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  • v1.15.4 January 8, 2013

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Renamed testIgnorePatterns to isIgnoredPath
        • Added aliases for b/c compatibility
      • Added new ignorePaths option
  • v1.15.3 December 24, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added requireFresh
  • v1.15.2 December 16, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Fixed scandir not inheriting ignore patterns when recursing
  • v1.15.1 December 15, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Fixed testIgnorePatterns when ignoreCommonPatterns is set to true
  • v1.15.0 December 15, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added testIgnorePatterns
      • Renamed ignorePatterns to ignoreCommonPatterns, and added new ignoreCustomPatterns
        • Affects scandir options
      • Added emac cache files to ignoreCommonPatterns
  • v1.14.1 December 14, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added getExecPath that will fetch an executable path based on the paths within the environment PATH variable
    • Rebuilt with CoffeeScript 1.4.x
  • v1.14.0 November 23, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • readPath will now follow url redirects
  • v1.13.13 October 26, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Files that start with ~ are now correctly ignored in commonIgnorePatterns
  • v1.13.12 October 22, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • extend is now an alias of shallowExtendPlainObjects as they were exactly the same
    • balUtilHTML changes:
      • replaceElement and replaceElementAsync changes:
        • now accept arguments in object form as well
        • accept a removeIndentation argument that defaults to true
  • v1.13.11 October 22, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • ensurePath now returns err and exists instead of just err
    • balUtilModules changes:
      • initGitRepo will now default remote to origin and branch to master
      • Added initOrPullGitRepo
  • v1.13.10 October 7, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added shallowExtendPlainObjects
  • v1.13.9 October 7, 2012

  • v1.13.8 October 2, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added openProcess and closeProcess, and using them in spawn and exec, used to prevent EMFILE errors when there are too many open processes
      • Max number of open processes is configurable via the NODE_MAX_OPEN_PROCESSES environment variable balUtilPaths changes:
      • Max number of open files is now configurable via theNODE_MAX_OPEN_FILES environment variable
  • v1.13.7 September 24, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added textExtensions and binaryExtensions
        • The environment variables TEXT_EXTENSIONS and BINARY_EXTENSIONS will append to these arrays
      • Added isText and isTextSync
  • v1.13.6 September 18, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Improved getEncoding/getEncodingSync detection
        • Will now scan start, middle and end, instead of just middle
  • v1.13.5 September 13, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added getEncoding and getEncodingSync
  • v1.13.4 August 28, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Failing to retrieve the path on getGitPath, getNodePath and getNpmPath will now result in an error
  • v1.13.3 August 28, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Fixed exec and execMultiple
      • Added gitCommands, nodeCommands and npmCommands
    • Dropped node v0.4 support, min required version now 0.6
  • v1.13.2 August 16, 2012

    • Repackaged
  • v1.13.1 August 16, 2012

    • balUtilHTML changes:
      • Fixed replaceElement from mixing up elements that start with our desired selector, instead of being only our desired selector
  • v1.13.0 August 3, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added determineExecPath, getNpmPath, getTmpPath, nodeCommand and gitCommand
      • initNodeModules and initGitRepo will now get the determined path of the executable if a path isn't passed
    • Re-added markdown files to npm distribution as they are required for the npm website
  • v1.12.5 July 18, 2012

    • balUtilTypes changes:
      • Better checks for isString and isNumber under some environments
    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Removed ambigious clone function, use dereference or extend or deepExtendPlainObjects instead
  • v1.12.4 July 12, 2012

    • balUtilTypes changes:
      • isObject now also checks truthyness to avoid null and undefined from being objects
      • isPlainObject got so good, it can't get better
    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • added deepExtendPlainObjects
  • v1.12.3 July 12, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • npmCommand will now only prefix with the nodePath if the npmPath exists
      • npmCommand and initNodeModules now use async fs calls instead of sync calls
  • v1.12.2 July 12, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Added dereference
  • v1.12.1 July 10, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added stdin option to spawn
  • v1.12.0 July 7, 2012

    • Rejigged balUtilTypes and now top level
      • Other components now make use of this instead of inline typeof and instanceof checks
    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • isArray and toString moved to balUtilTypes
  • v1.11.2 July 7, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Added clone
    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Fixed exists warning on initNodeModules
    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added scanlist
      • scandir changes:
        • If readFiles is true, then we will return the contents into the list entries as well as the tree entries (we weren't doing this for lists before)
  • v1.11.1 July 4, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Group changes:
        • Cleaned up the context handling code
      • Block changes:
        • Block constructor as well as createSubBlock arguments is now a single opts object, acceping the options name, fn, parentBlock and the new complete
        • Fixed bug introduced in v1.11.0 causing blocks to complete instantly (instead of once their tasks are finished)
  • v1.11.0 July 1, 2012

    • Added balUtilHTML:
      • getAttribute(attributes,attribute)
      • detectIndentation(source)
      • removeIndentation(source)
      • replaceElement(source, elementNameMatcher, replaceElementCallback)
      • replaceElementAsync(source, elementNameMatcher, replaceElementCallback, next)
    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • wait(delay,fn) introduced as an alternative to setTimeout
      • Group changes:
        • push and pushAndRun signatures are now ([context], task)
          • context is optional, and what we should bind to this
          • it saves us having to often wrap our task pushing into for each scopes
        • task completion callbacks are now optional, if not specified a task will be completed as soon as it finishes executing
    • balUtilEvents, balUtilModules changes:
      • Now make use of the balUtilFlow.push|pushAndRun new context argument to simplify some loops
  • v1.10.3 June 26, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • initNodeModules will now install modules from cache, unless force is true
  • v1.10.2 June 26, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • initNodeModules will now never install modules from cache
  • v1.10.1 June 26, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Fixed npmCommand under some situations
  • v1.10.0 June 26, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Added spawnMultiple, execMultiple, gitGitPath, getNodePath, and npmCommand
      • spawn and exec are now only for single commands, use the new spawnMultiple and execMultiple for multiple commands instead
      • error exit code is now anything that isnt 0
  • v1.9.4 June 22, 2012

    • Fixed a problem with large asynchronous groups
  • v1.9.3 June 22, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Added extractOptsAndCallback and extend
  • v1.9.2 June 21, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Added fireWithOptionalCallback, updated groups and emitters to use this
  • v1.9.1 June 21, 2012

    • balUtilModules changes:
      • initNodeModules now supports output option
  • v1.9.0 June 21, 2012

    • balUtilEvents changes:
      • EventEmitterEnhanced changes:
        • emitSync and emitAsync changes:
          • The next callback is now optional, if it is not detected then we will automatically mark the listener as completed once we have executed it (in other words, if it doesn't have a next callback, then we treat it as a synchronous listener)
  • v1.8.8 June 19, 2012

    • Fixed a problem with large synchronous groups
  • v1.8.7 June 19, 2012

    • Defaulted dependencies to an empty object, to hopefully fix npm issue #2540
  • v1.8.6 June 19, 2012

    • balUtilEvents changes:
      • Split emitSync and emitAsync out of EventSystem and into new EventEmitterEnhanced that EventSystem extends
  • v1.8.5 June 11, 2012

    • Made next callbacks necessary by default
  • v1.8.4 June 11, 2012

    • balUtilModule changes:
      • spawn
        • will now return results in the order of err, stdout, stderr, code, signal
        • now splits string commands using / /
    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Group will now only return error as an array if we have more than one error
    • Updated for Joe v1.0.0
  • v1.8.3 June 9, 2012

    • balUtilCompare changes:
      • packageCompare will now fail gracefully if it receives malformed json
  • v1.8.2 June 9, 2012

    • Removed request dependency, we now use the native http/https modules
  • v1.8.1 June 9, 2012

    • Restructured directories
    • Removed generated docs, use the wiki instead
    • Moved tests from Mocha to Joe
    • Travis now tests against node v0.7
    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added exists and existsSync to normalize node's 0.6 to 0.8 api differences
    • Made request an optional dependency
  • v1.8.0 June 9, 2012

    • Added expiremental balUtilFlow.Block
    • Possibly some undocumented balUtilFlow.Group changes
  • v1.7.0 June 4, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Group changes:
        • Constructor now supports next and mode arguments in any order
        • clear() now clears everything
        • Added hasTasks()
        • Group completion callback's first argument (the error argument) is now an array of errors (or null if no errors)
        • Added breakOnError option (defaults to true)
        • Added autoClear option to clear once all tasks have run (defualts to false)
  • v1.6.5 May 30, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Group changes:
        • Reverted the change made in v1.6.4 where errors in callbacks still increment the complete count
          • Instead, you should be using the hasExited() instead of hasCompleted() which is used to find out if everything passed successfully
  • v1.6.4 May 30, 2012

    • balUtilFlow changes:
      • Added flow({object,action,[args],[tasks],next}) to simplify calling a series of functions of an object
      • Group changes:
        • If complete callback is called with an error, it'll still increment the complete count (it didn't before)
        • Added hasExited()
    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • writeFile will now call ensurePath before writing the file
  • v1.6.3 May 22, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Fixed a problem introduced with v1.6.0 with isDirectory not opening the file before closing it
      • If the number of open files becomes a negative number, we will now throw an error
      • Decreased the max amount of allowed open files from 500 to 100
      • Increased the wait time for opening a file from 50 to 100
        • This is now customisable through the global waitingToOpenFileDelay
  • v1.6.2 May 13, 2012

    • Added support for balUtilFlow and balUtilTypes to be used inside web browsers
  • v1.6.1 May 4, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Fixed initNodeModules
  • v1.6.0 May 4, 2012

    • We now pre-compile our coffee-script
    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • Added readFile, writeFile, mkdir, stat, readdir, unlink, rmdir
      • Renamed rmdir to rmdirDeep
    • balUtilModules changes:
      • Removed initGitSubmodules, gitPull
      • Added initGitRepo
      • Rewrote initNodeModules
  • v1.5.0 April 18, 2012

    • balUtilPaths changes:
      • scan was removed, not sure what it was used for
      • isDirectory now returns the fileStat argument to the callback
      • scandir changes:
        • ignorePatterns option when set to true now uses the new balUtilPaths.commonIgnorePatterns property
        • fixed error throwing when passed an invalid path
        • now supports a new stat option
        • will return the fileStat argument to the fileAction and dirAction callbacks
        • ignorePatterns and ignoreHiddenFiles will now correctly be passed to child scandir calls
      • cpdir and rpdir now uses path.join and support ignoreHiddenFiles and ignorePatterns
      • writetree now uses path.join
  • v1.4.3 April 14, 2012

    • CoffeeScript dependency is now bundled
    • Fixed incorrect octal 0700 should have been 700
  • v1.4.2 April 5, 2012

    • Fixed a failing test due to the bal-util.npm to bal-util rename
    • Improvements to balUtilModules.spawn
      • will only return an error if the exit code was 1
      • will also contain the code and signal with the results
      • results[x][0] is now the stderr string, rather than an error object
  • v1.4.1 April 5, 2012

    • Added spawn to balUtilModules
    • Added ignoreHiddenFiles option to balUtilPaths.scandir
  • v1.4.0 April 2, 2012

    • Renamed balUtilGroups to balUtilFlow
    • Added toString, isArray and each to balUtilFlow
    • Added rpdir, empty, and isPathOlderThan to balUtilPaths
  • v1.3.0 February 26, 2012

    • Added openFile and closeFile to open and close files safely (always stays below the maximum number of allowed open files)
    • Updated all path utilities to use openFile and closeFile
    • Added npm scripts
  • v1.2.0 February 14, 2012

    • Removed single and multi modes from exec, now always returns the same consistent callback(err,results) instead
  • v1.1.0 February 6, 2012

    • Modularized
    • Added docco docs
  • v1.0 February 5, 2012

    • Moved unit tests to Mocha
      • Offers more flexible unit testing
      • Offers better guarantees that tests actually ran, and that they actually ran correctly
    • Added readPath and scantree
    • Added readFiles option to scandir
    • scandir now supports arguments in object format
    • Removed parallel
    • Tasks inside groups now are passed next as there only argument
    • Removed resolvePath, expandPath and expandPaths, they were essentially the same as path.resolve
    • Most functions will now chain
    • comparePackage now supports comparing two local, or two remote packages
    • Added gitPull
  • v0.9 January 18, 2012

    • Added exec, initNodeModules, initGitSubmodules, EventSystem.when
    • Added support for no callbacks
  • v0.8 November 2, 2011

    • Considerable improvements to scandir, cpdir and rmdir
      • Note, passing false as the file or dir actions will now skip all of that type. Pass null if you do not want that.
      • dirAction is now fired before we read the directories children, if you want it to fire after then in the next callback, pass a callback in the 3rd argument. See rmdir for an example of this.
    • Fixed npm web to url warnings
  • v0.7 October 3, 2011

    • Added versionCompare and packageCompare functions
      • Added request dependency
  • v0.6 September 14, 2011

    • Updated util.Group to support async and sync grouping
  • v0.4 June 2, 2011

    • Added util.type for testing the type of a variable
    • Added util.expandPath and util.expandPaths
  • v0.3 June 1, 2011

    • Added util.Group class for your async needs :)
  • v0.2 May 20, 2011

    • Added some tests with expresso
    • util.scandir now returns err,list,tree
    • Added util.writetree
  • v0.1 May 18, 2011

    • Initial commit