--- layout : 'default' css : 'item' element : 'item' elementType : 'view' title : 'Item' description : 'An item view formats large collections of content for display vertically' type : 'UI View' themes : ['Default'] --- <%- @partial('header') %>



A group of items.

Arrowhead Valley Camp
$1200 1 Month
This camp in the Hudson Valley is perfect for teenagers from 10-14.
Child Friendly 0 Spots Available
Buck's Homebrew Stayaway
$1000 2 Weeks
This adult stay away from home camp will teach you everything you need to know about forestry and homebrew.
Adults-Only 2 Spots Available
Greek Astrology Camp
$1600 6 Weeks
Learn astrology the old fashioned way in this stayaway camp for kids aged 8-17.
Child Friendly 25 Spots Available



A item can contain a header

Arrowhead Valley Camp
This camp in the Hudson Valley is perfect for teenagers from 10-14.
Buck's Homebrew Stayaway
This adult stay away from home camp will teach you everything you need to know about forestry and homebrew.
Astrology Camp
Learn astrology the old fashioned way in this stayaway camp for kids aged 8-17.


A item can contain content metadata

You can include an arbitrary amount of metadata using your own class conventions, all child elements will automatically be spaced
Arrowhead Valley Camp
$1200 1 Month
This camp in the Hudson Valley is perfect for teenagers from 10-14.
Buck's Homebrew Stayaway
$1000 2 Weeks
This adult stay away from home camp will teach you everything you need to know about forestry and homebrew.
Astrology Camp
$1600 6 Weeks
Learn astrology the old fashioned way in this stayaway camp for kids aged 8-17.


A item can contain contain links as images, headers, or inside content

To make the entire content of a item link, check out the link variation below
Stevie Feliciano

Stevie Feliciano is a library scientist living in New York City. She likes to spend her time reading, running, and writing.

View Profile
Veronika Ossi

Veronika Ossi is a set designer living in New York who enjoys kittens, music, and partying.

View Profile
Jenny Hess

Jenny is a student studying Media Management at the New School.

View Profile


A item can contain icons to denote user actions.

Common actions may contain special formatting, like "star" or "heart". To attach events, on a user action, please check out the state behavior.


A item can contain a description with a single or multiple paragraphs

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

Extra Content

A item can contain extra content meant to be formatted separately from the main content

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

121 Votes


A item can contain an image

Cute Dog
2 days ago

Cute dogs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some cute dogs are cute for their adorable faces, others for their tiny stature, and even others for their massive size.

Many people also have their own barometers for what makes a cute dog.

121 Votes



Items can be divided to better distinguish between grouped content

The following example uses ui for legibility only. This is not necessary for using ui items
Cute Dog
Click to view more information about this dog at dog.com
Dog Doggington
Magic Dog
Click to view more information about a magic dog at dog.com
Dog Doggington

Link Item

A item can be formatted so that the entire contents link to another page

Floated Content

Any content element can be floated left or right

You can include an arbitrary amount of metadata using your own class conventions, all child elements will automatically be spaced
Cute Dog
2 days ago Animals
Here's a description of a cute dog.
Dog Doggington