/*! * # Semantic UI 2.2.0 - Modal * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2015 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; window = (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math) ? window : (typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math) ? self : Function('return this')() ; $.fn.modal = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $window = $(window), $document = $(document), $body = $('body'), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }, returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.modal.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.modal.settings), selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $context = $(settings.context), $close = $module.find(selector.close), $allModals, $otherModals, $focusedElement, $dimmable, $dimmer, element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), elementEventNamespace, id, observer, module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing dimmer', $context); module.create.id(); module.create.dimmer(); module.refreshModals(); module.bind.events(); if(settings.observeChanges) { module.observeChanges(); } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of modal'); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, create: { dimmer: function() { var defaultSettings = { debug : settings.debug, dimmerName : 'modals', duration : { show : settings.duration, hide : settings.duration } }, dimmerSettings = $.extend(true, defaultSettings, settings.dimmerSettings) ; if(settings.inverted) { dimmerSettings.variation = (dimmerSettings.variation !== undefined) ? dimmerSettings.variation + ' inverted' : 'inverted' ; } if($.fn.dimmer === undefined) { module.error(error.dimmer); return; } module.debug('Creating dimmer with settings', dimmerSettings); $dimmable = $context.dimmer(dimmerSettings); if(settings.detachable) { module.verbose('Modal is detachable, moving content into dimmer'); $dimmable.dimmer('add content', $module); } else { module.set.undetached(); } if(settings.blurring) { $dimmable.addClass(className.blurring); } $dimmer = $dimmable.dimmer('get dimmer'); }, id: function() { id = (Math.random().toString(16) + '000000000').substr(2,8); elementEventNamespace = '.' + id; module.verbose('Creating unique id for element', id); } }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous modal'); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; $window.off(elementEventNamespace); $dimmer.off(elementEventNamespace); $close.off(eventNamespace); $context.dimmer('destroy'); }, observeChanges: function() { if('MutationObserver' in window) { observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { module.debug('DOM tree modified, refreshing'); module.refresh(); }); observer.observe(element, { childList : true, subtree : true }); module.debug('Setting up mutation observer', observer); } }, refresh: function() { module.remove.scrolling(); module.cacheSizes(); module.set.screenHeight(); module.set.type(); module.set.position(); }, refreshModals: function() { $otherModals = $module.siblings(selector.modal); $allModals = $otherModals.add($module); }, attachEvents: function(selector, event) { var $toggle = $(selector) ; event = $.isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle ; if($toggle.length > 0) { module.debug('Attaching modal events to element', selector, event); $toggle .off(eventNamespace) .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound, selector); } }, bind: { events: function() { module.verbose('Attaching events'); $module .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.close, module.event.close) .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.approve, module.event.approve) .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.deny, module.event.deny) ; $window .on('resize' + elementEventNamespace, module.event.resize) ; } }, get: { id: function() { return (Math.random().toString(16) + '000000000').substr(2,8); } }, event: { approve: function() { if(settings.onApprove.call(element, $(this)) === false) { module.verbose('Approve callback returned false cancelling hide'); return; } module.hide(); }, deny: function() { if(settings.onDeny.call(element, $(this)) === false) { module.verbose('Deny callback returned false cancelling hide'); return; } module.hide(); }, close: function() { module.hide(); }, click: function(event) { var $target = $(event.target), isInModal = ($target.closest(selector.modal).length > 0), isInDOM = $.contains(document.documentElement, event.target) ; if(!isInModal && isInDOM) { module.debug('Dimmer clicked, hiding all modals'); if( module.is.active() ) { module.remove.clickaway(); if(settings.allowMultiple) { module.hide(); } else { module.hideAll(); } } } }, debounce: function(method, delay) { clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(method, delay); }, keyboard: function(event) { var keyCode = event.which, escapeKey = 27 ; if(keyCode == escapeKey) { if(settings.closable) { module.debug('Escape key pressed hiding modal'); module.hide(); } else { module.debug('Escape key pressed, but closable is set to false'); } event.preventDefault(); } }, resize: function() { if( $dimmable.dimmer('is active') ) { requestAnimationFrame(module.refresh); } } }, toggle: function() { if( module.is.active() || module.is.animating() ) { module.hide(); } else { module.show(); } }, show: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.refreshModals(); module.showModal(callback); }, hide: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.refreshModals(); module.hideModal(callback); }, showModal: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( module.is.animating() || !module.is.active() ) { module.showDimmer(); module.cacheSizes(); module.set.position(); module.set.screenHeight(); module.set.type(); module.set.clickaway(); if( !settings.allowMultiple && module.others.active() ) { module.hideOthers(module.showModal); } else { settings.onShow.call(element); if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { module.debug('Showing modal with css animations'); $module .transition({ debug : settings.debug, animation : settings.transition + ' in', queue : settings.queue, duration : settings.duration, useFailSafe : true, onComplete : function() { settings.onVisible.apply(element); module.add.keyboardShortcuts(); module.save.focus(); module.set.active(); if(settings.autofocus) { module.set.autofocus(); } callback(); } }) ; } else { module.error(error.noTransition); } } } else { module.debug('Modal is already visible'); } }, hideModal: function(callback, keepDimmed) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.debug('Hiding modal'); if(settings.onHide.call(element, $(this)) === false) { module.verbose('Hide callback returned false cancelling hide'); return; } if( module.is.animating() || module.is.active() ) { if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { module.remove.active(); $module .transition({ debug : settings.debug, animation : settings.transition + ' out', queue : settings.queue, duration : settings.duration, useFailSafe : true, onStart : function() { if(!module.others.active() && !keepDimmed) { module.hideDimmer(); } module.remove.keyboardShortcuts(); }, onComplete : function() { settings.onHidden.call(element); module.restore.focus(); callback(); } }) ; } else { module.error(error.noTransition); } } }, showDimmer: function() { if($dimmable.dimmer('is animating') || !$dimmable.dimmer('is active') ) { module.debug('Showing dimmer'); $dimmable.dimmer('show'); } else { module.debug('Dimmer already visible'); } }, hideDimmer: function() { if( $dimmable.dimmer('is animating') || ($dimmable.dimmer('is active')) ) { $dimmable.dimmer('hide', function() { module.remove.clickaway(); module.remove.screenHeight(); }); } else { module.debug('Dimmer is not visible cannot hide'); return; } }, hideAll: function(callback) { var $visibleModals = $allModals.filter('.' + className.active + ', .' + className.animating) ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( $visibleModals.length > 0 ) { module.debug('Hiding all visible modals'); module.hideDimmer(); $visibleModals .modal('hide modal', callback) ; } }, hideOthers: function(callback) { var $visibleModals = $otherModals.filter('.' + className.active + ', .' + className.animating) ; callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( $visibleModals.length > 0 ) { module.debug('Hiding other modals', $otherModals); $visibleModals .modal('hide modal', callback, true) ; } }, others: { active: function() { return ($otherModals.filter('.' + className.active).length > 0); }, animating: function() { return ($otherModals.filter('.' + className.animating).length > 0); } }, add: { keyboardShortcuts: function() { module.verbose('Adding keyboard shortcuts'); $document .on('keyup' + eventNamespace, module.event.keyboard) ; } }, save: { focus: function() { $focusedElement = $(document.activeElement).blur(); } }, restore: { focus: function() { if($focusedElement && $focusedElement.length > 0) { $focusedElement.focus(); } } }, remove: { active: function() { $module.removeClass(className.active); }, clickaway: function() { if(settings.closable) { $dimmer .off('click' + elementEventNamespace) ; } }, bodyStyle: function() { if($body.attr('style') === '') { module.verbose('Removing style attribute'); $body.removeAttr('style'); } }, screenHeight: function() { module.debug('Removing page height'); $body .css('height', '') ; }, keyboardShortcuts: function() { module.verbose('Removing keyboard shortcuts'); $document .off('keyup' + eventNamespace) ; }, scrolling: function() { $dimmable.removeClass(className.scrolling); $module.removeClass(className.scrolling); } }, cacheSizes: function() { var modalHeight = $module.outerHeight() ; if(module.cache === undefined || modalHeight !== 0) { module.cache = { pageHeight : $(document).outerHeight(), height : modalHeight + settings.offset, contextHeight : (settings.context == 'body') ? $(window).height() : $dimmable.height() }; } module.debug('Caching modal and container sizes', module.cache); }, can: { fit: function() { return ( ( module.cache.height + (settings.padding * 2) ) < module.cache.contextHeight); } }, is: { active: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.active); }, animating: function() { return $module.transition('is supported') ? $module.transition('is animating') : $module.is(':visible') ; }, scrolling: function() { return $dimmable.hasClass(className.scrolling); }, modernBrowser: function() { // appName for IE11 reports 'Netscape' can no longer use return !(window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window); } }, set: { autofocus: function() { var $inputs = $module.find(':input').filter(':visible'), $autofocus = $inputs.filter('[autofocus]'), $input = ($autofocus.length > 0) ? $autofocus.first() : $inputs.first() ; if($input.length > 0) { $input.focus(); } }, clickaway: function() { if(settings.closable) { $dimmer .on('click' + elementEventNamespace, module.event.click) ; } }, screenHeight: function() { if( module.can.fit() ) { $body.css('height', ''); } else { module.debug('Modal is taller than page content, resizing page height'); $body .css('height', module.cache.height + (settings.padding * 2) ) ; } }, active: function() { $module.addClass(className.active); }, scrolling: function() { $dimmable.addClass(className.scrolling); $module.addClass(className.scrolling); }, type: function() { if(module.can.fit()) { module.verbose('Modal fits on screen'); if(!module.others.active() && !module.others.animating()) { module.remove.scrolling(); } } else { module.verbose('Modal cannot fit on screen setting to scrolling'); module.set.scrolling(); } }, position: function() { module.verbose('Centering modal on page', module.cache); if(module.can.fit()) { $module .css({ top: '', marginTop: -(module.cache.height / 2) }) ; } else { $module .css({ marginTop : '', top : $document.scrollTop() }) ; } }, undetached: function() { $dimmable.addClass(className.undetached); } }, setting: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing setting', name, value); if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { if($.isPlainObject(settings[name])) { $.extend(true, settings[name], value); } else { settings[name] = value; } } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(!settings.silent && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(!settings.silent && settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { if(!settings.silent) { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); } }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Element' : element, 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 500); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { instance.invoke('destroy'); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.modal.settings = { name : 'Modal', namespace : 'modal', silent : false, debug : false, verbose : false, performance : true, observeChanges : false, allowMultiple : false, detachable : true, closable : true, autofocus : true, inverted : false, blurring : false, dimmerSettings : { closable : false, useCSS : true }, context : 'body', queue : false, duration : 500, offset : 0, transition : 'scale', // padding with edge of page padding : 50, // called before show animation onShow : function(){}, // called after show animation onVisible : function(){}, // called before hide animation onHide : function(){ return true; }, // called after hide animation onHidden : function(){}, // called after approve selector match onApprove : function(){ return true; }, // called after deny selector match onDeny : function(){ return true; }, selector : { close : '> .close', approve : '.actions .positive, .actions .approve, .actions .ok', deny : '.actions .negative, .actions .deny, .actions .cancel', modal : '.ui.modal' }, error : { dimmer : 'UI Dimmer, a required component is not included in this page', method : 'The method you called is not defined.', notFound : 'The element you specified could not be found' }, className : { active : 'active', animating : 'animating', blurring : 'blurring', scrolling : 'scrolling', undetached : 'undetached' } }; })( jQuery, window, document );