You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<template> <v-card> <v-card-title> <v-btn class="text-capitalize ms-2" :disabled="!canDelete" outlined @click.stop="dialogDelete=true" > {{ $t('generic.delete') }} </v-btn> <v-dialog v-model="dialogDelete"> <form-delete :selected="selected" @cancel="dialogDelete=false" @remove="remove" /> </v-dialog> </v-card-title> <comment-list v-model="selected" :items="item.items" :is-loading="isLoading" :total="item.count" @update:query="updateQuery" @click:labeling="movePage" /> </v-card> </template>
<script lang="ts"> import Vue from 'vue' import _ from 'lodash' import CommentList from '@/components/comment/CommentList.vue' import { CommentReadDTO, CommentListDTO } from '~/services/application/comment/commentData' import { ProjectDTO } from '~/services/application/project/projectData' import FormDelete from '~/components/comment/FormDelete.vue'
export default Vue.extend({
components: { CommentList, FormDelete }, layout: 'project',
validate({ params }) { return /^\d+$/.test( },
data() { return { dialogDelete: false, project: {} as ProjectDTO, item: {} as CommentListDTO, selected: [] as CommentReadDTO[], isLoading: false } },
async fetch() { this.isLoading = true this.project = await this.$services.project.findById(this.projectId) this.item = await this.$services.comment.listProjectComment(this.projectId, this.$route.query) this.isLoading = false },
computed: { canDelete(): boolean { return this.selected.length > 0 }, projectId() { return this.$ } },
watch: { '$route.query': _.debounce(function() { // @ts-ignore
this.$fetch() }, 1000 ), },
methods: { async remove() { await this.$services.comment.deleteBulk(this.projectId, this.selected) this.$fetch() this.dialogDelete = false this.selected = [] }, updateQuery(query: object) { this.$router.push(query) }, movePage(query: object) { this.updateQuery({ path: this.localePath(this.project.pageLink), query }) } } }) </script>
<style scoped> ::v-deep .v-dialog { width: 800px; } </style>