<template> <v-card> <v-card-title> {{ $t('dataset.importDataTitle') }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> <v-overlay :value="isImporting"> <v-progress-circular indeterminate size="64" /> </v-overlay> <v-select v-model="selected" :items="catalog" item-text="name" label="File format" outlined /> <v-form v-model="valid"> <v-text-field v-for="(item, key) in textFields" :key="key" v-model="option[key]" :label="item.title" :rules="requiredRules" outlined /> <v-select v-for="(val, key) in selectFields" :key="key" v-model="option[key]" :items="val.enum" :label="val.title" outlined > <template #selection="{ item }"> {{ toVisualize(item) }} </template> <template #item="{ item }"> {{ toVisualize(item) }} </template> </v-select> </v-form> <v-sheet v-if="selected" :dark="!$vuetify.theme.dark" :light="$vuetify.theme.dark" class="mb-5 pa-5" > <pre>{{ example }}</pre> </v-sheet> <file-pond v-if="selected && acceptedFileTypes !== '*'" ref="pond" chunk-uploads="true" label-idle="Drop files here..." :allow-multiple="true" :accepted-file-types="acceptedFileTypes" :server="server" :files="myFiles" @processfile="handleFilePondProcessFile" @removefile="handleFilePondRemoveFile" /> <file-pond v-if="selected && acceptedFileTypes === '*'" ref="pond" chunk-uploads="true" label-idle="Drop files here..." :allow-multiple="true" :server="server" :files="myFiles" @processfile="handleFilePondProcessFile" @removefile="handleFilePondRemoveFile" /> <v-data-table v-if="errors.length > 0" :headers="headers" :items="errors" class="elevation-1" ></v-data-table> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-btn class='text-capitalize ms-2 primary' :disabled="isDisabled" @click="importDataset" > {{ $t('generic.import') }} </v-btn> </v-card-actions> </v-card> </template>
<script> import Cookies from 'js-cookie' import vueFilePond from "vue-filepond" import "filepond/dist/filepond.min.css" import FilePondPluginFileValidateType from "filepond-plugin-file-validate-type" const FilePond = vueFilePond( FilePondPluginFileValidateType, )
export default {
components: { FilePond, },
layout: 'project',
validate({ params }) { return /^\d+$/.test(params.id) }, data() { return { catalog: [], selected: null, myFiles: [], option: {'column_data': '', 'column_label': '', 'delimiter': ''}, taskId: null, polling: null, errors: [], headers: [ { text: 'Filename', value: 'filename' }, { text: 'Line', value: 'line' }, { text: 'Message', value: 'message' } ], requiredRules: [ v => !!v || 'Field value is required' ], server: { url: '/v1/fp', headers: { 'X-CSRFToken': Cookies.get('csrftoken'), }, process: { url: '/process/', method: 'POST', }, patch: '/patch/', revert: '/revert/', restore: '/restore/', load: '/load/', fetch: '/fetch/' }, uploadedFiles: [], valid: false, isImporting: false, } },
computed: { isDisabled() { return this.uploadedFiles.length === 0 || this.taskId !== null || !this.valid }, properties() { const item = this.catalog.find(item => item.name === this.selected) if (item) { return item.properties } else { return {} } }, textFields() { const asArray = Object.entries(this.properties) const textFields = asArray.filter(([_, value]) => !('enum' in value)) return Object.fromEntries(textFields) }, selectFields() { const asArray = Object.entries(this.properties) const textFields = asArray.filter(([_, value]) => 'enum' in value) return Object.fromEntries(textFields) }, acceptedFileTypes() { const item = this.catalog.find(item => item.name === this.selected) if (item) { return item.acceptTypes } else { return '' } }, example() { const item = this.catalog.find(item => item.name === this.selected) if (item) { const column_data = 'column_data' const column_label = 'column_label' if (column_data in this.option && column_label in this.option) { return item.example.replaceAll(column_data, this.option[column_data]) .replaceAll(column_label, this.option[column_label]) .trim() } else { return item.example.trim() } } else { return '' } } },
watch: { selected() { const item = this.catalog.find(item => item.name === this.selected) for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(item.properties)) { this.option[key] = value.default } this.myFiles = [] for (const file of this.uploadedFiles) { this.$services.parse.revert(file.serverId) } this.uploadedFiles = [] this.errors = [] } },
async created() { this.catalog = await this.$services.catalog.list(this.$route.params.id) this.pollData() },
beforeDestroy() { clearInterval(this.polling) },
methods: { handleFilePondProcessFile(error, file) { console.log(error) this.uploadedFiles.push(file) this.$nextTick() }, handleFilePondRemoveFile(error, file) { console.log(error) const index = this.uploadedFiles.findIndex(item => item.id === file.id) if (index > -1) { this.uploadedFiles.splice(index, 1) this.$nextTick() } }, async importDataset() { this.isImporting = true this.taskId = await this.$services.parse.analyze( this.$route.params.id, this.selected, this.uploadedFiles.map(item => item.serverId), this.option ) }, pollData() { this.polling = setInterval(async() => { if (this.taskId) { const res = await this.$services.taskStatus.get(this.taskId) if (res.ready) { this.taskId = null this.errors = res.result.error this.myFiles = [] this.uploadedFiles = [] this.isImporting = false if (this.errors.length === 0) { this.$router.push(`/projects/${this.$route.params.id}/dataset`) } } } }, 3000) }, toVisualize(text) { if (text === '\t') { return 'Tab' } else if (text === ' ') { return 'Space' } else if (text === '') { return 'None' } else { return text } } }, }; </script>