{ "Name": "Semantic Button", "Description": "Buttons indicate a possible user action.", "Definition": "Elements", "Types": { "Animated": ".ui.animated.button > .visible.content", "Icon": ".ui.icon.button > .cloud.icon", "Labeled Icon": ".ui.labeled.icon.button > .pause.icon" }, "Groups": {}, "States": {}, "Variations": { "Social": [ "facebook", "twitter", "google plus", "vk", "linkedin", "instagram", "youtube" ], "Sizes": [ "mini", "tiny", "small", "medium", "large", "big", "huge", "massive" ], "Ordinality": [ "primary", "secondary" ], "Basic": [ "basic" ], "Colors": [ "black", "green", "red", "blue" ], "Toggle": [ "toggle" ], "Feedback": [ "positive", "negative" ], "Fluid": [ "fluid" ], "Circular": [ "circular", "circular icon" ], "Vertically Attached": [ "top attached", "bottom attached" ], "Horizontally Attached": [ "left attached", "right attached" ] }, "Group Variations": {}, "Definitions": { "Animated": "A button can animate to show hidden content", "Icon": "Groups can be formatted as icons", "Labeled Icon": "Groups can be formatted as labeled icons", "Buttons": "Buttons can exist together as a group", "Icons": "Button groups can show groups of icons", "Conditionals": "Button groups can be separated by conditionals", "Hover": "A button can change to show a user has hovered their mouse", "Down": "A button can change when pressed using touch or mouse events", "Active": "A button can show it is currently the active user selection", "Disabled": "A button can show it is currently unable to be interacted with", "Loading": "A button can show a loading indicator", "Social": "A button can be formatted to link to a social website", "Sizes": "Groups can have a shared size", "Ordinality": "A button can be formatted to show different levels of emphasis", "Basic": "A button group can be formatted to remove extra formatting", "Colors": "Groups can have a shared color", "Toggle": "A button can be formatted to toggle on and off", "Feedback": "A button can be positive or negative:", "Fluid": "Groups can be divided evenly to fit parent", "Circular": "A button can be circular:", "Vertically Attached": "A button can be attached to the top or bottom of other content", "Horizontally Attached": "A button can be attached to the left or right of other content", "Vertical": "Groups can be formatted to appear vertically" } }