--- layout : 'default' css : 'card' title : 'Card' description : 'A card view lists site content as a playing card' type : 'UI View' element : 'card' elementType : 'view' themes : ['Default', 'Basic'] --- <%- @partial('header') %>



A single card.

Cute Dog
5 days ago
This dog has some things going for it. Its pretty cute and looks like it'd be fun to cuddle up with.


A group of cards.

Equal Size Cards

Your card's content may vary in length. In order to keep cards aligned, it is best to set a min-height that matches your largest card size.

For example:

/* Sets card height to about 3 lines of description */ #my-container .card .content { min-height: 145px; }
Cute Dog
This dog has some things going for it. Its pretty cute and looks like it'd be fun to cuddle up with.
199 Votes
Faithful Dog
5 days ago
Sometimes its more important to have a dog you know you can trust. But not every dog is trustworthy, you can tell by looking at its smile.
199 Votes
Silly Dog
12 days ago
Silly dogs can be quite fun to have as companions. You never know what kind of ridiculous thing they will do.
199 Votes
Introverted Dog
18 days ago
Introverted dogs don't like to say much, but thats ok, dogs can't talk anyways.
199 Votes
Large Dog
22 days ago
Large dogs just take up a lot of space. There's not much to be said.
199 Votes



A card can contain content a title

Cute Dog
2 days ago
This dog has some things going for it. Its pretty cute and looks like it'd be fun to cuddle up with.


A card can contain content metadata

You can include an arbitrary amount of metadata using your own class conventions, all child elements will automatically be spaced
Cute Dog
2 days ago Animals


A card can contain contain links as images, headers, or inside content

To make the entire content of a card link, check out the link variation below
Cute Dog
Check our this excellent resource on dogs.


A card can contain icons to denote user actions.

Common actions may contain special formatting, like "star" or "heart". To attach events, on a user action, please check out the state behavior.
Cute Dog


A card can contain a description with a single or multiple paragraphs

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

Extra Content

A card can contain extra content meant to be formatted separately from the main content

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

121 Votes


A card can contain an image

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

121 Votes


Link Card

A card can be formatted so that the entire contents link to another page

Cute Dog
Click to view more information about this dog at dog.com
Dog Doggington

Floated Content

Any content element can be floated left or right

You can include an arbitrary amount of metadata using your own class conventions, all child elements will automatically be spaced
Cute Dog
2 days ago Animals
Here's a description of a cute dog.
Dog Doggington

Column count

A group of cards can set how many cards should exist in a row

Cute Dog
This dog has some things going for it. Its pretty cute and looks like it'd be fun to cuddle up with.
Faithful Dog
Sometimes its more important to have a dog you know you can trust. But not every dog is trustworthy, you can tell by looking at its smile.
Silly Dog
Silly dogs can be quite fun to have as companions. You never know what kind of ridiculous thing they will do.
Happy Dog
Happy dogs are pretty interesting if you are an unhappy person.


A group of cards can double its column width for mobile

Resize your browser to a smaller size to see the cards stack after reaching mobile breakpoints
Cute Dog
This dog has some things going for it. Its pretty cute and looks like it'd be fun to cuddle up with.
Faithful Dog
Sometimes its more important to have a dog you know you can trust. But not every dog is trustworthy, you can tell by looking at its smile.
Silly Dog
Silly dogs can be quite fun to have as companions. You never know what kind of ridiculous thing they will do.
Happy Dog
Happy dogs are pretty interesting if you are an unhappy person.
Faithful Dog
Sometimes its more important to have a dog you know you can trust. But not every dog is trustworthy, you can tell by looking at its smile.
Faithful Dog
Sometimes its more important to have a dog you know you can trust. But not every dog is trustworthy, you can tell by looking at its smile.