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* grunt-bower-task
* Copyright (c) 2012 Ivan Yatskevich
* Licensed under the MIT license.
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var bower = require('bower'),
path = require('path'),
async = require('async'),
colors = require('colors'),
rimraf = require('rimraf').sync,
BowerAssets = require('./lib/bower_assets'),
AssetCopier = require('./lib/asset_copier'),
LayoutsManager = require('./lib/layouts_manager');
function log(message) {
function fail(error) {;
function clean(dir, callback) {
function install(callback) {
.on('data', log)
.on('error', fail)
.on('end', callback);
function copy(options, callback) {
var bowerAssets = new BowerAssets(bower, options.cwd);
bowerAssets.once('data', function(assets) {
var copier = new AssetCopier(assets, options, function(source, destination, isFile) {
log('grunt-bower ' + 'copying '.cyan + ((isFile ? '' : ' dir ') + source + ' -> ' + destination).grey);
copier.once('copied', callback);
grunt.registerMultiTask('bower', 'Install Bower packages.', function() {
var tasks = [],
done = this.async(),
options = this.options({
cleanTargetDir: false,
cleanBowerDir: false,
targetDir: './lib',
layout: 'byType',
install: true,
verbose: false,
copy: true
add = function(name, fn) {
tasks.push(function(callback) {
fn(function() {
bowerDir = path.resolve(,
targetDir = path.resolve(options.targetDir);
log.logger = options.verbose ? grunt.log : grunt.verbose;
options.layout = LayoutsManager.getLayout(options.layout, fail);
options.cwd = grunt.option('base') || process.cwd();
if (options.cleanup !== undefined) {
options.cleanTargetDir = options.cleanBowerDir = options.cleanup;
if (options.cleanTargetDir) {
add('Cleaned target dir ' + targetDir.grey, function(callback) {
clean(targetDir, callback);
if (options.install) {
add('Installed bower packages', install);
if (options.copy) {
add('Copied packages to ' + targetDir.grey, function(callback) {
copy(options, callback);
if (options.cleanBowerDir) {
add('Cleaned bower dir ' + bowerDir.grey, function(callback) {
clean(bowerDir, callback);
async.series(tasks, done);