import ProjectService from '@/services/project.service'
export const state = () => ({ projects: [], selected: [], current: {}, loading: false })
export const getters = { isDeletable(state) { const isProjectAdministrator = project => project.current_users_role.is_project_admin return state.selected.length > 0 && state.selected.every(isProjectAdministrator) }, isEmpty(state) { return Object.keys(state.current).length === 0 && state.current.constructor === Object }, currentProject(state) { return state.current }, getCurrentUserRole(state) { return state.current.current_users_role || {} }, canViewApproveButton(state) { const role = state.current.current_users_role return role && !role.is_annotator }, getFilterOption(state) { if (state.current.project_type === 'DocumentClassification') { return 'doc_annotations__isnull' } else if (state.current.project_type === 'SequenceLabeling') { return 'seq_annotations__isnull' } else if (state.current.project_type === 'Seq2seq') { return 'seq2seq_annotations__isnull' } else { return '' } }, getLink(state) { if (state.current.project_type === 'DocumentClassification') { return 'text-classification' } else if (state.current.project_type === 'SequenceLabeling') { return 'sequence-labeling' } else if (state.current.project_type === 'Seq2seq') { return 'sequence-to-sequence' } else { return '' } }, getImportFormat(state) { const plain = { type: 'plain', text: 'Plain text', accept: '.txt', examples: [ 'EU rejects German call to boycott British lamb.\n', 'Peter Blackburn\n', 'President Obama' ] } const csv = { type: 'csv', text: 'CSV', accept: '.csv' } const json = { type: 'json', text: 'JSONL', accept: '.json,.jsonl' } const conll = { type: 'conll', text: 'CoNLL', accept: '.conll' } const excel = { type: 'excel', text: 'Excel', accept: '.xlsx' } const fastText = { type: 'fastText', text: 'FastText', accept: '.txt' } if (state.current.project_type === 'DocumentClassification') { json.examples = [ '{"text": "Terrible customer service.", "labels": ["negative"]}\n', '{"text": "Really great transaction.", "labels": ["positive"]}\n', '{"text": "Great price.", "labels": ["positive"]}' ] csv.examples = [ 'text,label\n', '"Terrible customer service.","negative"\n', '"Really great transaction.","positive"\n', '"Great price.","positive"' ] excel.examples = [ 'text,label\n', '"Terrible customer service.","negative"\n', '"Really great transaction.","positive"\n', '"Great price.","positive"' ] fastText.examples = [ '__label__[label name] text \n', '__label_president Obama Trump' ] return [ plain, csv, json, excel, fastText ] } else if (state.current.project_type === 'SequenceLabeling') { json.examples = [ '{"text": "EU rejects German call to boycott British lamb.", "labels": [ [0, 2, "ORG"], [11, 17, "MISC"], ... ]}\n', '{"text": "Peter Blackburn", "labels": [ [0, 15, "PERSON"] ]}\n', '{"text": "President Obama", "labels": [ [10, 15, "PERSON"] ]}' ] conll.examples = [ 'EU\tB-ORG\n', 'rejects\tO\n', 'German\tB-MISC\n', 'call\tO\n', 'to\tO\n', 'boycott\tO\n', 'British\tB-MISC\n', 'lamb\tO\n', '.\tO\n\n', 'Peter\tB-PER\n', 'Blackburn\tI-PER' ] return [ plain, json, conll ] } else if (state.current.project_type === 'Seq2seq') { json.examples = [ '{"text": "Hello!", "labels": ["こんにちは!"]}\n', '{"text": "Good morning.", "labels": ["おはようございます。"]}\n', '{"text": "See you.", "labels": ["さようなら。"]}' ] csv.examples = [ 'text,label\n', '"Hello!","こんにちは!"\n', '"Good morning.","おはようございます。"\n', '"See you.","さようなら。"' ] excel.examples = [ 'text,label\n', '"Hello!","こんにちは!"\n', '"Good morning.","おはようございます。"\n', '"See you.","さようなら。"' ] return [ plain, csv, json, excel ] } else { return [] } }, getExportFormat(state) { const csv = { type: 'csv', text: 'CSV', suffix: 'csv' } const json = { type: 'json', text: 'JSONL', suffix: 'jsonl' } const jsonl = { type: 'jsonl', text: 'JSONL(Text label)', suffix: 'jsonl' } const fastText = { type: 'txt', text: 'FastText', suffix: 'txt' } if (state.current.project_type === 'DocumentClassification') { json.examples = [ '{"id": 1, "text": "Terrible customer service.", "annotations": [{"id": 1, "label": 1, "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 2, "text": "Really great transaction.", "annotations": [{"id": 2, "label": 2, "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 3, "text": "Great price.", "annotations": [{"id": 3, "label": 2, "user": 1}]}' ] csv.examples = [ 'id,text,label,user\n', '1,"Terrible customer service.",1,1\n', '2,"Really great transaction.",2,1\n', '3,"Great price.",2,1' ] fastText.examples = [ '__label__pet dog cat \n', '__label__car VW BMW' ] return [ csv, json, fastText ] } else if (state.current.project_type === 'SequenceLabeling') { json.examples = [ '{"id": 1, "text": "EU rejects ...", "annotations": [{"id": 1, "label": 2, "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 2, "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 2, "text": "Peter Blackburn", "annotations": [{"id": 2, "label": 1, "start_offset": 0, "end_offset": 15, "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 3, "text": "President Obama", "annotations": [{"id": 3, "label": 1, "start_offset": 10, "end_offset": 15, "user": 1}]}' ] jsonl.examples = [ '{"id": 1, "text": "EU rejects ...", "labels": [[0,2,"ORG"], [11,17, "MISC"], [34,41,"ORG"]]}\n', '{"id": 2, "text": "Peter Blackburn", "labels": [[0, 15, "PERSON"]]}\n', '{"id": 3, "text": "President Obama", "labels": [[10, 15, "PERSON"]]}\n' ] return [ json, jsonl ] } else if (state.current.project_type === 'Seq2seq') { json.examples = [ '{"id": 1, "text": "Hello!", "annotations": [{"id": 1, "label": "こんにちは!", "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 2, "text": "Good morning.", "annotations": [{"id": 2, "label": "おはようございます。", "user": 1}]}\n', '{"id": 3, "text": "See you.", "annotations": [{"id": 3, "label": "さようなら。", "user": 1}]}' ] csv.examples = [ 'id,text,label,user\n', '1,"Hello!","こんにちは!",1\n', '2,"Good morning.","おはようございます。",1\n', '3,"See you.","さようなら。",1' ] return [ csv, json ] } else { return [] } }, loadSearchOptions(state) { const checkpoint = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('checkpoint')) || {} return checkpoint[state.current.id] ? checkpoint[state.current.id] : { page: 1 } } }
export const mutations = { setProjectList(state, payload) { state.projects = payload }, createProject(state, project) { state.projects.unshift(project) }, updateProject(state, project) { const item = state.projects.find(item => item.id === project.id) Object.assign(item, project) }, deleteProject(state, projectId) { state.projects = state.projects.filter(item => item.id !== projectId) }, updateSelected(state, selected) { state.selected = selected }, resetSelected(state) { state.selected = [] }, setLoading(state, payload) { state.loading = payload }, setCurrent(state, payload) { state.current = payload }, saveSearchOptions(state, options) { const checkpoint = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('checkpoint')) || {} checkpoint[state.current.id] = options localStorage.setItem('checkpoint', JSON.stringify(checkpoint)) } }
export const actions = { getProjectList({ commit }, config) { commit('setLoading', true) ProjectService.getProjectList() .then((response) => { commit('setProjectList', response.data) }) .catch((error) => { alert(error) }) .finally(() => { commit('setLoading', false) }) }, createProject({ commit }, project) { ProjectService.createProject(project) .then((response) => { commit('createProject', response.data) }) .catch((error) => { alert(error) }) }, updateProject({ commit }, data) { ProjectService.updateProject(data.projectId, data) .then((response) => { commit('updateProject', response.data) }) .catch((error) => { alert(error) }) }, deleteProject({ commit, state }, config) { for (const project of state.selected) { ProjectService.deleteProject(project.id) .then((response) => { commit('deleteProject', project.id) }) .catch((error) => { alert(error) }) } commit('resetSelected') }, setCurrentProject({ commit }, projectId) { return ProjectService.fetchProjectById(projectId) .then((response) => { commit('setCurrent', response.data) }) .catch((error) => { throw new Error(error) }) }, updateCurrentProject({ commit }, data) { ProjectService.updateProject(data.projectId, data) .then((response) => { commit('setCurrent', response.data) }) .catch((error) => { alert(error) }) } }