/* * # Semantic UI - 2.0.3 * https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI * http://www.semantic-ui.com/ * * Copyright 2014 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /*! * # Semantic UI 2.0.3 - Site * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.site = $.fn.site = function(parameters) { var time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.site.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.site.settings), namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $document = $(document), $module = $document, element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module, returnedValue ; module = { initialize: function() { module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of site', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, normalize: function() { module.fix.console(); module.fix.requestAnimationFrame(); }, fix: { console: function() { module.debug('Normalizing window.console'); if (console === undefined || console.log === undefined) { module.verbose('Console not available, normalizing events'); module.disable.console(); } if (typeof console.group == 'undefined' || typeof console.groupEnd == 'undefined' || typeof console.groupCollapsed == 'undefined') { module.verbose('Console group not available, normalizing events'); window.console.group = function() {}; window.console.groupEnd = function() {}; window.console.groupCollapsed = function() {}; } if (typeof console.markTimeline == 'undefined') { module.verbose('Mark timeline not available, normalizing events'); window.console.markTimeline = function() {}; } }, consoleClear: function() { module.debug('Disabling programmatic console clearing'); window.console.clear = function() {}; }, requestAnimationFrame: function() { module.debug('Normalizing requestAnimationFrame'); if(window.requestAnimationFrame === undefined) { module.debug('RequestAnimationFrame not available, normailizing event'); window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); } ; } } }, moduleExists: function(name) { return ($.fn[name] !== undefined && $.fn[name].settings !== undefined); }, enabled: { modules: function(modules) { var enabledModules = [] ; modules = modules || settings.modules; $.each(modules, function(index, name) { if(module.moduleExists(name)) { enabledModules.push(name); } }); return enabledModules; } }, disabled: { modules: function(modules) { var disabledModules = [] ; modules = modules || settings.modules; $.each(modules, function(index, name) { if(!module.moduleExists(name)) { disabledModules.push(name); } }); return disabledModules; } }, change: { setting: function(setting, value, modules, modifyExisting) { modules = (typeof modules === 'string') ? (modules === 'all') ? settings.modules : [modules] : modules || settings.modules ; modifyExisting = (modifyExisting !== undefined) ? modifyExisting : true ; $.each(modules, function(index, name) { var namespace = (module.moduleExists(name)) ? $.fn[name].settings.namespace || false : true, $existingModules ; if(module.moduleExists(name)) { module.verbose('Changing default setting', setting, value, name); $.fn[name].settings[setting] = value; if(modifyExisting && namespace) { $existingModules = $(':data(module-' + namespace + ')'); if($existingModules.length > 0) { module.verbose('Modifying existing settings', $existingModules); $existingModules[name]('setting', setting, value); } } } }); }, settings: function(newSettings, modules, modifyExisting) { modules = (typeof modules === 'string') ? [modules] : modules || settings.modules ; modifyExisting = (modifyExisting !== undefined) ? modifyExisting : true ; $.each(modules, function(index, name) { var $existingModules ; if(module.moduleExists(name)) { module.verbose('Changing default setting', newSettings, name); $.extend(true, $.fn[name].settings, newSettings); if(modifyExisting && namespace) { $existingModules = $(':data(module-' + namespace + ')'); if($existingModules.length > 0) { module.verbose('Modifying existing settings', $existingModules); $existingModules[name]('setting', newSettings); } } } }); } }, enable: { console: function() { module.console(true); }, debug: function(modules, modifyExisting) { modules = modules || settings.modules; module.debug('Enabling debug for modules', modules); module.change.setting('debug', true, modules, modifyExisting); }, verbose: function(modules, modifyExisting) { modules = modules || settings.modules; module.debug('Enabling verbose debug for modules', modules); module.change.setting('verbose', true, modules, modifyExisting); } }, disable: { console: function() { module.console(false); }, debug: function(modules, modifyExisting) { modules = modules || settings.modules; module.debug('Disabling debug for modules', modules); module.change.setting('debug', false, modules, modifyExisting); }, verbose: function(modules, modifyExisting) { modules = modules || settings.modules; module.debug('Disabling verbose debug for modules', modules); module.change.setting('verbose', false, modules, modifyExisting); } }, console: function(enable) { if(enable) { if(instance.cache.console === undefined) { module.error(error.console); return; } module.debug('Restoring console function'); window.console = instance.cache.console; } else { module.debug('Disabling console function'); instance.cache.console = window.console; window.console = { clear : function(){}, error : function(){}, group : function(){}, groupCollapsed : function(){}, groupEnd : function(){}, info : function(){}, log : function(){}, markTimeline : function(){}, warn : function(){} }; } }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous site for', $module); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, cache: {}, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { module.error(error.method, query); return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.site.settings = { name : 'Site', namespace : 'site', error : { console : 'Console cannot be restored, most likely it was overwritten outside of module', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, debug : false, verbose : false, performance : true, modules: [ 'accordion', 'api', 'checkbox', 'dimmer', 'dropdown', 'embed', 'form', 'modal', 'nag', 'popup', 'rating', 'shape', 'sidebar', 'state', 'sticky', 'tab', 'transition', 'visit', 'visibility' ], siteNamespace : 'site', namespaceStub : { cache : {}, config : {}, sections : {}, section : {}, utilities : {} } }; // allows for selection of elements with data attributes $.extend($.expr[ ":" ], { data: ($.expr.createPseudo) ? $.expr.createPseudo(function(dataName) { return function(elem) { return !!$.data(elem, dataName); }; }) : function(elem, i, match) { // support: jQuery < 1.8 return !!$.data(elem, match[ 3 ]); } }); })( jQuery, window , document ); /*! * # Semantic UI 2.0.3 - Form Validation * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { "use strict"; $.fn.form = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], legacyParameters = arguments[1], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var $module = $(this), element = this, formErrors = [], keyHeldDown = false, // set at run-time $field, $group, $message, $prompt, $submit, $clear, $reset, settings, validation, metadata, selector, className, error, namespace, moduleNamespace, eventNamespace, instance, module ; module = { initialize: function() { // settings grabbed at run time module.get.settings(); if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.instantiate(); } module.invoke(query); } else { module.verbose('Initializing form validation', $module, settings); module.bindEvents(); module.set.defaults(); module.instantiate(); } }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module', instance); module.removeEvents(); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache'); $field = $module.find(selector.field); $group = $module.find(selector.group); $message = $module.find(selector.message); $prompt = $module.find(selector.prompt); $submit = $module.find(selector.submit); $clear = $module.find(selector.clear); $reset = $module.find(selector.reset); }, submit: function() { module.verbose('Submitting form', $module); $module .submit() ; }, attachEvents: function(selector, action) { action = action || 'submit'; $(selector) .on('click' + eventNamespace, function(event) { module[action](); event.preventDefault(); }) ; }, bindEvents: function() { module.verbose('Attaching form events'); $module .on('submit' + eventNamespace, module.validate.form) .on('blur' + eventNamespace, selector.field, module.event.field.blur) .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.submit, module.submit) .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.reset, module.reset) .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.clear, module.clear) ; if(settings.keyboardShortcuts) { $module .on('keydown' + eventNamespace, selector.field, module.event.field.keydown) ; } $field .each(function() { var $input = $(this), type = $input.prop('type'), inputEvent = module.get.changeEvent(type, $input) ; $(this) .on(inputEvent + eventNamespace, module.event.field.change) ; }) ; }, clear: function() { $field .each(function () { var $field = $(this), $element = $field.parent(), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.find(selector.prompt), defaultValue = $field.data(metadata.defaultValue) || '', isCheckbox = $element.is(selector.uiCheckbox), isDropdown = $element.is(selector.uiDropdown), isErrored = $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) ; if(isErrored) { module.verbose('Resetting error on field', $fieldGroup); $fieldGroup.removeClass(className.error); $prompt.remove(); } if(isDropdown) { module.verbose('Resetting dropdown value', $element, defaultValue); $element.dropdown('clear'); } else if(isCheckbox) { $field.prop('checked', false); } else { module.verbose('Resetting field value', $field, defaultValue); $field.val(''); } }) ; }, reset: function() { $field .each(function () { var $field = $(this), $element = $field.parent(), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.find(selector.prompt), defaultValue = $field.data(metadata.defaultValue), isCheckbox = $element.is(selector.uiCheckbox), isDropdown = $element.is(selector.uiDropdown), isErrored = $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) ; if(defaultValue === undefined) { return; } if(isErrored) { module.verbose('Resetting error on field', $fieldGroup); $fieldGroup.removeClass(className.error); $prompt.remove(); } if(isDropdown) { module.verbose('Resetting dropdown value', $element, defaultValue); $element.dropdown('restore defaults'); } else if(isCheckbox) { module.verbose('Resetting checkbox value', $element, defaultValue); $field.prop('checked', defaultValue); } else { module.verbose('Resetting field value', $field, defaultValue); $field.val(defaultValue); } }) ; }, is: { valid: function() { var allValid = true ; module.verbose('Checking if form is valid'); $.each(validation, function(fieldName, field) { if( !( module.validate.field(field) ) ) { allValid = false; } }); return allValid; } }, removeEvents: function() { $module .off(eventNamespace) ; $field .off(eventNamespace) ; $submit .off(eventNamespace) ; $field .off(eventNamespace) ; }, event: { field: { keydown: function(event) { var $field = $(this), key = event.which, keyCode = { enter : 13, escape : 27 } ; if( key == keyCode.escape) { module.verbose('Escape key pressed blurring field'); $field .blur() ; } if(!event.ctrlKey && key == keyCode.enter && $field.is(selector.input) && $field.not(selector.checkbox).length > 0 ) { if(!keyHeldDown) { $field .one('keyup' + eventNamespace, module.event.field.keyup) ; module.submit(); module.debug('Enter pressed on input submitting form'); } keyHeldDown = true; } }, keyup: function() { keyHeldDown = false; }, blur: function() { var $field = $(this), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), validationRules = module.get.validation($field) ; if( $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) ) { module.debug('Revalidating field', $field, validationRules); module.validate.field( validationRules ); } else if(settings.on == 'blur' || settings.on == 'change') { module.validate.field( validationRules ); } }, change: function() { var $field = $(this), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group) ; if(settings.on == 'change' || ( $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) && settings.revalidate) ) { clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(function() { module.debug('Revalidating field', $field, module.get.validation($field)); module.validate.field( module.get.validation($field) ); }, settings.delay); } } } }, get: { changeEvent: function(type, $input) { if(type == 'checkbox' || type == 'radio' || type == 'hidden' || $input.is('select')) { return 'change'; } else { return module.get.inputEvent(); } }, inputEvent: function() { return (document.createElement('input').oninput !== undefined) ? 'input' : (document.createElement('input').onpropertychange !== undefined) ? 'propertychange' : 'keyup' ; }, settings: function() { var firstProperty ; if($.isPlainObject(parameters)) { var keys = Object.keys(parameters), isLegacySettings = (keys.length > 0) ? (parameters[keys[0]].identifier !== undefined) : false ; if(isLegacySettings) { // 1.x (ducktyped) settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.form.settings, legacyParameters); validation = $.extend({}, $.fn.form.settings.defaults, parameters); module.error(settings.error.oldSyntax, element); module.verbose('Extending settings from legacy parameters', validation, settings); } else { // 2.x settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.form.settings, parameters); validation = $.extend({}, $.fn.form.settings.defaults, settings.fields); module.verbose('Extending settings', validation, settings); } } else { settings = $.fn.form.settings; validation = $.fn.form.settings.defaults; module.verbose('Using default form validation', validation, settings); } // shorthand namespace = settings.namespace; metadata = settings.metadata; selector = settings.selector; className = settings.className; error = settings.error; moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace; eventNamespace = '.' + namespace; // grab instance instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace); // refresh selector cache module.refresh(); }, field: function(identifier) { module.verbose('Finding field with identifier', identifier); if( $field.filter('#' + identifier).length > 0 ) { return $field.filter('#' + identifier); } else if( $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { return $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]'); } else if( $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]').length > 0 ) { return $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]'); } else if( $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { return $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]'); } return $(''); }, fields: function(fields) { var $fields = $() ; $.each(fields, function(index, name) { $fields = $fields.add( module.get.field(name) ); }); return $fields; }, validation: function($field) { var rules ; if(!validation) { return false; } $.each(validation, function(fieldName, field) { if( module.get.field(field.identifier)[0] == $field[0] ) { rules = field; } }); return rules || false; }, value: function (field) { var fields = [], results ; fields.push(field); results = module.get.values.call(element, fields); return results[field]; }, values: function (fields) { var $fields = $.isArray(fields) ? module.get.fields(fields) : $field, values = {} ; $fields.each(function(index, field) { var $field = $(field), type = $field.prop('type'), name = $field.prop('name'), value = $field.val(), isCheckbox = $field.is(selector.checkbox), isRadio = $field.is(selector.radio), isMultiple = (name.indexOf('[]') !== -1), isChecked = (isCheckbox) ? $field.is(':checked') : false ; if(name) { if(isMultiple) { name = name.replace('[]', ''); if(!values[name]) { values[name] = []; } if(isCheckbox) { if(isChecked) { values[name].push(value); } else { module.debug('Omitted unchecked checkbox', $field); return true; } } else { values[name].push(value); } } else { if(isRadio) { if(isChecked) { values[name] = value; } } else if(isCheckbox) { if(isChecked) { values[name] = true; } else { module.debug('Omitted unchecked checkbox', $field); return true; } } else { values[name] = value; } } } }); return values; } }, has: { field: function(identifier) { module.verbose('Checking for existence of a field with identifier', identifier); if( $field.filter('#' + identifier).length > 0 ) { return true; } else if( $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { return true; } else if( $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { return true; } return false; } }, add: { prompt: function(identifier, errors) { var $field = module.get.field(identifier), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.children(selector.prompt), promptExists = ($prompt.length !== 0) ; errors = (typeof errors == 'string') ? [errors] : errors ; module.verbose('Adding field error state', identifier); $fieldGroup .addClass(className.error) ; if(settings.inline) { if(!promptExists) { $prompt = settings.templates.prompt(errors); $prompt .appendTo($fieldGroup) ; } $prompt .html(errors[0]) ; if(!promptExists) { if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { module.verbose('Displaying error with css transition', settings.transition); $prompt.transition(settings.transition + ' in', settings.duration); } else { module.verbose('Displaying error with fallback javascript animation'); $prompt .fadeIn(settings.duration) ; } } else { module.verbose('Inline errors are disabled, no inline error added', identifier); } } }, errors: function(errors) { module.debug('Adding form error messages', errors); $message .html( settings.templates.error(errors) ) ; } }, remove: { prompt: function(field) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.children(selector.prompt) ; $fieldGroup .removeClass(className.error) ; if(settings.inline && $prompt.is(':visible')) { module.verbose('Removing prompt for field', field); if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $prompt.transition(settings.transition + ' out', settings.duration, function() { $prompt.remove(); }); } else { $prompt .fadeOut(settings.duration, function(){ $prompt.remove(); }) ; } } } }, set: { success: function() { $module .removeClass(className.error) .addClass(className.success) ; }, defaults: function () { $field .each(function () { var $field = $(this), isCheckbox = ($field.filter(selector.checkbox).length > 0), value = (isCheckbox) ? $field.is(':checked') : $field.val() ; $field.data(metadata.defaultValue, value); }) ; }, error: function() { $module .removeClass(className.success) .addClass(className.error) ; }, value: function (field, value) { var fields = {} ; fields[field] = value; return module.set.values.call(element, fields); }, values: function (fields) { if($.isEmptyObject(fields)) { return; } $.each(fields, function(key, value) { var $field = module.get.field(key), $element = $field.parent(), isMultiple = $.isArray(value), isCheckbox = $element.is(selector.uiCheckbox), isDropdown = $element.is(selector.uiDropdown), isRadio = ($field.is(selector.radio) && isCheckbox), fieldExists = ($field.length > 0), $multipleField ; if(fieldExists) { if(isMultiple && isCheckbox) { module.verbose('Selecting multiple', value, $field); $element.checkbox('uncheck'); $.each(value, function(index, value) { $multipleField = $field.filter('[value="' + value + '"]'); $element = $multipleField.parent(); if($multipleField.length > 0) { $element.checkbox('check'); } }); } else if(isRadio) { module.verbose('Selecting radio value', value, $field); $field.filter('[value="' + value + '"]') .parent(selector.uiCheckbox) .checkbox('check') ; } else if(isCheckbox) { module.verbose('Setting checkbox value', value, $element); if(value === true) { $element.checkbox('check'); } else { $element.checkbox('uncheck'); } } else if(isDropdown) { module.verbose('Setting dropdown value', value, $element); $element.dropdown('set selected', value); } else { module.verbose('Setting field value', value, $field); $field.val(value); } } }); } }, validate: { form: function(event) { var apiRequest ; // input keydown event will fire submit repeatedly by browser default if(keyHeldDown) { return false; } // reset errors formErrors = []; if( module.is.valid() ) { module.debug('Form has no validation errors, submitting'); module.set.success(); return settings.onSuccess.call(element, event); } else { module.debug('Form has errors'); module.set.error(); if(!settings.inline) { module.add.errors(formErrors); } // prevent ajax submit if($module.data('moduleApi') !== undefined) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } return settings.onFailure.call(element, formErrors); } }, // takes a validation object and returns whether field passes validation field: function(field) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), fieldValid = true, fieldErrors = [] ; if($field.prop('disabled')) { module.debug('Field is disabled. Skipping', field.identifier); fieldValid = true; } else if(field.optional && $.trim($field.val()) === ''){ module.debug('Field is optional and empty. Skipping', field.identifier); fieldValid = true; } else if(field.rules !== undefined) { $.each(field.rules, function(index, rule) { if( module.has.field(field.identifier) && !( module.validate.rule(field, rule) ) ) { module.debug('Field is invalid', field.identifier, rule.type); fieldErrors.push(rule.prompt); fieldValid = false; } }); } if(fieldValid) { module.remove.prompt(field, fieldErrors); settings.onValid.call($field); } else { formErrors = formErrors.concat(fieldErrors); module.add.prompt(field.identifier, fieldErrors); settings.onInvalid.call($field, fieldErrors); return false; } return true; }, // takes validation rule and returns whether field passes rule rule: function(field, validation) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), type = validation.type, value = $field.val(), bracket = type.match(settings.regExp.bracket), isValid = true, rule, ancillary, functionType ; // cast to string value = $.trim($field.val() + ''); // if bracket notation is used, pass in extra parameters if(bracket) { ancillary = '' + bracket[1]; functionType = type.replace(bracket[0], ''); rule = settings.rules[functionType]; if( !$.isFunction(rule) ) { module.error(error.noRule, functionType); return; } isValid = rule.call($field, value, ancillary); } else { rule = settings.rules[type]; if( !$.isFunction(rule) ) { module.error(error.noRule, type); return; } isValid = rule.call($field, value); } return isValid; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Element' : element, 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.length > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.length + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; module.initialize(); }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.form.settings = { name : 'Form', namespace : 'form', debug : false, verbose : false, performance : true, fields : false, keyboardShortcuts : true, on : 'submit', inline : false, delay : 200, revalidate : true, transition : 'scale', duration : 200, onValid : function() {}, onInvalid : function() {}, onSuccess : function() { return true; }, onFailure : function() { return false; }, metadata : { defaultValue : 'default', validate : 'validate' }, regExp: { bracket : /\[(.*)\]/i, escape : /[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, email : "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", integer : /^\-?\d+$/, flags : /^\/(.*)\/(.*)?/, url : /(https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[^\s\.]+\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[^\s]+\.[^\s]{2,})/i }, selector : { checkbox : 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]', clear : '.clear', field : 'input, textarea, select', group : '.field', input : 'input', message : '.error.message', prompt : '.prompt.label', radio : 'input[type="radio"]', reset : '.reset:not([type="reset"])', submit : '.submit:not([type="submit"])', uiCheckbox : '.ui.checkbox', uiDropdown : '.ui.dropdown' }, className : { error : 'error', label : 'ui prompt label', pressed : 'down', success : 'success' }, error: { oldSyntax : 'Starting in 2.0 forms now only take a single settings object. Validation settings converted to new syntax automatically.', noRule : 'There is no rule matching the one you specified', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, templates: { // template that produces error message error: function(errors) { var html = ''; return $(html); }, // template that produces label prompt: function(errors) { return $('
') .addClass('ui red pointing prompt label') .html(errors[0]) ; } }, rules: { // checkbox checked checked: function() { return ($(this).filter(':checked').length > 0); }, // value contains text (insensitive) contains: function(value, text) { // escape regex characters text = text.replace($.fn.form.settings.regExp.escape, "\\$&"); return (value.search( new RegExp(text, 'i') ) !== -1); }, // value contains text (case sensitive) containsExactly: function(value, text) { // escape regex characters text = text.replace($.fn.form.settings.regExp.escape, "\\$&"); return (value.search( new RegExp(text) ) !== -1); }, // is most likely an email email: function(value){ var emailRegExp = new RegExp($.fn.form.settings.regExp.email, 'i') ; return emailRegExp.test(value); }, // is not empty or blank string empty: function(value) { return !(value === undefined || '' === value || $.isArray(value) && value.length === 0); }, // is valid integer integer: function(value, range) { var intRegExp = $.fn.form.settings.regExp.integer, min, max, parts ; if(range === undefined || range === '' || range === '..') { // do nothing } else if(range.indexOf('..') == -1) { if(intRegExp.test(range)) { min = max = range - 0; } } else { parts = range.split('..', 2); if(intRegExp.test(parts[0])) { min = parts[0] - 0; } if(intRegExp.test(parts[1])) { max = parts[1] - 0; } } return ( intRegExp.test(value) && (min === undefined || value >= min) && (max === undefined || value <= max) ); }, // is value (case insensitive) is: function(value, text) { text = (typeof text == 'string') ? text.toLowerCase() : text ; value = (typeof value == 'string') ? value.toLowerCase() : value ; return (value == text); }, // is value isExactly: function(value, text) { return (value == text); }, // is at least string length length: function(value, requiredLength) { return (value !== undefined) ? (value.length >= requiredLength) : false ; }, // matches another field different: function(value, identifier) { // use either id or name of field var $form = $(this), matchingValue ; if( $('[data-validate="'+ identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { matchingValue = $('[data-validate="'+ identifier +'"]').val(); } else if($('#' + identifier).length > 0) { matchingValue = $('#' + identifier).val(); } else if($('[name="' + identifier +'"]').length > 0) { matchingValue = $('[name="' + identifier + '"]').val(); } else if( $('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]').length > 0 ) { matchingValue = $('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]'); } return (matchingValue !== undefined) ? ( value.toString() !== matchingValue.toString() ) : false ; }, // matches another field match: function(value, identifier) { // use either id or name of field var $form = $(this), matchingValue ; if( $('[data-validate="'+ identifier +'"]').length > 0 ) { matchingValue = $('[data-validate="'+ identifier +'"]').val(); } else if($('#' + identifier).length > 0) { matchingValue = $('#' + identifier).val(); } else if($('[name="' + identifier +'"]').length > 0) { matchingValue = $('[name="' + identifier + '"]').val(); } else if( $('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]').length > 0 ) { matchingValue = $('[name="' + identifier +'[]"]'); } return (matchingValue !== undefined) ? ( value.toString() == matchingValue.toString() ) : false ; }, maxCount: function(value, count) { value = value.split(','); return ($.isArray(value) && value.length <= count); }, exactCount: function(value, count) { value = value.split(','); return ($.isArray(value) && value.length == count); }, minCount: function(value, count) { value = value.split(','); return ($.isArray(value) && value.length >= count); }, regExp: function(value, regExp) { var regExpParts = regExp.match($.fn.form.settings.regExp.flags), flags ; // regular expression specified as /baz/gi (flags) if(regExpParts) { regExp = (regExpParts.length >= 2) ? regExpParts[1] : regExp ; flags = (regExpParts.length >= 3) ? regExpParts[2] : '' ; } return value.match( new RegExp(regExp, flags) ); }, // string length is less than max length maxLength: function(value, maxLength) { return (value !== undefined) ? (value.length <= maxLength) : false ; }, // value is not value (case insensitive) not: function(value, notValue) { value = (typeof value == 'string') ? value.toLowerCase() : value ; notValue = (typeof notValue == 'string') ? notValue.toLowerCase() : notValue ; return (value != notValue); }, // value is not value (case sensitive) notExactly: function(value, notValue) { return (value != notValue); }, // value is most likely url url: function(value) { return $.fn.form.settings.regExp.url.test(value); } } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /*! * # Semantic UI 2.0.3 - Accordion * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; $.fn.accordion = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }, returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.accordion.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.settings), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', $module = $(this), $title = $module.find(selector.title), $content = $module.find(selector.content), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), observer, module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing', $module); module.bind.events(); module.observeChanges(); module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.debug('Destroying previous instance', $module); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { $title = $module.find(selector.title); $content = $module.find(selector.content); }, observeChanges: function() { if('MutationObserver' in window) { observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { module.debug('DOM tree modified, updating selector cache'); module.refresh(); }); observer.observe(element, { childList : true, subtree : true }); module.debug('Setting up mutation observer', observer); } }, bind: { events: function() { module.debug('Binding delegated events'); $module .on(settings.on + eventNamespace, selector.trigger, module.event.click) ; } }, event: { click: function() { module.toggle.call(this); } }, toggle: function(query) { var $activeTitle = (query !== undefined) ? (typeof query === 'number') ? $title.eq(query) : $(query).closest(selector.title) : $(this).closest(selector.title), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content), isAnimating = $activeContent.hasClass(className.animating), isActive = $activeContent.hasClass(className.active), isOpen = (isActive && !isAnimating), isOpening = (!isActive && isAnimating) ; module.debug('Toggling visibility of content', $activeTitle); if(isOpen || isOpening) { if(settings.collapsible) { module.close.call($activeTitle); } else { module.debug('Cannot close accordion content collapsing is disabled'); } } else { module.open.call($activeTitle); } }, open: function(query) { var $activeTitle = (query !== undefined) ? (typeof query === 'number') ? $title.eq(query) : $(query).closest(selector.title) : $(this).closest(selector.title), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content), isAnimating = $activeContent.hasClass(className.animating), isActive = $activeContent.hasClass(className.active), isOpen = (isActive || isAnimating) ; if(isOpen) { module.debug('Accordion already open, skipping', $activeContent); return; } module.debug('Opening accordion content', $activeTitle); settings.onOpening.call($activeContent); if(settings.exclusive) { module.closeOthers.call($activeTitle); } $activeTitle .addClass(className.active) ; $activeContent .stop(true, true) .addClass(className.animating) ; if(settings.animateChildren) { if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $activeContent .children() .transition({ animation : 'fade in', queue : false, useFailSafe : true, debug : settings.debug, verbose : settings.verbose, duration : settings.duration }) ; } else { $activeContent .children() .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, settings.duration, module.resetOpacity) ; } } $activeContent .slideDown(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { $activeContent .removeClass(className.animating) .addClass(className.active) ; module.reset.display.call(this); settings.onOpen.call(this); settings.onChange.call(this); }) ; }, close: function(query) { var $activeTitle = (query !== undefined) ? (typeof query === 'number') ? $title.eq(query) : $(query).closest(selector.title) : $(this).closest(selector.title), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content), isAnimating = $activeContent.hasClass(className.animating), isActive = $activeContent.hasClass(className.active), isOpening = (!isActive && isAnimating), isClosing = (isActive && isAnimating) ; if((isActive || isOpening) && !isClosing) { module.debug('Closing accordion content', $activeContent); settings.onClosing.call($activeContent); $activeTitle .removeClass(className.active) ; $activeContent .stop(true, true) .addClass(className.animating) ; if(settings.animateChildren) { if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $activeContent .children() .transition({ animation : 'fade out', queue : false, useFailSafe : true, debug : settings.debug, verbose : settings.verbose, duration : settings.duration }) ; } else { $activeContent .children() .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 0 }, settings.duration, module.resetOpacity) ; } } $activeContent .slideUp(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { $activeContent .removeClass(className.animating) .removeClass(className.active) ; module.reset.display.call(this); settings.onClose.call(this); settings.onChange.call(this); }) ; } }, closeOthers: function(index) { var $activeTitle = (index !== undefined) ? $title.eq(index) : $(this).closest(selector.title), $parentTitles = $activeTitle.parents(selector.content).prev(selector.title), $activeAccordion = $activeTitle.closest(selector.accordion), activeSelector = selector.title + '.' + className.active + ':visible', activeContent = selector.content + '.' + className.active + ':visible', $openTitles, $nestedTitles, $openContents ; if(settings.closeNested) { $openTitles = $activeAccordion.find(activeSelector).not($parentTitles); $openContents = $openTitles.next($content); } else { $openTitles = $activeAccordion.find(activeSelector).not($parentTitles); $nestedTitles = $activeAccordion.find(activeContent).find(activeSelector).not($parentTitles); $openTitles = $openTitles.not($nestedTitles); $openContents = $openTitles.next($content); } if( ($openTitles.length > 0) ) { module.debug('Exclusive enabled, closing other content', $openTitles); $openTitles .removeClass(className.active) ; $openContents .removeClass(className.animating) .stop(true, true) ; if(settings.animateChildren) { if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $openContents .children() .transition({ animation : 'fade out', useFailSafe : true, debug : settings.debug, verbose : settings.verbose, duration : settings.duration }) ; } else { $openContents .children() .stop(true, true) .animate({ opacity: 0 }, settings.duration, module.resetOpacity) ; } } $openContents .slideUp(settings.duration , settings.easing, function() { $(this).removeClass(className.active); module.reset.display.call(this); }) ; } }, reset: { display: function() { module.verbose('Removing inline display from element', this); $(this).css('display', ''); if( $(this).attr('style') === '') { $(this) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; } }, opacity: function() { module.verbose('Removing inline opacity from element', this); $(this).css('opacity', ''); if( $(this).attr('style') === '') { $(this) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; } }, }, setting: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing setting', name, value); if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing internal', name, value); if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else { module[name] = value; } } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Element' : element, 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { module.error(error.method, query); return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { instance.invoke('destroy'); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.accordion.settings = { name : 'Accordion', namespace : 'accordion', debug : false, verbose : false, performance : true, on : 'click', exclusive : true, collapsible : true, closeNested : false, animateChildren : true, duration : 350, easing : 'easeOutQuad', onOpening : function(){}, onOpen : function(){}, onClosing : function(){}, onClose : function(){}, onChange : function(){}, error: { method : 'The method you called is not defined' }, className : { active : 'active', animating : 'animating' }, selector : { accordion : '.accordion', title : '.title', trigger : '.title', content : '.content' } }; // Adds easing $.extend( $.easing, { easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; } }); })( jQuery, window , document ); /*! * # Semantic UI 2.0.3 - Checkbox * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { "use strict"; $.fn.checkbox = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.checkbox.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $label = $(this).children(selector.label), $input = $(this).children(selector.input), instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), observer, element = this, module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing checkbox', settings); module.create.label(); module.bind.events(); module.set.tabbable(); module.hide.input(); module.observeChanges(); module.instantiate(); module.setup(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying module'); module.unbind.events(); module.show.input(); $module.removeData(moduleNamespace); }, fix: { reference: function() { if( $module.is(selector.input) ) { module.debug('Behavior called on adjusting invoked element'); $module = $module.closest(selector.checkbox); module.refresh(); } } }, setup: function() { if( module.is.indeterminate() ) { module.debug('Initial value is indeterminate'); module.set.indeterminate(); if(settings.fireOnInit) { settings.onIndeterminate.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); } } else if( module.is.checked() ) { module.debug('Initial value is checked'); module.set.checked(); if(settings.fireOnInit) { settings.onChecked.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); } } else { module.debug('Initial value is unchecked'); module.set.unchecked(); if(settings.fireOnInit) { settings.onUnchecked.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); } } }, refresh: function() { $label = $module.children(selector.label); $input = $module.children(selector.input); }, hide: { input: function() { module.verbose('Modfying z-index to be unselectable'); $input.addClass(className.hidden); } }, show: { input: function() { module.verbose('Modfying z-index to be selectable'); $input.removeClass(className.hidden); } }, observeChanges: function() { if('MutationObserver' in window) { observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { module.debug('DOM tree modified, updating selector cache'); module.refresh(); }); observer.observe(element, { childList : true, subtree : true }); module.debug('Setting up mutation observer', observer); } }, attachEvents: function(selector, event) { var $element = $(selector) ; event = $.isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle ; if($element.length > 0) { module.debug('Attaching checkbox events to element', selector, event); $element .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound); } }, event: { click: function(event) { if( $(event.target).is(selector.input) ) { module.verbose('Using default check action on initialized checkbox'); return; } module.toggle(); event.preventDefault(); }, keydown: function(event) { var key = event.which, keyCode = { enter : 13, space : 32, escape : 27 } ; if(key == keyCode.escape) { module.verbose('Escape key pressed blurring field'); $input.blur(); event.preventDefault(); } if(!event.ctrlKey && (key == keyCode.enter || key == keyCode.space)) { module.verbose('Enter key pressed, toggling checkbox'); module.toggle(); event.preventDefault(); } } }, check: function() { if( !module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.checked() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already checked'); return; } module.debug('Checking checkbox', $input); module.set.checked(); settings.onChecked.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); }, uncheck: function() { if( !module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.unchecked() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already unchecked'); return; } module.debug('Unchecking checkbox'); module.set.unchecked(); settings.onUnchecked.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); }, indeterminate: function() { if( module.is.indeterminate() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already indeterminate'); return; } module.debug('Making checkbox indeterminate'); module.set.indeterminate(); settings.onIndeterminate.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); }, determinate: function() { if( module.is.determinate() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already determinate'); return; } module.debug('Making checkbox determinate'); module.set.determinate(); settings.onDeterminate.call($input[0]); settings.onChange.call($input[0]); }, enable: function() { if( module.is.enabled() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already enabled'); return; } module.debug('Enabling checkbox'); module.set.enabled(); settings.onEnable.call($input[0]); }, disable: function() { if( module.is.disabled() ) { module.debug('Checkbox is already disabled'); return; } module.debug('Disabling checkbox'); module.set.disabled(); settings.onDisable.call($input[0]); }, get: { radios: function() { var name = module.get.name() ; return $('input[name="' + name + '"]').closest(selector.checkbox); }, otherRadios: function() { return module.get.radios().not($module); }, name: function() { return $input.attr('name'); } }, is: { radio: function() { return ($input.hasClass(className.radio) || $input.attr('type') == 'radio'); }, indeterminate: function() { return $input.prop('indeterminate') !== undefined && $input.prop('indeterminate'); }, checked: function() { return $input.prop('checked') !== undefined && $input.prop('checked'); }, disabled: function() { return $input.prop('disabled') !== undefined && $input.prop('disabled'); }, enabled: function() { return !module.is.disabled(); }, determinate: function() { return !module.is.indeterminate(); }, unchecked: function() { return !module.is.checked(); } }, can: { change: function() { return !( $module.hasClass(className.disabled) || $module.hasClass(className.readOnly) || $input.prop('disabled') || $input.prop('readonly') ); }, uncheck: function() { return (typeof settings.uncheckable === 'boolean') ? settings.uncheckable : !module.is.radio() ; } }, set: { checked: function() { module.verbose('Setting class to checked'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) .addClass(className.checked) ; if( module.is.radio() ) { module.uncheckOthers(); } if(!module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.checked()) { module.debug('Input is already checked, skipping input property change'); return; } module.verbose('Setting state to checked', $input[0]); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) .prop('checked', true) ; module.trigger.change(); }, unchecked: function() { module.verbose('Removing checked class'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) .removeClass(className.checked) ; if(!module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.unchecked() ) { module.debug('Input is already unchecked'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to unchecked'); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) .prop('checked', false) ; module.trigger.change(); }, indeterminate: function() { module.verbose('Setting class to indeterminate'); $module .addClass(className.indeterminate) ; if( module.is.indeterminate() ) { module.debug('Input is already indeterminate, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to indeterminate'); $input .prop('indeterminate', true) ; module.trigger.change(); }, determinate: function() { module.verbose('Removing indeterminate class'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) ; if( module.is.determinate() ) { module.debug('Input is already determinate, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to determinate'); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) ; }, disabled: function() { module.verbose('Setting class to disabled'); $module .addClass(className.disabled) ; if( module.is.disabled() ) { module.debug('Input is already disabled, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to disabled'); $input .prop('disabled', 'disabled') ; module.trigger.change(); }, enabled: function() { module.verbose('Removing disabled class'); $module.removeClass(className.disabled); if( module.is.enabled() ) { module.debug('Input is already enabled, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to enabled'); $input .prop('disabled', false) ; module.trigger.change(); }, tabbable: function() { module.verbose('Adding tabindex to checkbox'); if( $input.attr('tabindex') === undefined) { $input.attr('tabindex', 0); } } }, trigger: { change: function() { module.verbose('Triggering change event from programmatic change'); $input .trigger('change') ; } }, create: { label: function() { if($input.prevAll(selector.label).length > 0) { $input.prev(selector.label).detach().insertAfter($input); module.debug('Moving existing label', $label); } else if( !module.has.label() ) { $label = $('