/* * # Semantic - Message * http://github.com/semantic-org/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ /******************************* Theme *******************************/ @type : 'collection'; @element : 'message'; @import '../../semantic.config'; /******************************* Message *******************************/ .ui.message { position: relative; min-height: 1em; margin: @verticalMargin 0em; background: @background; padding: @verticalPadding @horizontalPadding; line-height: @lineHeight; color: @textColor; transition: @transition; border-radius: @borderRadius; box-shadow: @boxShadow; } .ui.message:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.message:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /*-------------- Content ---------------*/ /* block with headers */ .ui.message .header { display: @headerDisplay; font-family: @headerFont; font-size: @headerFontSize; font-weight: @headerFontWeight; margin: 0em @headerHorizontalDistance 0em 0em; } /* block with paragraphs */ .ui.message p { opacity: @messageTextOpacity; margin: @messageParagraphMargin 0em; } .ui.message p:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.message p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } .ui.message .header + p { margin-top: @headerBottomMargin; } /* Block with list */ .ui.message ul.list { opacity: @listOpacity; list-style-position: @listStylePosition; margin: @listMargin 0em 0em; padding: 0em; } .ui.message ul.list li { position: relative; list-style-type: none; margin: 0em 0em @listItemMargin @listItemIndent; padding: 0em; } .ui.message ul.list li:before { position: absolute; content: '•'; left: -1em; height: 100%; vertical-align: baseline; } .ui.message ul.list li:first-child { margin-top: 0em; } /* Close Icon */ .ui.message > .close.icon { cursor: pointer; position: absolute; top: @closeTopDistance; right: @closeRightDistance; opacity: @closeOpacity; transition: opacity 0.1s linear ; } .ui.message > .close.icon:hover { opacity: 1; } /* First / Last Element */ .ui.message > :first-child { margin-top: 0em; } .ui.message > :last-child { margin-bottom: 0em; } /******************************* States *******************************/ .ui.message.visible, .ui.header.visible { display: block !important; } .ui.message.hidden, .ui.header.hidden { display: none; } /******************************* Variations *******************************/ /*-------------- Compact ---------------*/ .ui.compact.message { display: inline-block; } /*-------------- Attached ---------------*/ .ui.attached.message { margin-left: @attachedOffset; margin-right: @attachedOffset; margin-bottom: @attachedOffset; border-radius: @borderRadius @borderRadius 0em 0em; box-shadow: @attachedBoxShadow ; } .ui.attached + .ui.attached.message:not(.top):not(.bottom) { margin-top: @attachedOffset; border-radius: 0em; } .ui.bottom.attached.message { margin-top: @attachedOffset; border-radius: 0em 0em @borderRadius @borderRadius; } .ui.bottom.attached.message:not(:last-child) { margin-bottom: @verticalMargin; } .ui.attached.icon.message { display: block; width: auto; } /*-------------- Icon ---------------*/ .ui.icon.message { display: table; width: 100%; } .ui.icon.message > .icon:not(.close) { display: table-cell; vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; font-size: @iconSize; opacity: @iconOpacity; } .ui.icon.message > .icon + .content { padding-left: @iconDistance; } .ui.icon.message > .content { display: table-cell; vertical-align: @iconVerticalAlign; } /*-------------- Floating ---------------*/ .ui.floating.message { box-shadow: @floatingBoxShadow; } /*-------------- Colors ---------------*/ .ui.black.message { background-color: @black; color: @invertedTextColor; } /*-------------- Types ---------------*/ /* Inverted */ .ui.inverted.message, .ui.black.message { background-color: @black; color: @invertedTextColor; } /* Positive / Negative */ .ui.positive.message { background-color: @positiveBackgroundColor; color: @positiveTextColor; } .ui.negative.message { background-color: @negativeBackgroundColor; color: @negativeTextColor; } /* User Action */ .ui.info.message { background-color: @infoBackgroundColor; color: @infoTextColor; } .ui.warning.message { background-color: @warningBackgroundColor; color: @warningTextColor; } .ui.error.message { background-color: @errorBackgroundColor; color: @errorTextColor; } .ui.success.message { background-color: @successBackgroundColor; color: @successTextColor; } /* Colors */ .ui.blue.message { background-color: @blueBackground; color: @blueTextColor; } .ui.green.message { background-color: @greenBackground; color: @greenTextColor; } .ui.orange.message { background-color: @orangeBackground; color: @orangeTextColor; } .ui.pink.message { background-color: @pinkBackground; color: @pinkTextColor; } .ui.purple.message { background-color: @purpleBackground; color: @purpleTextColor; } .ui.red.message { background-color: @redBackground; color: @redTextColor; } .ui.teal.message { background-color: @tealBackground; color: @tealTextColor; } .ui.yellow.message { background-color: @yellowBackground; color: @yellowTextColor; } /*-------------- Sizes ---------------*/ .ui.small.message { font-size: @small; } .ui.message { font-size: @medium; } .ui.large.message { font-size: @large; } .ui.huge.message { font-size: @huge; } .ui.massive.message { font-size: @massive; } .loadUIOverrides();