## RELEASE NOTES ### Version 1.11.0 - February xx, 2015 **New Components** - Visibiliity - Attach callbacks to elements visibility conditions like `top visible` `bottom visible`, `passing`. Useful for things like: image lazy loading, infinite scroll content, and recording tracking metrics **Enhancements** - Loader - `inline loader` now has a `centered` variation ### Version 1.10.1-2 - February 24, 2015 No changes, fixes stale pm component builds ### Version 1.10.0 - February 23, 2015 **New Features** - **Transition** - Transitions now have `interval` to allow grouped elements to animate one by one with a delay between each animation. Grouped animations determine order based on transition direction to avoid reflows, or can manually be reversed by using reverse: true [See Examples](http://www.semantic-ui.com/modules/transition.html#grouped-transitions) for more details. **Critical Fixes** - **Transition** - Webkit `failSafe` used for [Chromium Bug #437860](https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=437860) now also works for queued animations **Enhancements** - **Form Validation** - Adds `containsExactly`, `notExactly`, `isExactly` case sensitive validation rules, make `contains`, `not`, `is` case insensitive. - **Form Validation** - `contains` rule is now case insensitive - **Form Validation** - Validation messages no longer increase field height on `inline fields` like checkboxes after error appears - **API** - Added `was cancelled` to determine whether request was cancelled by `beforeSend` - **Image* - Added `hidden image` state **Fixes** - **Build Tools** - Fixed issue with recursive merge for site themes in update scripts, [details here](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/pull/1845) Thanks @derekslife - **Cards** - Fix `.ui.cards > .ui.card` margins to match `.ui.cards > .card` margins - **Cards** - Fix consecutive card groups to preserve row flow (similar to consecutive grids) - **Sidebar** - Sidebar using `exclusive: true` now queue animations after hiding previous sidebar (unless `overlay`) to avoid rendering issues - **State** - Text states now handle `cancelled` API requests correctly - **Search** - Category search no longer displays unnecessary error message about maxResults - **Composer** - Composer.json should now read version from tags, adjusted some fields. - **Grid** - Stackable grid now has horizontal padding by default on mobile unless nested inside a `ui grid` or `ui segment` (not vertical) - **Menu** - Fixes pointing menu displaying under dropdown menu -**Docs** -**Transition** - `useFailSafe` was incorrectly shown as `false` by default ### Version 1.9.3 - February 20, 2015 **Bugs** - **RTL** - Fixes `rtl` tasks not running correctly on `gulp build` due to name typo, `build rtl` instead of `build-rtl` - **Tab** - Fixed bug when loading `remote` content with `tab` where current tab would not hide while another tab is loading - **Tab** - Tab with remote content and `auto: true` now removes duplicate slashes from url path - **API** - Simplified `api` debug output to console to more clearly label url and data sent **Docs** - **Tab** - Added new tab remote content example with stubbed AJAX using SinonJS ### Version 1.9.2 - February 19, 2015 Added new repositories for css and less only versions, can be installed with ```bash npm install semantic-ui-less npm install semantic-ui-css ``` **Bug Fixes** - **Modal** - Fixes typo causing `middle aligned` image not to work correctly. - **Build** - `gulp watch` now compiles concatenated css (missing in `1.9.1` only) ### Version 1.9.1 - February 18, 2015 **LESS Changes** Importing individual components into other less files now requires scoping. This is to prevent issues with variable scope that cannot be resolved inside definitions. ```less /* Import a specific component */ & { @import 'src/definitions/elements/button'; } ``` Importing `semantic.less` still does not require any special syntax @import 'src/semantic'; **Bugs** - Fixed issue directly importing `semantic.less` caused by variable scoping in `.loadOverrides()`. - Fix bug where `equal height` row could not be `centered`, or less than full width ### Version 1.9.0 - February 17, 2015 ### Build Tools ##### NPM Install - `npm install semantic-ui` is now the recommended path for getting Semantic UI - Added `npm` `post-install` scripts which automatically install or update semantic ##### Gulp Task Imports - Semantic tasks are now each defined [in their own file](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/tree/master/tasks), and can be directly imported into external gulpfiles. Read more about [importing tasks here](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI/blob/next/src/README.md) - If you are using Grunt, you may be able to import these tasks using [Grunt-gulp](https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-gulp) ##### LESS Component Imports - Semantic LESS files can now be directly included in other LESS files. * You can import all UI with `@import 'src/semantic';` * You can also import individual definitions using `@import 'src/definitions/elements/button'`. ### UI Changes **Major Enhancements** - **Card** - Cards now equalize height by default using `display: flex`. No longer are card heights required to be specified manually to align - **Flag** - Reduced the file size of flag sprite to a measly 28kb (500%+ file size reduction) - **Icon** - Added Font Awesome 4.3 including many new icons - **Input** - Input with dropdowns is now much easier, see docs. `action input` and `labeled input` now use `display: flex`. `ui action input` now supports `