You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

136 lines
4.1 KiB

// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.4.0
(function() {
var balUtilCompare, balUtilPaths;
balUtilCompare = null;
balUtilPaths = require(__dirname + '/paths');
balUtilCompare = {
versionCompare: function(v1, operator, v2) {
var compare, i, numVersion, prepVersion, result, vm, x, _i;
i = x = compare = 0;
vm = {
'dev': -6,
'alpha': -5,
'a': -5,
'beta': -4,
'b': -4,
'RC': -3,
'rc': -3,
'#': -2,
'p': -1,
'pl': -1
prepVersion = function(v) {
v = ('' + v).replace(/[_\-+]/g, '.');
v = v.replace(/([^.\d]+)/g, '.$1.').replace(/\.{2,}/g, '.');
if (!v.length) {
return [-8];
} else {
return v.split('.');
numVersion = function(v) {
if (!v) {
return 0;
} else {
if (isNaN(v)) {
return vm[v] || -7;
} else {
return parseInt(v, 10);
v1 = prepVersion(v1);
v2 = prepVersion(v2);
x = Math.max(v1.length, v2.length);
for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= x ? _i <= x : _i >= x; i = 0 <= x ? ++_i : --_i) {
if (v1[i] === v2[i]) {
v1[i] = numVersion(v1[i]);
v2[i] = numVersion(v2[i]);
if (v1[i] < v2[i]) {
compare = -1;
} else if (v1[i] > v2[i]) {
compare = 1;
if (!operator) {
return compare;
result = (function() {
switch (operator) {
case '>':
case 'gt':
return compare > 0;
case '>=':
case 'ge':
return compare >= 0;
case '<=':
case 'le':
return compare <= 0;
case '==':
case '=':
case 'eq':
case 'is':
return compare === 0;
case '<>':
case '!=':
case 'ne':
case 'isnt':
return compare !== 0;
case '':
case '<':
case 'lt':
return compare < 0;
return null;
return result;
packageCompare: function(_arg) {
var details, errorCallback, local, newVersionCallback, oldVersionCallback, remote, runCompare, sameVersionCallback;
local = _arg.local, remote = _arg.remote, newVersionCallback = _arg.newVersionCallback, sameVersionCallback = _arg.sameVersionCallback, oldVersionCallback = _arg.oldVersionCallback, errorCallback = _arg.errorCallback;
details = {};
runCompare = function() {
if (balUtilCompare.versionCompare(details.local.version, '<', details.remote.version)) {
return typeof newVersionCallback === "function" ? newVersionCallback(details) : void 0;
} else if (balUtilCompare.versionCompare(details.local.version, '==', details.remote.version)) {
return typeof sameVersionCallback === "function" ? sameVersionCallback(details) : void 0;
} else if (balUtilCompare.versionCompare(details.local.version, '>', details.remote.version)) {
return typeof oldVersionCallback === "function" ? oldVersionCallback(details) : void 0;
balUtilPaths.readPath(local, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback(err, data) : void 0;
try {
details.local = JSON.parse(data.toString());
} catch (err) {
return typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback(err, data) : void 0;
return balUtilPaths.readPath(remote, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback(err, data) : void 0;
try {
details.remote = JSON.parse(data.toString());
} catch (err) {
return typeof errorCallback === "function" ? errorCallback(err, data) : void 0;
return runCompare();
return this;
module.exports = balUtilCompare;