/******************************* Install Task *******************************/ /* Install tasks For more notes * Runs automatically after npm update (hooks) * (NPM) Install - Will ask for where to put semantic (outside pm folder) * (NPM) Upgrade - Will look for semantic install, copy over files and update if new version * Standard installer runs asking for paths to site files etc */ var gulp = require('gulp'), // node dependencies console = require('better-console'), extend = require('extend'), fs = require('fs'), mkdirp = require('mkdirp'), path = require('path'), // gulp dependencies chmod = require('gulp-chmod'), del = require('del'), jsonEditor = require('gulp-json-editor'), plumber = require('gulp-plumber'), prompt = require('gulp-prompt'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), replace = require('gulp-replace'), requireDotFile = require('require-dot-file'), wrench = require('wrench'), // user config config = require('./config/user'), // install config install = require('./config/project/install'), // release config (name/title/etc) release = require('./config/project/release'), // shorthand questions = install.questions, files = install.files, folders = install.folders, regExp = install.regExp, settings = install.settings, source = install.source ; // Export install task module.exports = function () { var currentConfig = requireDotFile('semantic.json'), manager = install.getPackageManager(), rootQuestions = questions.root ; console.clear(); /* use to debug NPM install from standard git clone manager = { name : 'NPM', root : path.normalize(__dirname + '/../') }; */ /*-------------- PM Config ---------------*/ /* Don't do end user config if SUI is a sub-module */ if( install.isSubModule() ) { console.info('SUI is a sub-module, skipping end-user install'); return; } // run update scripts if semantic.json exists if(currentConfig && manager.name === 'NPM') { var updatePaths = { config : path.join(manager.root, files.config), definition : path.join(manager.root, currentConfig.paths.source.definitions), site : path.join(manager.root, currentConfig.paths.source.site), theme : path.join(manager.root, currentConfig.paths.source.themes), tasks : path.join(manager.root, folders.tasks), } ; // duck-type if there is a project installed if( fs.existsSync(updatePaths.definition) ) { // perform update if new version if(currentConfig.version !== release.version) { console.log('Updating Semantic UI from ' + currentConfig.version + ' to ' + release.version); console.info('Updating ui definitions...'); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, updatePaths.definition, settings.wrench.update); console.info('Updating default theme...'); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, updatePaths.theme, settings.wrench.update); console.info('Updating tasks...'); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, updatePaths.tasks, settings.wrench.update); console.info('Adding new site theme files...'); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.site, updatePaths.site, settings.wrench.site); console.info('Updating version...'); // update version number in semantic.json gulp.src(updatePaths.config) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rename(settings.rename.json)) // preserve file extension .pipe(jsonEditor({ version: release.version })) .pipe(gulp.dest(manager.root)) ; return; } else { console.log(release); console.log(requireDotFile('package.json')); console.log('Current version of Semantic UI already installed, skipping set-up'); return; } } else { console.error('Cannot locate files to update at path: ', updatePaths.definition); return; } } /*-------------- Determine Root ---------------*/ // PM that supports Build Tools (NPM Only Now) if(manager.name == 'NPM') { rootQuestions[0].message = rootQuestions[0].message .replace('{packageMessage}', 'We detected you are using \033[92m' + manager.name + '\033[0m. Nice! ') .replace('{root}', manager.root) ; // set default path to detected PM root rootQuestions[0].default = manager.root; rootQuestions[1].default = manager.root; // insert PM questions after "Install Type" question Array.prototype.splice.apply(questions.setup, [2, 0].concat(rootQuestions)); // omit cleanup questions for managed install questions.cleanup = []; } /*-------------- Set-up ---------------*/ return gulp .src('gulpfile.js') .pipe(prompt.prompt(questions.setup, function(answers) { /*-------------- Exit Conditions ---------------*/ // if config exists and user specifies not to proceed if(answers.overwrite !== undefined && answers.overwrite == 'no') { return; } console.clear(); console.log('Installing'); console.log('------------------------------'); /*-------------- Paths ---------------*/ var installPaths = { config : files.config, configFolder : folders.config, site : answers.site || folders.site, themeConfig : files.themeConfig, themeConfigFolder : folders.themeConfig }, installFolder = false ; /*-------------- PM Install ---------------*/ // Check if PM install if(answers.useRoot || answers.customRoot) { // Set root to custom root path if set if(answers.customRoot) { manager.root = answers.customRoot; } // special install paths only for PM install installPaths = extend(false, {}, installPaths, { definition : folders.definitions, theme : folders.themes, modules : folders.modules, tasks : folders.tasks, themeImport : folders.themeImport }); // add project root to semantic root installFolder = path.join(manager.root, answers.semanticRoot); // add install folder to all output paths for(var destination in installPaths) { if(installPaths.hasOwnProperty(destination)) { if(destination == 'config' || destination == 'configFolder') { // semantic config goes in project root installPaths[destination] = path.normalize( path.join(manager.root, installPaths[destination]) ); } else { // all other paths go in semantic root installPaths[destination] = path.normalize( path.join(installFolder, installPaths[destination]) ); } } } // create project folders try { mkdirp.sync(installFolder); mkdirp.sync(installPaths.definition); mkdirp.sync(installPaths.theme); mkdirp.sync(installPaths.modules); mkdirp.sync(installPaths.tasks); } catch(error) { console.error('NPM does not have permissions to create folders at your specified path. Adjust your folders permissions and run "npm install" again'); } // copy gulp node_modules console.info('Copying definitions to ', installPaths.definition); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.definitions, installPaths.definition, settings.wrench.install); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.themes, installPaths.theme, settings.wrench.install); console.info('Copying build tools', installPaths.tasks); wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.tasks, installPaths.tasks, settings.wrench.install); // copy theme import console.info('Adding theme import file'); gulp.src(source.themeImport) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeImport)) ; // create gulp file console.info('Creating gulp-file.js'); gulp.src(source.userGulpFile) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(gulp.dest(installFolder)) ; } /*-------------- Site Theme ---------------*/ // Copy _site templates folder to destination if( fs.existsSync(installPaths.site) ) { console.info('Site folder exists, merging files (no overwrite)', installPaths.site); } else { console.info('Creating site theme folder', installPaths.site); } wrench.copyDirSyncRecursive(source.site, installPaths.site, settings.wrench.site); /*-------------- Theme Config ---------------*/ var // determine path to site theme folder from theme config // force CSS path variable to use forward slashes for paths pathToSite = path.relative(path.resolve(installPaths.themeConfigFolder), path.resolve(installPaths.site)).replace(/\\/g,'/'), siteVariable = "@siteFolder : '" + pathToSite + "/';" ; // rewrite site variable in theme.less console.info('Adjusting @siteFolder to: ', pathToSite + '/'); if(fs.existsSync(installPaths.themeConfig)) { console.info('Modifying src/theme.config (LESS config)', installPaths.themeConfig); gulp.src(installPaths.themeConfig) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(replace(regExp.siteVariable, siteVariable)) .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeConfigFolder)) ; } else { console.info('Creating src/theme.config (LESS config)', installPaths.themeConfig); gulp.src(source.themeConfig) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rename({ extname : '' })) .pipe(replace(regExp.siteVariable, siteVariable)) .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.themeConfigFolder)) ; } /*-------------- Semantic.json ---------------*/ var jsonConfig = install.createJSON(answers) ; // adjust variables in theme.less if( fs.existsSync(files.config) ) { console.info('Extending config file (semantic.json)', installPaths.config); gulp.src(installPaths.config) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rename(settings.rename.json)) // preserve file extension .pipe(jsonEditor(jsonConfig)) .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.configFolder)) ; } else { console.info('Creating config file (semantic.json)', installPaths.config); gulp.src(source.config) .pipe(plumber()) .pipe(rename({ extname : '' })) // remove .template from ext .pipe(jsonEditor(jsonConfig)) .pipe(gulp.dest(installPaths.configFolder)) ; } console.log(''); console.log(''); })) .pipe(prompt.prompt(questions.cleanup, function(answers) { if(answers.cleanup == 'yes') { del(install.setupFiles); } if(answers.build == 'yes') { gulp.start('build'); } })) ; };