--- layout : 'default' css : 'side' title : 'Tab' description : 'A tab is a section of content tied to a navigation menu' type : 'UI Module' --- <%- @partial('header') %>


Opening tabs with menus

Tabs are usually used in concert with an element that activates the tab. When using tabs, unlike other UI components, the menu or activating element is initialized instead of the tab.

Tabs are connected to their activators with a metadata attribute data-tab. This should be added to both the activating element and the tab itself.

Default tabs

After any tab is opened it will look for a default tab to open inside of the current tab. This is the first tab that begins with the same stem url as the parent tab. For example a tab with the path data-tab="home" might open a tab automatically data-tab="/home/inbox".

This will happen recursively for every tab open, allowing as many levels of tabs as you like

$('.first.example .menu .item') .tab({ context: '.first.example' }) ;

Optional Coupling

Managing History with Tabs

Tabs can attach to a history change event to allow for tabs to maintain history events. Tabs use Asual's Address library to provide cross-browser push state support. This makes sure in browser that don't support push state, hashchange is used with in page anchors to provide history functionality.

Setup Paths

Make sure when you use history to specify the path. This is required for determining the stem url from the part of the url maintaining in page history. The path is the URL without any tabs open. This cannot usually be set automatically because on future page refreshes the URL may include an internal link. Using the incorrect path will cause the module to work incorrectly, producing unexpected results.

Route your URLs

Be sure to set up routes on your server for any url used with history. If you use history to change the url to a location that does not exist, it will 404 on the next refresh. The docs for example, are static github hosted pages, so will 404 if the page url changes
$('.history.example .menu .item') .tab({ context : '.history.example', history : true, path : '/modules/tab.html' }) ;

Retreiving Dynamic Tab Content

The easiest way to setup dynamic content is to use the parameter auto, this will automatically retrieve content at a remote url matching the url set in the browser. The URL will receive an addition HTTP Header 'X-Remote': true. You can use this on your server's back-end to determine whether a request is an AJAX request from a tab

This uses a similar technique to pJax or Rail's turbolinks.

There are a variety of settings for configuring dynamic content behavior. Visit the tab settings section for more information
$('.dynamic.example .menu .item') .tab({ context : '.dynamic.example', auto : true, path : '/modules/tab.html' }) ;


All the following behaviors can be called using the syntax $('.foo').tab('behavior name', argumentOne, argumentTwo)
attach events(selector, event) Attaches tab action to given selector. Default event if none specified is toggle
show Shows tab
hide Hides tab
toggle Toggles visibility of tab
is open Returns whether tab is open
is closed Returns whether tab is closed
push page Pushes page content to be visible alongside tab
get direction Returns direction of current tab
pull page Returns page content to original position
add body css Adds stylesheet to page head to trigger tab animations
remove body css Removes any inline stylesheets for tab animation
get transition event Returns vendor prefixed transition end event


Transition Settings
Form settings modify the transition behavior

Setting Default Description
overlay false Whether tab should overlay page instead of pushing page to the side
useCSS true Whether to use css animations or fallback javascript animations
duration 300 Duration of side bar animation

DOM Settings
DOM settings specify how this module should interface with the DOM

Setting Default Description
namespace tab Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
className: { active : 'active', pushed : 'pushed', top : 'top', left : 'left', right : 'right', bottom : 'bottom' }
Class names used to attach style to state

Debug Settings
Debug settings controls debug output to the console

Setting Default Description
name Tab Name used in debug logs
debug True Provides standard debug output to console
performance True Provides standard debug output to console
verbose True Provides ancillary debug output to console
error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined.', notFound : 'There were no elements that matched the specified selector' }