# Text Plugin for [DocPad](http://docpad.org)
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This plugin allows you to render variables within `templateData` using text elements
E.g. if you have this in your `docpad.cson`
``` coffeescript
firstname: 'Benjamin'
lastname: 'Lupton'
fullname: 'firstname lastname'
markdownExample: 'this is so **awesome**'
markdownEcoExample: 'here is a random number: **<%- Math.random() %>**'
Doing the following inside a document:
``` html
My creator's firstname is: firstname
My creator's lastname is: lastname
My creator's fullname is: fullname
The markdown example is: markdownExample
The markdown eco example is: markdownEcoExample
Will output:
``` html
My creator's firstname is: Benjamin
My creator's lastname is: Lupton
My creator's fullname is: Benjamin Lupton
The markdown example is: this is so awesome
The markdown eco example is: here is a random number: 0.5123213213123
Which is incredibly useful for abstracting out common generic pieces of text from your templates and placing them inside your configuration files. A common use case for this is easy configurability of skeletons, as well as easier translation of your website.
If you are embedding a text block into a text block, it is best that you name your text block like so `blah` that way our parser won't get confused as easily :)
To use it with [coffeekup](http://coffeekup.org/) you'll do it like so `tag 'text', {render:"md"}, "your **markdown** content"`. [More info here.](https://github.com/bevry/docpad/issues/194#issuecomment-11363441).
Alternatively, you can use the `t` template helper like so `@t('*markdown*', {render="markdown"})`
## Install
To use this plugin with DocPad, simply run `npm install docpad-plugin-text` inside your website's directory. You'd probably also want to add `"docpad-plugin-text": "latest"` to your `package.json` dependencies.
## History
[You can discover the history inside the `History.md` file](https://github.com/bevry/docpad-plugin-text/blob/master/History.md#files)
## Contributing
[You can discover the contributing instructions inside the `Contributing.md` file](https://github.com/bevry/docpad-plugin-text/blob/master/Contributing.md#files)
## License
Licensed under the incredibly [permissive](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permissive_free_software_licence) [MIT License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/MIT/)
Copyright © 2012+ [Bevry Pty Ltd](http://bevry.me)