You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

199 lines
14 KiB

0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/bin/npm', 'install', '-g', 'grunt-cli' ]
2 info using npm@1.2.19
3 info using node@v0.10.3
4 verbose node symlink /usr/bin/node
5 verbose read json /usr/lib/package.json
6 verbose read json /usr/lib/package.json
7 verbose cache add [ 'grunt-cli', null ]
8 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="grunt-cli" args=["grunt-cli",null]
9 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
9 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
9 verbose parsed url auth: null,
9 verbose parsed url host: null,
9 verbose parsed url port: null,
9 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
9 verbose parsed url hash: null,
9 verbose parsed url search: null,
9 verbose parsed url query: null,
9 verbose parsed url pathname: 'grunt-cli',
9 verbose parsed url path: 'grunt-cli',
9 verbose parsed url href: 'grunt-cli' }
10 silly lockFile 671ef8ac-grunt-cli grunt-cli
11 verbose lock grunt-cli /home/jack/.npm/671ef8ac-grunt-cli.lock
12 silly lockFile 671ef8ac-grunt-cli grunt-cli
13 silly lockFile 671ef8ac-grunt-cli grunt-cli
14 verbose addNamed [ 'grunt-cli', '' ]
15 verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
16 silly lockFile d63f3d0b-grunt-cli grunt-cli@
17 verbose lock grunt-cli@ /home/jack/.npm/d63f3d0b-grunt-cli.lock
18 silly addNameRange { name: 'grunt-cli', range: '', hasData: false }
19 verbose url raw grunt-cli
20 verbose url resolving [ '', './grunt-cli' ]
21 verbose url resolved
22 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 15:10:01
23 http GET
24 http 200
25 silly registry.get cb [ 200,
25 silly registry.get { vary: 'Accept',
25 silly registry.get server: 'CouchDB/1.3.0 (Erlang OTP/R15B03)',
25 silly registry.get etag: '"F54TJAZN9L80XXUJO8JCHZCLE"',
25 silly registry.get date: 'Mon, 06 May 2013 19:09:58 GMT',
25 silly registry.get 'content-type': 'application/json',
25 silly registry.get 'content-length': '19936' } ]
26 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'grunt-cli', range: '', hasData: true }
27 silly addNameRange versions [ 'grunt-cli',
27 silly addNameRange [ '0.1.0',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.1',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.2',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.3',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.4',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.5',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.6',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.7',
27 silly addNameRange '0.1.8' ] ]
28 verbose addNamed [ 'grunt-cli', '0.1.8' ]
29 verbose addNamed [ '0.1.8', '0.1.8' ]
30 silly lockFile b69d88c5-grunt-cli-0-1-8 grunt-cli@0.1.8
31 verbose lock grunt-cli@0.1.8 /home/jack/.npm/b69d88c5-grunt-cli-0-1-8.lock
32 silly lockFile bdce9388-rg-grunt-cli-grunt-cli-0-1-8-tgz
33 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/bdce9388-rg-grunt-cli-grunt-cli-0-1-8-tgz.lock
34 verbose addRemoteTarball [ '',
34 verbose addRemoteTarball '74b59b91487a4ce061a4001d592ddac85de402d2' ]
35 info retry fetch attempt 1 at 15:10:01
36 verbose fetch to= /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz
37 http GET
38 http 200
39 verbose tar unpack /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz
40 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
41 verbose lock /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package /home/jack/.npm/f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package.lock
42 silly lockFile 417f37c5-1800-0-10603197501040995-tmp-tgz /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz
43 verbose lock /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz /home/jack/.npm/417f37c5-1800-0-10603197501040995-tmp-tgz.lock
44 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
45 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
46 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
47 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
48 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Gruntfile.js
49 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
50 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
51 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE-MIT
52 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/grunt
53 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry completion/bash
54 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/cli.js
55 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/completion.js
56 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/info.js
57 verbose read json /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package/package.json
58 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
59 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
60 silly lockFile 417f37c5-1800-0-10603197501040995-tmp-tgz /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz
61 silly lockFile 417f37c5-1800-0-10603197501040995-tmp-tgz /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/tmp.tgz
62 verbose from cache /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package/package.json
63 verbose tar pack [ '/home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz',
63 verbose tar pack '/home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package' ]
64 verbose tarball /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
65 verbose folder /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
66 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
67 verbose lock /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package /home/jack/.npm/f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package.lock
68 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
69 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz /home/jack/.npm/f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz.lock
70 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
71 silly lockFile f26bced2-1800-0-10603197501040995-package /home/jack/tmp/npm-14625/1367867401800-0.10603197501040995/package
72 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
73 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
74 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
75 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package /home/jack/.npm/bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package.lock
76 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
77 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
78 verbose tar unpack /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
79 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
80 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package /home/jack/.npm/bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package.lock
81 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
82 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz /home/jack/.npm/f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz.lock
83 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
84 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
85 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
86 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
87 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Gruntfile.js
88 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
89 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry AUTHORS
90 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry LICENSE-MIT
91 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry bin/grunt
92 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry completion/bash
93 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/cli.js
94 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/completion.js
95 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry lib/info.js
96 verbose read json /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package/package.json
97 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
98 silly lockFile bb3ad032-jack-npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package
99 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
100 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
101 verbose from cache /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package/package.json
102 verbose chmod /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz 644
103 verbose chown /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz [ 1000, 1000 ]
104 silly lockFile bdce9388-rg-grunt-cli-grunt-cli-0-1-8-tgz
105 silly lockFile bdce9388-rg-grunt-cli-grunt-cli-0-1-8-tgz
106 silly lockFile b69d88c5-grunt-cli-0-1-8 grunt-cli@0.1.8
107 silly lockFile b69d88c5-grunt-cli-0-1-8 grunt-cli@0.1.8
108 silly lockFile d63f3d0b-grunt-cli grunt-cli@
109 silly lockFile d63f3d0b-grunt-cli grunt-cli@
110 silly resolved [ { name: 'grunt-cli',
110 silly resolved description: 'The grunt command line interface.',
110 silly resolved version: '0.1.8',
110 silly resolved author: { name: 'Grunt Team' },
110 silly resolved homepage: '',
110 silly resolved repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
110 silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
110 silly resolved licenses: [ [Object] ],
110 silly resolved bin: { grunt: 'bin/grunt' },
110 silly resolved engines: { node: '>= 0.8.0' },
110 silly resolved scripts: { test: 'node bin/grunt test' },
110 silly resolved preferGlobal: true,
110 silly resolved dependencies: { nopt: '~1.0.10', 'findup-sync': '~0.1.0', resolve: '~0.3.1' },
110 silly resolved devDependencies: { grunt: '~0.4.0', 'grunt-contrib-jshint': '~0.2.0' },
110 silly resolved contributors: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
110 silly resolved readme: '# grunt-cli [![Build Status](](\n> The Grunt command line interface.\n\nInstall this globally and you\'ll have access to the `grunt` command anywhere on your system.\n\n```shell\nnpm install -g grunt-cli\n```\n\n**Note:** The job of the `grunt` command is to load and run the version of Grunt you have installed locally to your project, irrespective of its version. Starting with Grunt v0.4, you should never install Grunt itself globally. For more information about why, [please read this](\n\nSee the [Getting Started]( guide for more information.\n\n## Shell tab auto-completion\nTo enable bash tab auto-completion for Grunt, add the following line to your `~/.bashrc` file. Currently, the only supported shell is bash.\n\n```bash\neval "$(grunt --completion=bash)"\n```\n\n## Installing grunt-cli locally\nIf you don\'t have administrator rights, you may need to install grunt-cli locally to your project using `npm install grunt-cli --save-dev`. Unfortunately, this will not put the `grunt` executable in your PATH. You\'ll need to specify its explicit location when executing it, eg: `./node_modules/.bin/grunt`,\n\nNote: Using grunt-cli in this way is unsupported.\n',
110 silly resolved readmeFilename: '',
110 silly resolved _id: 'grunt-cli@0.1.8',
110 silly resolved dist: { shasum: 'e267a34c2b95045f6353f98ff9fc692326e698aa' },
110 silly resolved _from: 'grunt-cli@',
110 silly resolved _resolved: '' } ]
111 info install grunt-cli@0.1.8 into /usr/lib
112 info installOne grunt-cli@0.1.8
113 verbose from cache /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package/package.json
114 info /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli unbuild
115 verbose read json /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/package.json
116 verbose tar unpack /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
117 silly lockFile e8d57df1-usr-lib-node-modules-grunt-cli /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
118 verbose lock /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli /home/jack/.npm/e8d57df1-usr-lib-node-modules-grunt-cli.lock
119 silly lockFile f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz
120 verbose lock /home/jack/.npm/grunt-cli/0.1.8/package.tgz /home/jack/.npm/f5ea5628--npm-grunt-cli-0-1-8-package-tgz.lock
121 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
122 error Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli'
122 error { [Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli']
122 error errno: 3,
122 error code: 'EACCES',
122 error path: '/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli',
122 error fstream_type: 'Directory',
122 error fstream_path: '/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli',
122 error fstream_class: 'DirWriter',
122 error fstream_stack:
122 error [ '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:36:23',
122 error '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:37:53',
122 error 'Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)' ] }
123 error Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
124 error System Linux 3.0.0-17-generic
125 error command "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "grunt-cli"
126 error cwd /home/jack/quirky/modules/semantic/node
127 error node -v v0.10.3
128 error npm -v 1.2.19
129 error path /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
130 error fstream_path /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli
131 error fstream_type Directory
132 error fstream_class DirWriter
133 error code EACCES
134 error errno 3
135 error stack Error: EACCES, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli'
136 error fstream_stack /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/fstream/lib/dir-writer.js:36:23
136 error fstream_stack /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/mkdirp/index.js:37:53
136 error fstream_stack Object.oncomplete (fs.js:107:15)
137 verbose exit [ 3, true ]