var config = require('../user'), release = require('./release') ; module.exports = { banner : release.banner, log: { created: function(file) { return 'Created: ' + file; }, modified: function(file) { return 'Modified: ' + file; } }, filenames: { concatenatedCSS : 'semantic.css', concatenatedJS : 'semantic.js', concatenatedMinifiedCSS : 'semantic.min.css', concatenatedMinifiedJS : 'semantic.min.js', concatenatedRTLCSS : 'semantic.rtl.css', concatenatedMinifiedRTLCSS : 'semantic.rtl.min.css' }, regExp: { comments: { // remove all comments from config files (.variable) variables : { in : /(\/\*[\s\S]+?\*\/+)[\s\S]+?\/\* End Config \*\//, out : '$1', }, // add version to first comment license: { in : /(^\/\*[\s\S]+)(# Semantic UI )([\s\S]+?\*\/)/, out : '$1$2' + release.version + ' $3' }, // adds uniform spacing around comments large: { in : /(\/\*\*\*\*[\s\S]+?\*\/)/mg, out : '\n\n$1\n' }, small: { in : /(\/\*---[\s\S]+?\*\/)/mg, out : '\n$1\n' }, tiny: { in : /(\/\* [\s\S]+? \*\/)/mg, out : '\n$1' } }, theme: /.*\/themes\/.*?(?=\/)/mg }, settings: { /* Remove Files in Clean */ del: { silent : true }, /* Comment Banners */ header: { title : release.title, version : release.version, repository : release.repository, url : release.url }, /* What Browsers to Prefix */ prefix: { browsers: [ 'last 2 version', '> 1%', 'opera 12.1', 'safari 6', 'ie 9', 'bb 10', 'android 4' ] }, /* File Renames */ rename: { minJS : { extname : '.min.js' }, minCSS : { extname : '.min.css' }, rtlCSS : { extname : '.rtl.css' }, rtlMinCSS : { extname : '.rtl.min.css' } }, /* Minified CSS Concat */ minify: { processImport : false, keepSpecialComments : 1 }, /* Minified JS Settings */ uglify: { mangle : true, preserveComments : 'some' }, /* Minified Concat CSS Settings */ concatMinify: { processImport : false, keepSpecialComments : false }, /* Minified Concat JS */ concatUglify: { mangle : true, preserveComments : false } } };