'use strict'; // Test helpers. function delay(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 10); } var result = (function() { var arr; var push = function() { [].push.apply(arr, arguments); }; return { reset: function() { arr = []; }, push: push, pushTaskname: function() { push(this.name); }, get: function() { return arr; }, getJoined: function() { return arr.join(''); } }; }()); var requireTask = require.bind(exports, '../../lib/util/task.js'); exports['new Task'] = { 'create': function(test) { test.expect(1); var tasklib = requireTask(); test.ok(tasklib.create() instanceof tasklib.Task, 'It should return a Task instance.'); test.done(); } }; exports['Tasks'] = { setUp: function(done) { result.reset(); this.task = requireTask().create(); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('nothing', 'Do nothing.', function() {}); done(); }, 'Task#registerTask': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; test.ok('nothing' in task._tasks, 'It should register the passed task.'); test.done(); }, 'Task#registerTask (alias)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('c d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('y', ['a', 'b', 'c d']); task.registerTask('z', ['a', 'b', 'nonexistent', 'c d']); task.options({ error: function() { result.push('!' + this.name); }, done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'abc d!z', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('y', 'z').start(); }, 'Task#isTaskAlias': function(test) { test.expect(2); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'nothing', function() {}); task.registerTask('b', ['a']); test.strictEqual(task.isTaskAlias('a'), false, 'It should not be an alias.'); test.strictEqual(task.isTaskAlias('b'), true, 'It should be an alias.'); test.done(); }, 'Task#renameTask': function(test) { test.expect(4); var task = this.task; task.renameTask('nothing', 'newnothing'); test.ok('newnothing' in task._tasks, 'It should rename the specified task.'); test.equal('nothing' in task._tasks, false, 'It should remove the previous task.'); test.doesNotThrow(function() { task.run('newnothing'); }, 'It should be accessible by its new name.'); test.throws(function() { task.run('nothing'); }, 'It should not be accessible by its previous name and throw an exception.'); test.done(); }, 'Task#run (exception handling)': function(test) { test.expect(4); var task = this.task; test.doesNotThrow(function() { task.run('nothing'); }, 'Registered tasks should be runnable.'); test.throws(function() { task.run('nonexistent'); }, 'Attempting to run unregistered tasks should throw an exception.'); task.options({ error: result.pushTaskname }); test.doesNotThrow(function() { task.run('nonexistent'); }, 'It should not throw an exception because an error handler is defined.'); test.deepEqual(result.get(), [null], 'Non-nested tasks have a null name.'); test.done(); }, 'Task#run (async failing)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; var results = []; task.registerTask('sync1', 'sync, gonna succeed', function() {}); task.registerTask('sync2', 'sync, gonna fail', function() { return false; }); task.registerTask('sync3', 'sync, gonna fail', function() { return new Error('sync3: Error'); }); task.registerTask('sync4', 'sync, gonna fail', function() { return new TypeError('sync4: TypeError'); }); task.registerTask('sync5', 'sync, gonna fail', function() { throw new Error('sync5: Error'); }); task.registerTask('sync6', 'sync, gonna fail', function() { throw new TypeError('sync6: TypeError'); }); task.registerTask('syncs', ['sync1', 'sync2', 'sync3', 'sync4', 'sync5', 'sync6']); task.registerTask('async1', 'async, gonna succeed', function() { var done = this.async(); setTimeout(function() { done(); }, 1); }); task.registerTask('async2', 'async, gonna fail', function() { var done = this.async(); setTimeout(function() { done(false); }, 1); }); task.registerTask('async3', 'async, gonna fail', function() { var done = this.async(); setTimeout(function() { done(new Error('async3: Error')); }, 1); }); task.registerTask('async4', 'async, gonna fail', function() { var done = this.async(); setTimeout(function() { done(new TypeError('async4: TypeError')); }, 1); }); task.registerTask('asyncs', ['async1', 'async2', 'async3', 'async4']); task.options({ error: function(e) { results.push({name: e.name, message: e.message}); }, done: function() { test.deepEqual(results, [ {name: 'Error', message: 'Task "sync2" failed.'}, {name: 'Error', message: 'sync3: Error'}, {name: 'TypeError', message: 'sync4: TypeError'}, {name: 'Error', message: 'sync5: Error'}, {name: 'TypeError', message: 'sync6: TypeError'}, {name: 'Error', message: 'Task "async2" failed.'}, {name: 'Error', message: 'async3: Error'}, {name: 'TypeError', message: 'async4: TypeError'} ], 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('syncs', 'asyncs').start(); }, 'Task#run (nested, exception handling)': function(test) { test.expect(2); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('yay', 'Run a registered task.', function() { test.doesNotThrow(function() { task.run('nothing'); }, 'Registered tasks should be runnable.'); }); task.registerTask('nay', 'Attempt to run an unregistered task.', function() { test.throws(function() { task.run('nonexistent'); }, 'Attempting to run unregistered tasks should throw an exception.'); }); task.options({ done: test.done }); task.run('yay', 'nay').start(); }, 'Task#run (signatures, queue order)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('c', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('f g', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.options({ done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'abcdef g', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a').run('b', 'c').run(['d', 'e']).run('f g').start(); }, 'Task#run (colon separated arguments)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name and args onto result.', function(x, y) { result.push([this.nameArgs, 1, this.name, x, y]); }); task.registerTask('a:b', 'Push task name and args onto result.', function(x, y) { result.push([this.nameArgs, 2, this.name, x, y]); }); task.registerTask('a:b:c', 'Push task name and args onto result.', function(x, y) { result.push([this.nameArgs, 3, this.name, x, y]); }); task.options({ done: function() { test.deepEqual(result.get(), [ ['a', 1, 'a', undefined, undefined], ['a:x', 1, 'a', 'x', undefined], ['a:x:c', 1, 'a', 'x', 'c'], ['a:b ', 1, 'a', 'b ', undefined], ['a: b:c', 1, 'a', ' b', 'c'], ['a:x\\:y:\\:z\\:', 1, 'a', 'x:y', ':z:'], ['a:b', 2, 'a:b', undefined, undefined], ['a:b:x', 2, 'a:b', 'x', undefined], ['a:b:x:y', 2, 'a:b', 'x', 'y'], ['a:b:c ', 2, 'a:b', 'c ', undefined], ['a:b:x\\:y:\\:z\\:', 2, 'a:b', 'x:y', ':z:'], ['a:b:c', 3, 'a:b:c', undefined, undefined], ['a:b:c: d', 3, 'a:b:c', ' d', undefined], ], 'Named tasks should be called as-specified if possible, and arguments should be passed properly.'); test.done(); } }); task.run( 'a', 'a:x', 'a:x:c', 'a:b ', 'a: b:c', 'a:x\\:y:\\:z\\:', 'a:b', 'a:b:x', 'a:b:x:y', 'a:b:c ', 'a:b:x\\:y:\\:z\\:', 'a:b:c', 'a:b:c: d' ).start(); }, 'Task#run (nested tasks, queue order)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { result.push(this.name); task.run('b', 'e'); }); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { result.push(this.name); task.run('c', 'd d'); }); task.registerTask('c', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('d d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { result.push(this.name); task.run('f f'); }); task.registerTask('f f', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('g', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.options({ done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'abcd def fg', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a', 'g').start(); }, 'Task#run (async, nested tasks, queue order)': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { result.push(this.name); task.run('b', 'e'); delay(this.async()); }); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { result.push(this.name); delay(this.async()); task.run('c', 'd d'); }); task.registerTask('c', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('d d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { delay(this.async()); result.push(this.name); task.run('f f'); }); task.registerTask('f f', 'Push task name onto result and run other tasks.', function() { this.async()(); result.push(this.name); task.run('g'); }); task.registerTask('g', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('h', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.options({ done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'abcd def fgh', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a', 'h').start(); }, 'Task#current': function(test) { test.expect(8); var task = this.task; test.deepEqual(task.current, {}, 'Should start empty.'); task.registerTask('a', 'Sample task.', function() { test.equal(task.current, this, 'This and task.current should be the same object.'); test.equal(task.current.nameArgs, 'a:b:c', 'Should be task name + args, as-specified.'); test.equal(task.current.name, 'a', 'Should be just the task name, no args.'); test.equal(typeof task.current.async, 'function', 'Should be a function.'); test.deepEqual(task.current.args, ['b', 'c'], 'Should be an array of args.'); test.deepEqual(task.current.flags, {b: true, c: true}, 'Should be a map of flags.'); }); task.options({ done: function() { test.deepEqual(task.current, {}, 'Should be empty again once tasks are done.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a:b:c').start(); }, 'Task#clearQueue': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('c', 'Clear the queue.', function() { result.push(this.name); task.clearQueue().run('f'); }); task.registerTask('d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('f', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.options({ done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'abcf', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e').start(); }, 'Task#mark': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('a', 'Explode.', function() { throw task.taskError('whoops.'); }); task.registerTask('b', 'This task should never run.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('c', 'This task should never run.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('d', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Explode.', function() { throw task.taskError('whoops.'); }); task.registerTask('f', 'This task should never run.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('g', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('h', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('i', 'Explode.', function() { throw task.taskError('whoops.'); }); task.registerTask('j', 'Run a task and push task name onto result.', function() { task.run('k'); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('k', 'Explode.', function() { throw task.taskError('whoops.'); }); task.registerTask('l', 'This task should never run.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('m', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('n', 'Run a task and push task name onto result.', function() { task.run('o'); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('o', 'Explode.', function() { throw task.taskError('whoops.'); }); task.registerTask('p', 'Push task name onto result.', result.pushTaskname); task.options({ error: function() { result.push('!' + this.name); task.clearQueue({untilMarker: true}); }, done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), '!ad!egh!ij!kmn!op', 'The specified tasks should have run, in-order.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a', 'b', 'c').mark().run('d', 'e', 'f').mark().run('g', 'h', 'i').mark().run('j', 'l').mark().run('m', 'n').mark().run('p').mark().start(); }, 'Task#requires': function(test) { test.expect(1); var task = this.task; task.registerTask('notrun', 'This task is never run.', function() {}); task.registerTask('a a', 'Push task name onto result, but fail.', function() { result.push(this.name); return false; }); task.registerTask('b', 'Push task name onto result, but fail.', function() { var done = this.async(); delay(function() { done(false); }); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('c', 'Succeed.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('d', 'Succeed.', result.pushTaskname); task.registerTask('e', 'Succeed because all required tasks ran and succeeded.', function() { task.requires('c', 'd'); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('x', 'Fail because a required task never ran.', function() { task.requires('c', 'notrun', 'd'); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('y', 'Fail because a synchronous required task has failed.', function() { task.requires('a a', 'c', 'd'); result.push(this.name); }); task.registerTask('z', 'Fail because an asynchronous required task has failed.', function() { task.requires('b', 'c', 'd'); result.push(this.name); }); task.options({ error: function() { result.push('!' + this.name); }, done: function() { test.strictEqual(result.getJoined(), 'a a!a ab!bcde!x!y!z', 'Tasks whose requirements have failed or are missing should not run.'); test.done(); } }); task.run('a a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'x', 'y', 'z').start(); } }; exports['Task#parseArgs'] = { setUp: function(done) { var task = requireTask().create(); this.parseTest = function() { return task.parseArgs(arguments); }; done(); }, 'arguments': function(test) { test.expect(4); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest('foo bar'), ['foo bar'], 'single argument should be converted to array.'); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest('foo bar: aa : bb '), ['foo bar: aa : bb '], 'single argument should be converted to array.'); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest('foo bar', 'baz', 'test 1 2 3'), ['foo bar', 'baz', 'test 1 2 3'], 'arguments should be converted to array.'); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest('foo bar', 'baz:x y z', 'test 1 2 3: 4 : 5'), ['foo bar', 'baz:x y z', 'test 1 2 3: 4 : 5'], 'arguments should be converted to array.'); test.done(); }, 'array': function(test) { test.expect(1); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest(['foo bar', 'baz:x y z', 'test 1 2 3: 4 : 5']), ['foo bar', 'baz:x y z', 'test 1 2 3: 4 : 5'], 'passed array should be used.'); test.done(); }, 'object': function(test) { test.expect(1); var obj = {}; test.deepEqual(this.parseTest(obj), [obj], 'single object should be returned as array.'); test.done(); }, 'nothing': function(test) { test.expect(1); test.deepEqual(this.parseTest(), [], 'should return an empty array if nothing passed.'); test.done(); } }; exports['Task#splitArgs'] = { setUp: function(done) { this.task = requireTask().create(); done(); }, 'arguments': function(test) { test.expect(9); var task = this.task; test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs(), [], 'missing items = empty array.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs(''), [], 'missing items = empty array.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('a'), ['a'], 'single item should be parsed.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('a:b:c'), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'mutliple items should be parsed.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('a::c'), ['a', '', 'c'], 'missing items should be parsed.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('::'), ['', '', ''], 'missing items should be parsed.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('\\:a:\\:b\\::c\\:'), [':a', ':b:', 'c:'], 'escaped colons should be unescaped.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('a\\\\:b\\\\:c'), ['a\\', 'b\\', 'c'], 'escaped backslashes should not be parsed.'); test.deepEqual(task.splitArgs('\\:a\\\\:\\\\\\:b\\:\\\\:c\\\\\\:\\\\'), [':a\\', '\\:b:\\', 'c\\:\\'], 'please avoid doing this, ok?'); test.done(); } };