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  1. # HTTPS settings for doccano in AWS
  2. 1. Create hosted zone in Route 53
  3. 2. Create certificate in ACM
  4. 3. Create EC2 instance
  5. 4. Create ELB
  6. 5. Create A record in Route 53
  7. ## Create hosted zone in Route 53
  8. HTTPS need a domain name. If you don't have one, you can register it by the AWS Route 53 service, or you can get one from other domain seller.
  9. After you get a domain name, you can create Hosted Zone by Route 53.
  10. If you register domain from Route 53, you can find it in the `Hosted Zone`.
  11. ![2B0FF02C-42DA-41D1-BFA1-31018BE006ED](
  12. ## Create certificate in ACM
  13. ![22F3520E-909A-4215-B73A-DBB452E3D4E2](
  14. You should replace the domain name by yours.
  15. ![image-20190314145326046](
  16. ![image-20190314145344449](
  17. ![4FC120A2-6DB5-4F03-A209-12C22EDD6097](
  18. Don't forget to Create record in Route 53 in step 4.
  19. After you request a certificate, wait for a while, You should see the status become 'Issued'.
  20. ![3AAE20BC-FC34-4738-AED0-D7D67929F6FF](
  21. ## Create EC2 instance
  22. In this part, you can just click the launch button to create a EC2 instance.
  23. [![AWS CloudFormation Launch Stack SVG Button](](
  24. ## Create ELB
  25. ![image-20190314150439785](
  26. Click the `Create Load Balancer` button and select `Application Load Balancer`.
  27. Fill the name, change protocol to HTTPS, and do not forget add at least two availability zones. Make sure the zone that EC2 instance created is included.
  28. ![02BE83A7-4C43-48BE-BCF0-95D2DF7C603D](
  29. Select the certificate we created early.
  30. ![image-20190314151004337](
  31. You can select the same security groups created when you create the EC2 instance.
  32. ![image-20190314151110756](
  33. Or you can create a new one
  34. ![image-20190314151253917](
  35. Fill the target group name and leave others defualt.
  36. ![image-20190314151314109](
  37. Add the instance to registered.
  38. ![image-20190314151358736](
  39. Then review and create.
  40. ## Create A record in Route 53
  41. Back to route 53, and click `Create Record Set`. Fill the subname and the ELB name in the `Alias Target`.
  42. ![image-20190314151601030](
  43. Finally, you can access the doccano by HTTPS.
  44. ![image-20190314151841872](