end-polygon="translatePolygon" @mouse-over-start-point="onMouseOverStartPoint" @mouse-out-start-point="onMouseOutStartPoint" @drag-point="movePoint" @double-click-point="removePoint" /> </v-layer> <v-layer> <v-region v-for="(polygon, index) in readonlyPolygons" :key="`polygon-${index}`" :polygon="polygon" :highlight-id="highlightId" :is-selected="polygon.id === selectedPolygon" :selected-point="selectedPoint" :max-width="imageSize.width" :max-height="imageSize.height" :scale="scale" :color="polygon.getColor(labels)" @click-point="updateSelectedPoint" @click-line="insertPoint" @click-polygon="updateSelectedPolygon" @drag-end-polygon="translatePolygon" @drag-end-point="movePoint" @double-click-point="removePoint" /> </v-layer> </v-stage> </template>
<script lang="ts"> import Konva from 'konva' import type { PropType } from 'vue' import Vue from 'vue' import VEditingRegion from './VEditingRegion.vue' import VRegion from './VRegion.vue' import BaseImage from '@/components/tasks/image/BaseImage.vue' import Polygon from '@/domain/models/tasks/segmentation/Polygon' import PolygonProps from '@/domain/models/tasks/segmentation/PolygonProps' import LabelProps from '@/domain/models/tasks/shared/LabelProps' import { transform } from '@/domain/models/tasks/shared/Scaler'
export default Vue.extend({ name: 'VSegmentation',
components: { VEditingRegion, VRegion, BaseImage },
props: { imageUrl: { type: String, required: true }, labels: { type: Array as () => LabelProps[], required: true }, polygons: { type: Array as () => PolygonProps[], required: true }, selectedLabel: { type: Object as PropType<LabelProps | undefined>, default: undefined }, scale: { type: Number, default: 1 }, highlightId: { type: String, required: false, default: 'uuid' } },
data() { return { imageSize: { width: 0, height: 0 }, editingPolygon: null as Polygon | null, isMouseOverStartPoint: false, selectedPolygon: null as string | null, selectedPoint: -1, configStage: { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, draggable: true }, stage: {} as Konva.Stage } },
computed: { readonlyPolygons() { return this.polygons.map((p: PolygonProps) => new Polygon(p.label, p.points, p.id)) } },
watch: { scale() { this.setZoom() } },
mounted() { document.addEventListener('keydown', this.removePointOrPolygon) window.addEventListener('resize', this.setZoom) this.stage = (this.$refs.stageRef as unknown as Konva.StageConfig).getNode() },
beforeDestroy() { document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.removePointOrPolygon) window.removeEventListener('resize', this.setZoom) },
methods: { onMouseDown(e: Konva.KonvaEventObject<MouseEvent>) { if (e.target instanceof Konva.Image) { // while new polygon is creating, prevent to select polygon.
this.selectedPolygon = null } if (!this.selectedLabel) { return } // prevent multiple event.
if (e.target instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { return } // prevent to create circle on Polygon.
if (e.target instanceof Konva.Line) { return } if (e.target instanceof Konva.Circle) { if ( this.isMouseOverStartPoint && this.editingPolygon && this.editingPolygon.canBeClosed() ) { this.$emit('add-polygon', this.editingPolygon.toProps()) this.editingPolygon = null } return }
const pos = this.stage.getPointerPosition()! const { x: stageX = 0, y: stageY = 0 } = this.stage.attrs pos.x = transform(pos.x, stageX, this.scale) pos.y = transform(pos.y, stageY, this.scale) if (!this.editingPolygon) { this.editingPolygon = new Polygon(this.selectedLabel.id, [pos.x, pos.y]) } else { this.editingPolygon.addPoint(pos.x, pos.y) } },
onMouseOverStartPoint() { this.isMouseOverStartPoint = true },
onMouseOutStartPoint() { this.isMouseOverStartPoint = false },
updateSelectedPolygon(polygon: Polygon) { this.selectedPoint = -1 if (this.selectedPolygon === polygon.id) { this.selectedPolygon = null } else { this.selectedPolygon = polygon.id } this.$emit('select-polygon', this.selectedPolygon) },
updateSelectedPoint(point: number) { if (this.selectedPoint === point) { this.selectedPoint = -1 } else { this.selectedPoint = point } },
insertPoint(polygon: Polygon, index: number, x: number, y: number) { polygon.insertPoint(x, y, index) this.$emit('update-polygon', polygon.toProps()) },
translatePolygon(polygon: Polygon, dx: number, dy: number) { polygon.translate(dx, dy) this.$emit('update-polygon', polygon.toProps()) },
movePoint(polygon: Polygon, index: number, x: number, y: number) { polygon.movePoint(index, x, y) this.$emit('update-polygon', polygon.toProps()) },
removePoint(polygon: Polygon, index: number) { polygon.removePoint(index) this.$emit('update-polygon', polygon.toProps()) },
removePointOrPolygon(e: KeyboardEvent) { if (e.key === 'Backspace' || e.key === 'Delete') { if (this.selectedPoint !== -1) { const polygon = this.readonlyPolygons.find((p) => p.id === this.selectedPolygon) this.removePoint(polygon!, this.selectedPoint) this.selectedPoint = -1 return } if (this.selectedPolygon !== null) { this.$emit('delete-polygon', this.selectedPolygon) this.selectedPolygon = null } } },
dragBoundFunc(pos: { x: number; y: number }) { const { stageX = 0, stageY = 0 } = this.stage.attrs let x = pos.x - stageX let y = pos.y - stageY const paddingX = this.imageSize.width * this.scale - this.configStage.width const paddingY = this.imageSize.height * this.scale - this.configStage.height if (paddingX + x < 0) x = -paddingX if (paddingY + y < 0) y = -paddingY if (this.configStage.width + paddingX + x > this.imageSize.width * this.scale) x = 0 if (this.configStage.height + paddingY + y > this.imageSize.height * this.scale) y = 0 x += stageX y += stageY return { x, y } },
imageLoaded(width: number, height: number) { const maxScale = this.$el.clientWidth / width const imageIsSmallerThanContainer = maxScale > 1 this.imageSize.width = width this.imageSize.height = height if (imageIsSmallerThanContainer) { this.configStage.width = width this.configStage.height = height this.stage.scale({ x: 1, y: 1 }) this.$emit('update-scale', 1) } else { this.configStage.width = width * maxScale this.configStage.height = height * maxScale this.stage.scale({ x: maxScale, y: maxScale }) this.$emit('update-scale', maxScale) } this.stage.draw() },
setZoom() { if (this.scale < 0) { return } const maxScale = this.$el.clientWidth / this.imageSize.width this.stage.scale({ x: this.scale, y: this.scale }) if (this.scale <= maxScale) { this.configStage.width = this.imageSize.width * this.scale } else { this.configStage.width = this.imageSize.width * maxScale } this.configStage.height = this.imageSize.height * this.scale this.$el.setAttribute('style', `min-height: ${this.configStage.height}px`) } } }) </script>