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<p>Tables are useful for displaying collections of tuples.</p>
Tables consist of an optional table header, content, and table footer. They may be formatted to show numeric content or for rows of text.
<p>Although no plugin has been created using the <a href="generated/multiple.html">semantic module spec</a> for sorting tables, other plugins such as kylefox's <a href="">tablesort</a> may be useful.</p>
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<div class="peek">
<div class="ui vertical pointing link menu">
<div class="active item">Standard</div>
<div class="item">States</div>
<div class="item">Variations</div>
<div class="example">
<p>A standard table</p>
<table class="ui table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<th colspan="3">
<div class="ui blue button"><i class="icon plus-circle"></i> Add User</div>
<div class="example">
<h4>Positive / Negative</h4>
<p>A cell may let a user know whether a value is good or bad:</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<td>No Name Specified</td>
<tr class="positive">
<td><i class="icon check"></i> Approved</td>
<td class="negative"><i class="icon close"></i> Requires call</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A cell or row may alert the user to an error or a negative value:</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<td>No Name Specified</td>
<tr class="error">
<td><i class="icon attention-circle"></i> Cannot pull data</td>
<td class="error"><i class="icon attention-circle"></i> Classified</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A cell or row may warn a user:</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<td>No Name Specified</td>
<tr class="warning">
<td><i class="icon info"></i> Requires Action</td>
<td class="warning"><i class="icon info"></i> Hostile</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A cell or row can be active:</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<tr class="active">
<td>Requires call</td>
<td class="active">Jill</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A cell can be disabled:</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<tr class="disabled">
<td>Requires call</td>
<td>Requires call</td>
<td class="disabled">Jill</td>
<div class="example">
<p>By default tables take the size of their container. A collapsing takes up only as much space as its rows.</p>
<table class="ui grid table collapsing">
<td>Requires call</td>
<th>3 People</th>
<th>2 Approved</th>
<div class="example">
<p>A table may have a grid to help differentiate cells</p>
<table class="ui grid table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<th>3 People</th>
<th>2 Approved</th>
<div class="example">
<p>A table may allow a user to sort contents by clicking on a table header.</p>
<p>Adding a classname of ascending or descending, will show the user the direction of sort. This example uses a modified version of the kylefox's <a href="library/tablesort.js">tablesort plugin</a> to provide the proper class names.</p>
<table class="ui sortable grid table">
<td>No Action</td>
<td class="positive">Approved</td>
<td class="warning">Requires call</td>
<td class="negative">Denied</td>
<th>3 People</th>
<th>2 Approved</th>
<div class="example">
<p>A table may sometimes need to be more padded for legibility</p>
<table class="ui padded grid table">
<td>He is a very nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him on the telephone. I hope we get to talk again.</td>
<td>Jamie was not interested in purchasing our product.</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A table may sometimes need to be more compact to make more rows visible at a time</p>
<table class="ui compact grid table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<td>Requires call</td>
<td>Requires call</td>
<td>Requires call</td>
<div class="example">
<p>A table can also be small or large</p>
<table class="ui small table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<th>3 People</th>
<th>2 Approved</th>
<table class="ui large table">
<td>Requires call</td>
<th>3 People</th>
<th>2 Approved</th>