## RELEASE NOTES ### Version 2.0.4 - July X, 2015 **[Reported Bugs](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A2.0.4+is%3Aclosed)** - **Popup** - Fixed issues where rounding could cause elements that are against edge of page from not appearing. Add new `jitter` setting for allowing popups to escape page boundaries by a small margin #2526 - **Popup** - `fluid` popup with `setFluidWidth: true` (default value), will now use `parent` width and not `offsetContext` width #2526 - **Visibility** - `refreshOnResize` now correctly includes a default value #2615 - **Button** - Fixed `fluid buttons` not working correctly with `