## RELEASE NOTES ### Version 1.7.0 - **Major Changes** - **Project** - Right-to-left (RTL) support added. New gulp tasks for RTL file generation. Docs do not yet support RTL.*Thanks @MohammadYounes!*. - **Project** - Install now let you specify the outputted file permissions and RTL use (express/custom install) **Enhancements / Changes** - **Grid** - Added `equal width` variation using `flex-box`, `equal height` now also uses `flex-box` (this may have to be removed if causes unexpected browser issues) - **Sidebar** - Having a sidebar visible on page load is now much simpler. You can include ``ui visible sidebar`` on page load to have a sidebar element appear on page load. To close call `$('.ui.sidebar').sidebar('hide')` - **Sidebar** - Added documentation on using sidebar on a custom context. Sidebars using a custom context no longer add background colors like those initialized on `body` - **Site** - Form input highlighting color added (helps differentiate form colors with autocompleted fields). Default text highlighting color moved from highlighter yellow to a mellow blue. - **Dropdown** - Javascript Dropdown can now be disabled by adding ``disabled` class. No need to call `destroy`. **Thanks Psyton** - **Dropdown** - Search dropdown input can now have backgrounds. Fixes issues with autocompleted search dropdowns which have forced yellow "autocompleted" bg. - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly matching when values are not strings - **Progress** - Progress bars can now display percent or amount left using `{value}` in text templates - **Dropdown** - New `upward dropdown` variation, which opens its menu upward. Default animation now uses ``settings.transition = 'auto'` and determines direction of animation based on menu direction - **Dropdown** - Dropdown matching fields without values now trims whitespace by default - **Checkbox** - Checkbox now toggles on spacebar when focused (previously only toggled on enter key). - **Popup** - Popup now uses its own custom method for determining `offsetParent` meaning 3D contexts (like inside an animation) no longer should break positioning - **Popup** - Popup now uses `preserve: false` by default, this is slightly less performant but will reduce page clutter caused by leaving generated elements in the DOM **Code / Build** - **Build** - `Dist/` files now set file permissions in build. `644` by default. Can adjust in `semantic.json` or during gulp install. You will need to run `npm install` to add the new gulp-chmod dependency *Thanks @PeterDaveHello* - **Sidebar** - `setup layout` not occurs synchronously if you initialize a sidebar without the proper html. This makes sure calls to sidebar will occur correctly before the page is setup. A new setting `delaySetup` will override this, increasing performance. - **Modules** - Remove use of deprecated `.size()` for `.length` across all modules - **Modules** - Use of `$.proxy` swapped to native `function.call()` for performance gains across all modules **Bugs** - **Video** - Video component now uses `//` instead of defaulting to `http` - **Dropdown** - `restore defaults` will now set placeholder styling and remove active elemenet. Added example in docs. - **Dropdown** - Fixed bug where sub menus may sometimes have dropdown icon overlap text - **Dropdown** - Fixes dropdown search input from filtering text values when input is inside menu, i.e "In-Menu Search" - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with search selection not correctly creating RegExp when select values are not strings **Thanks @alufers** - **Dropdown** - Fix issue with `left floated` and `right floated` content sometimes not applying correctly - **Popup** - `wide` and `very wide` popup will now appear when screen size is below their `max-width` - **Popup** - Popup no longer blurs element on popup hide - **Segment** - ``ui tabular menu`` now correctly aligns with attached segment when using fluid variation *Thanks @MohammadYounes* - **Segment** - `basic segment` no longer removes padding on first and last elements - **Steps** - Steps now use ``table-cell`` to allow steps to be equal height by default, even with different content height. - **Button** - Fix issue with labeled icon groups in material theme - **Progress** - Fixes bug with progress that use ``total`` and ``value`` receiving the wrong values for text templates - **List** - Fix some styling issues with `ui list` inside `ui menu` ### Version 1.6.4 - January 12, 2015 - `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4` **Bugs** - **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools ### Version 1.6.3 - January 12, 2015 - `1.6.3` contained an unintentional character at beginning of `label.less` re-released as `1.6.4` **Bugs** - **Build** - Fix CSS property typo in list icon, and label causing issues with some custom build tools - **Label** - Fix attached labels to have correct border radius inside of attached segments of all kinds ### Version 1.6.2 - January 06, 2015 **Site Variables** - **Site** - EM values for `small` `large` etc are now all calculated from ``@emSize`` allowing you to only change one variable. **Bugs** - **Button** - Fixes active orange button color - **Menu** - Fixes ``fluid text menu`` to have correct margins ### Version 1.6.1 - January 05, 2015 **Bugs** - **Accordion** - Accordion now uses ``useFailSafe: true`` to avoid callbacks not occurring because of race conditions with `transitionend` in webkit ### Version 1.6.0 - January 05, 2015 **Build** - **Dist** - Build will now output version number in comment banner **Updates / Enhancements** - **Accordion** - Child element animations now use ``$.fn.transition`` and css animations by default (if available) - **Accordion** - Added ``animateChildren`` option to disable/enable opacity animation on child elements - **Accordion** - Accordion now uses `easeOutQuint`` instead of ``easeInOutQuint`` to increase perceived responsiveness of drawers - **Grid** - ``stackable grid`` now only adds horizontal padding when using ``stackable page grid``, otherwise content will take up full width of parent element **Bugs** - **Tab/Segment** - Fixes first tab being 1pixel taller than all other tabs - **Popup** - Fix issue with `ui popup` receiving error ``$offsetParent is undefined`` when using a pre-defined popup - **Popup** - Fix issue with ``ui popup` not appearing with ``ui flowing popup`` due to newly added ``min-width: max-content`` - **Form** - ``ui search dropdown`` inside a form has incorrect focus style - **Menu** - Fixes ``ui fluid labeled icon menu`` to not have `min-width` ### Version 1.5.2 - January 02, 2015 **Bugs** - **Sidebar** - Fix bug with `useLegacy` introduced in `1.5.1` ### Version 1.5.1 - January 01, 2015 **Bugs** - **Button** - Fixed vertical alignment of ``ui animated button`` - **Search** - Fixed issue with local search returning all results due to improper regexp ### Version 1.5.0 - December 30, 2014 **Critical Bugs** - **Build Tools** `1.4.0` introduced a bug with concatenated uncompressed ``dist/`` release including minified code. This would occur only when no components were specified in installer or ``semantic.json``. **Enhancements** - **Dropdown** - New setting ``allowCategorySelection`` lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs. - **Reset** - Reset now inherits ``box-sizing`` [from html tag](http://css-tricks.com/inheriting-box-sizing-probably-slightly-better-best-practice/) - **Label** - ``ui ribbon label`` can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ``ui right ribbon label`` - **Checkbox** - Checkboxes now can handle labels with multiple lines of text - **Progress** - Progress bars now display all intermediary percentage values when animating. Improved performance when progress bar is rapidly updated. - **Popup** - Popup now uses the new property ``min-width: max-content`` to allow for better display with ``inline`` in some circumstances where it escapes parent element. - **Table** - Table now has coupling with image to make sure size is preserved correctly with table sizing when used inside a table cell. - **Menu** - ``ui fixed menu`` now defaults to ``ui top fixed menu`` **Bugs** - **Form** - Fixed (x) wide field not having correct bottom field margin when in ``fields`` group on tablet or mobile - **Tab** - Calls to global ``$.tab()`` would not pass arguments correctly - **Dropdown/Search** - Fixed issues with ``ui search`` and ``ui search dropdown`` using ``RegExp test`` which [advances pointer on match](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp/test) causing results to display incorrectly - **Form** - ``ui input`` now receives the same formatting as a normal input inside an ``inline field`` - **Grid** - Fix display of equal height stackable grid. Add padding to divided stackable grid for dividers - **Input** - Fixed bug when ``ui action input`` uses a ``ui icon button``, button was receiving `i.icon` formatting. - **List** - Fixed bug when using ``ui icon button`` or ``ui icon header`` causing element to receive icon formatting - **Grid** - Fixed issues where negative margins on ``ui stackable grid`` could cause horizontal scroll bars on mobile - **Popup** - Popup destroy will now also destroy any unfired timers (show/hide delay) - **Popup** - Popup now moves to the same offset context to avoid positioning errors when using a named pre-existing popup. ### Version 1.4.1 - December 23, 2014 **Build Tools** - ``gulp build`` will now only build `dist/components/` for components selected in install - Fixed bug where interactive installer was not correctly setting components in ``express`` and ``custom`` install **Bugs** - **Dropdown** - ``