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5 years ago
  1. # Project information
  2. site_name: 'doccano'
  3. site_description: 'A Text Annotation tool for Humans'
  4. site_author: 'Hiroki Nakayama'
  5. site_url: ''
  6. docs_dir: .
  7. # Repository
  8. repo_name: 'doccano/doccano'
  9. repo_url: ''
  10. # Copyright
  11. copyright: 'Copyright © 2018 - 2019 Hiroki Nakayama'
  12. theme:
  13. name: 'material'
  14. palette:
  15. primary: 'cyan'
  16. accent: 'cyan'
  17. show_sidebar: true
  18. extra:
  19. social:
  20. - icon: 'fontawesome/brands/github'
  21. link: ''
  22. - icon: 'fontawesome/brands/github'
  23. link: ''
  24. plugins:
  25. - same-dir
  26. # Page tree
  27. nav:
  28. - Get started:
  29. - Install and upgrade doccano:
  30. - Tutorial:
  31. - Project Structure:
  32. - Advanced:
  33. - AWS HTTPS settings: advanced/
  34. - OAuth2 settings: advanced/
  35. - FAQ:
  36. - Code of Conduct:
  37. - Roadmap: