## RELEASE NOTES ### Version 2.2.7 - December 21, 2016 **Build Tools** - **Autoinstall** - Fixes issue where `autoinstall: true` was not copying build files during `npm install` **Thanks @AnsonT** [#4430](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/pull/4430) - **Dependencies** - Updates build dependencies ### Version 2.2.6 - October, 27, 2016 **Bugs** -**Tab** - Hotfix for accidental use of ES6 `let` ### Version 2.2.5 - October, 27, 2016 **Bugs** - **Search** - Fixed issue where pressing "up" key when no results selected would cause bottom result to be selected - **Search** - Fixed issue where input may attempt to refocus when search element is immediately removed from browser's DOM after a result is clicked. - **Flat Theme** - Fixes inverted input color **Enhancements** - **Tab** - Added new tab cache type `DOM` which preserves the final DOM state after scripts rendering. This can be used to avoid re-running returned `