## RELEASE NOTES ### Version 1.5.0 - December 30, 2014 **Critical Bugs** - Concatenated ``dist/`` release included duplicate components when no component array specified. Added default components to ``tasks/default.js`` to allay issues **Enhancements* - **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs. - **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](http://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/) - **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label`` - **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now can handle labels with multiple lines of text - **Progress** - Progress bars now display all intermediary percentage values when animating. Improved performance when progress bar is rapidly updated. - **Popup** - Popup now uses the new property ``min-width: max-content`` to allow for better display with ``inline`` in some circumstances where it escapes parent element. - **Table** - Table now has coupling with image to make sure size is preserved correctly with table sizing when used inside a table cell. - **Menu** - ``ui fixed menu`` now defaults to ``ui top fixed menu`` **Bugs** - **Form** - Fixed (x) wide field not having correct bottom field margin when in ``fields`` group on tablet or mobile - **Tab** - Calls to global ``$.tab()`` would not pass arguments correctly - **Dropdown/Search** - Fixed issues with ``ui search`` and ``ui search dropdown`` using ``RegExp test`` which [advances pointer on match](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) causing results to display incorrectly - **Form** - ``ui input`` now receives the same formatting as a normal input inside an ``inline field`` - **Grid** - Fix display of equal height stackable grid. Add padding to divided stackable grid for dividers - **Input** - Fixed bug when ``ui action input`` uses a ``ui icon button``, button was receiving `i.icon` formatting. - **List** - Fixed bug when using ``ui icon button`` or ``ui icon header`` causing element to receive icon formatting - **Grid** - Fixed issues where negative margins on ``ui stackable grid`` could cause horizontal scroll bars on mobile - **Popup** - Popup destroy will now also destroy any unfired timers (show/hide delay) - **Popup** - Popup now moves to the same offset context to avoid positioning errors when using a named pre-existing popup. ### Version 1.4.1 - December 23, 2014 **Build Tools** - ``gulp build`` will now only build `dist/components/` for components selected in install - Fixed bug where interactive installer was not correctly setting components in ``express`` and ``custom`` install **Bugs** - **Dropdown** - ``