/* ****************************** Star Review Author: Jack Lukic Notes: First Commit Sep 04, 2012 Simple rating module ****************************** */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.starReview = function(parameters) { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.starReview.settings, parameters), // hoist arguments moduleArguments = arguments || false ; $(this) .each(function() { var $module = $(this), $star = $module.find(settings.selector.star), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, instance = $module.data('module'), module ; module = { settings: settings, initialize: function() { if(settings.rateable) { // expandable with states if($.fn.state !== undefined) { $module .state() ; $star .state() ; } $star .bind('mouseenter.' + namespace, module.event.mouseenter) .bind('mouseleave.' + namespace, module.event.mouseleave) .bind('click.' + namespace, module.event.click) ; } $module .addClass(className.initialize) .data('module', module) ; }, setRating: function(rating) { var $activeStar = $star.eq(rating - 1) ; $module .removeClass(className.hover) ; $star .removeClass(className.hover) ; $activeStar .nextAll() .removeClass(className.active) ; $activeStar .addClass(className.active) .prevAll() .addClass(className.active) ; $.proxy(settings.onRate, $module)(); }, event: { mouseenter: function() { var $activeStar = $(this) ; $activeStar .nextAll() .removeClass(className.hover) ; $module .addClass(className.hover) ; $activeStar .addClass(className.hover) .prevAll() .addClass(className.hover) ; }, mouseleave: function() { $star .removeClass(className.hover) ; }, click: function() { var $activeStar = $(this) ; module.setRating( $star.index($activeStar) + 1); } }, // handle error logging error: function(errorMessage) { console.warn(settings.moduleName + ': ' + errorMessage); }, // allows for dot notation method calls invoke: function(methodName, context, methodArguments) { var method ; methodArguments = methodArguments || Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); if(typeof methodName == 'string' && instance !== undefined) { methodName = methodName.split('.'); $.each(methodName, function(index, name) { if( $.isPlainObject( instance[name] ) ) { instance = instance[name]; return true; } else if( $.isFunction( instance[name] ) ) { method = instance[name]; return true; } module.error(settings.errors.method); return false; }); } return ( $.isFunction( method ) ) ? method.apply(context, methodArguments) : false ; } }; if(instance !== undefined && moduleArguments) { // simpler than invoke realizing to invoke itself (and losing scope due prototype.call() if(moduleArguments[0] == 'invoke') { moduleArguments = Array.prototype.slice.call( moduleArguments, 1 ); } return module.invoke(moduleArguments[0], this, Array.prototype.slice.call( moduleArguments, 1 ) ); } // initializing module.initialize(); }) ; return this; }; $.fn.starReview.settings = { moduleName : 'Star', namespace : 'star', rateable : true, onRate : function(){}, className : { initialize : 'initialize', loading : 'loading', active : 'active', hover : 'hover', down : 'down' }, selector : { star : 'i' } }; })( jQuery, window , document );