/* * # Semantic - Accordion * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.accordion = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.accordion.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.settings), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', $module = $(this), $title = $module.find(selector.title), $content = $module.find(selector.content), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing accordion with bound events', $module); // initializing $title .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.click) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.debug('Destroying previous accordion for', $module); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; $title .off(eventNamespace) ; }, event: { click: function() { module.verbose('Title clicked', this); var $activeTitle = $(this), index = $title.index($activeTitle) ; module.toggle(index); }, resetStyle: function() { module.verbose('Resetting styles on element', this); $(this) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') .children() .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; } }, toggle: function(index) { module.debug('Toggling content content at index', index); var $activeTitle = $title.eq(index), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content), contentIsOpen = $activeContent.is(':visible') ; if(contentIsOpen) { if(settings.collapsible) { module.close(index); } else { module.debug('Cannot close accordion content collapsing is disabled'); } } else { module.open(index); } }, open: function(index) { var $activeTitle = $title.eq(index), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content), $previousTitle = $activeTitle.siblings(selector.title).filter('.' + className.active), $previousContent = $previousTitle.next($title), contentIsOpen = ($previousTitle.size() > 0) ; if( !$activeContent.is(':animated') ) { module.debug('Opening accordion content', $activeTitle); if(settings.exclusive && contentIsOpen) { $previousTitle .removeClass(className.active) ; $previousContent .stop() .children() .animate({ opacity: 0 }, settings.duration, module.event.resetStyle) .end() .slideUp(settings.duration , settings.easing, function() { $previousContent .removeClass(className.active) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') .children() .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; }) ; } $activeTitle .addClass(className.active) ; $activeContent .stop() .children() .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') .end() .slideDown(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { $activeContent .addClass(className.active) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; $.proxy(settings.onOpen, $activeContent)(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, $activeContent)(); }) ; } }, close: function(index) { var $activeTitle = $title.eq(index), $activeContent = $activeTitle.next($content) ; module.debug('Closing accordion content', $activeContent); $activeTitle .removeClass(className.active) ; $activeContent .removeClass(className.active) .show() .stop() .children() .animate({ opacity: 0 }, settings.duration, module.event.resetStyle) .end() .slideUp(settings.duration, settings.easing, function(){ $activeContent .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; $.proxy(settings.onClose, $activeContent)(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, $activeContent)(); }) ; }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing internal', name, value); if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else { module[name] = value; } } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.accordion.settings = { name : 'Accordion', namespace : 'accordion', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, exclusive : true, collapsible : true, duration : 500, easing : 'easeInOutQuint', onOpen : function(){}, onClose : function(){}, onChange : function(){}, error: { method : 'The method you called is not defined' }, className : { active : 'active' }, selector : { title : '.title', content : '.content' } }; // Adds easing $.extend( $.easing, { easeInOutQuint: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t*t*t + b; return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t*t*t + 2) + b; } }); })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - API * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.api = $.fn.api = function(parameters) { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.api.settings, parameters), // if this keyword isn't a jQuery object, create one context = (typeof this != 'function') ? this : $('
'), // context defines the element used for loading/error state $context = (settings.stateContext) ? $(settings.stateContext) : $(context), // module is the thing that initiates the api action, can be independent of context $module = typeof this == 'object' ? $(context) : $context, element = this, time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], moduleSelector = $module.selector || '', moduleNamespace = settings.namespace + '-module', className = settings.className, metadata = settings.metadata, error = settings.error, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (instance !== undefined && typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), module, returnedValue ; module = { initialize: function() { var runSettings, loadingTimer = new Date().getTime(), loadingDelay, promise, url, formData = {}, data, ajaxSettings = {}, xhr ; // serialize parent form if requested! if(settings.serializeForm && $(this).toJSON() !== undefined) { formData = module.get.formData(); module.debug('Adding form data to API Request', formData); $.extend(true, settings.data, formData); } // let beforeSend change settings object runSettings = $.proxy(settings.beforeSend, $module)(settings); // check for exit conditions if(runSettings !== undefined && !runSettings) { module.error(error.beforeSend); module.reset(); return; } // get real url from template url = module.get.url( module.get.templateURL() ); // exit conditions reached from missing url parameters if( !url ) { module.error(error.missingURL); module.reset(); return; } // promise handles notification on api request, so loading min. delay can occur for all notifications promise = $.Deferred() .always(function() { if(settings.stateContext) { $context .removeClass(className.loading) ; } $.proxy(settings.complete, $module)(); }) .done(function(response) { module.debug('API request successful'); // take a stab at finding success state if json if(settings.dataType == 'json') { if (response.error !== undefined) { $.proxy(settings.failure, $context)(response.error, settings, $module); } else if ($.isArray(response.errors)) { $.proxy(settings.failure, $context)(response.errors[0], settings, $module); } else { $.proxy(settings.success, $context)(response, settings, $module); } } // otherwise else { $.proxy(settings.success, $context)(response, settings, $module); } }) .fail(function(xhr, status, httpMessage) { var errorMessage = (settings.error[status] !== undefined) ? settings.error[status] : httpMessage, response ; // let em know unless request aborted if(xhr !== undefined) { // readyState 4 = done, anything less is not really sent if(xhr.readyState !== undefined && xhr.readyState == 4) { // if http status code returned and json returned error, look for it if( xhr.status != 200 && httpMessage !== undefined && httpMessage !== '') { module.error(error.statusMessage + httpMessage); } else { if(status == 'error' && settings.dataType == 'json') { try { response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); if(response && response.error !== undefined) { errorMessage = response.error; } } catch(error) { module.error(error.JSONParse); } } } $context .removeClass(className.loading) .addClass(className.error) ; // show error state only for duration specified in settings if(settings.errorLength > 0) { setTimeout(function(){ $context .removeClass(className.error) ; }, settings.errorLength); } module.debug('API Request error:', errorMessage); $.proxy(settings.failure, $context)(errorMessage, settings, this); } else { module.debug('Request Aborted (Most likely caused by page change)'); } } }) ; // look for params in data $.extend(true, ajaxSettings, settings, { success : function(){}, failure : function(){}, complete : function(){}, type : settings.method || settings.type, data : data, url : url, beforeSend : settings.beforeXHR }); if(settings.stateContext) { $context .addClass(className.loading) ; } if(settings.progress) { module.verbose('Adding progress events'); $.extend(true, ajaxSettings, { xhr: function() { var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest() ; xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event) { var percentComplete ; if (event.lengthComputable) { percentComplete = Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 10000) / 100 + '%'; $.proxy(settings.progress, $context)(percentComplete, event); } }, false); xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(event) { var percentComplete ; if (event.lengthComputable) { percentComplete = Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 10000) / 100 + '%'; $.proxy(settings.progress, $context)(percentComplete, event); } }, false); return xhr; } }); } module.verbose('Creating AJAX request with settings: ', ajaxSettings); xhr = $.ajax(ajaxSettings) .always(function() { // calculate if loading time was below minimum threshold loadingDelay = ( settings.loadingLength - (new Date().getTime() - loadingTimer) ); settings.loadingDelay = loadingDelay < 0 ? 0 : loadingDelay ; }) .done(function(response) { var context = this ; setTimeout(function(){ promise.resolveWith(context, [response]); }, settings.loadingDelay); }) .fail(function(xhr, status, httpMessage) { var context = this ; // page triggers abort on navigation, dont show error if(status != 'abort') { setTimeout(function(){ promise.rejectWith(context, [xhr, status, httpMessage]); }, settings.loadingDelay); } else { $context .removeClass(className.error) .removeClass(className.loading) ; } }) ; if(settings.stateContext) { $module .data(metadata.promise, promise) .data(metadata.xhr, xhr) ; } }, get: { formData: function() { return $module .closest('form') .toJSON() ; }, templateURL: function() { var action = $module.data(settings.metadata.action) || settings.action || false, url ; if(action) { module.debug('Creating url for: ', action); if(settings.api[action] !== undefined) { url = settings.api[action]; } else { module.error(error.missingAction); } } // override with url if specified if(settings.url) { url = settings.url; module.debug('Getting url', url); } return url; }, url: function(url, urlData) { var urlVariables ; if(url) { urlVariables = url.match(settings.regExpTemplate); urlData = urlData || settings.urlData; if(urlVariables) { module.debug('Looking for URL variables', urlVariables); $.each(urlVariables, function(index, templateValue){ var term = templateValue.substr( 2, templateValue.length - 3), termValue = ($.isPlainObject(urlData) && urlData[term] !== undefined) ? urlData[term] : ($module.data(term) !== undefined) ? $module.data(term) : urlData[term] ; module.verbose('Looking for variable', term, $module, $module.data(term), urlData[term]); // remove optional value if(termValue === false) { module.debug('Removing variable from URL', urlVariables); url = url.replace('/' + templateValue, ''); } // undefined condition else if(termValue === undefined || !termValue) { module.error(error.missingParameter + term); url = false; return false; } else { url = url.replace(templateValue, termValue); } }); } } return url; } }, // reset api request reset: function() { $module .data(metadata.promise, false) .data(metadata.xhr, false) ; $context .removeClass(className.error) .removeClass(className.loading) ; }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; // handle DOM attachment to API functionality $.fn.apiButton = function(parameters) { $(this) .each(function(){ var // if only function passed it is success callback $module = $(this), selector = $(this).selector || '', settings = ( $.isFunction(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.api.settings, $.fn.apiButton.settings, { stateContext: this, success: parameters }) : $.extend(true, {}, $.api.settings, $.fn.apiButton.settings, { stateContext: this}, parameters), module ; module = { initialize: function() { if(settings.context && selector !== '') { $(settings.context) .on(selector, 'click.' + settings.namespace, module.click) ; } else { $module .on('click.' + settings.namespace, module.click) ; } }, click: function() { if(!settings.filter || $(this).filter(settings.filter).size() === 0) { $.proxy( $.api, this )(settings); } } }; module.initialize(); }) ; return this; }; $.api.settings = { name : 'API', namespace : 'api', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, api : {}, beforeSend : function(settings) { return settings; }, beforeXHR : function(xhr) {}, success : function(response) {}, complete : function(response) {}, failure : function(errorCode) {}, progress : false, error : { missingAction : 'API action used but no url was defined', missingURL : 'URL not specified for the API action', missingParameter : 'Missing an essential URL parameter: ', timeout : 'Your request timed out', error : 'There was an error with your request', parseError : 'There was an error parsing your request', JSONParse : 'JSON could not be parsed during error handling', statusMessage : 'Server gave an error: ', beforeSend : 'The before send function has aborted the request', exitConditions : 'API Request Aborted. Exit conditions met' }, className: { loading : 'loading', error : 'error' }, metadata: { action : 'action', promise : 'promise', xhr : 'xhr' }, regExpTemplate: /\{\$([A-z]+)\}/g, action : false, url : false, urlData : false, serializeForm : false, stateContext : false, method : 'get', data : {}, dataType : 'json', cache : true, loadingLength : 200, errorLength : 2000 }; $.fn.apiButton.settings = { filter : '.disabled, .loading', context : false, stateContext : false }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Colorize * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.colorize = function(parameters) { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.colorize.settings, parameters), // hoist arguments moduleArguments = arguments || false ; $(this) .each(function(instanceIndex) { var $module = $(this), mainCanvas = $('')[0], imageCanvas = $('')[0], overlayCanvas = $('')[0], backgroundImage = new Image(), // defs mainContext, imageContext, overlayContext, image, imageName, width, height, // shortucts colors = settings.colors, paths = settings.paths, namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, // boilerplate instance = $module.data('module-' + namespace), module ; module = { checkPreconditions: function() { module.debug('Checking pre-conditions'); if( !$.isPlainObject(colors) || $.isEmptyObject(colors) ) { module.error(error.undefinedColors); return false; } return true; }, async: function(callback) { if(settings.async) { setTimeout(callback, 0); } else { callback(); } }, getMetadata: function() { module.debug('Grabbing metadata'); image = $module.data('image') || settings.image || undefined; imageName = $module.data('name') || settings.name || instanceIndex; width = settings.width || $module.width(); height = settings.height || $module.height(); if(width === 0 || height === 0) { module.error(error.undefinedSize); } }, initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing with colors', colors); if( module.checkPreconditions() ) { module.async(function() { module.getMetadata(); module.canvas.create(); module.draw.image(function() { module.draw.colors(); module.canvas.merge(); }); $module .data('module-' + namespace, module) ; }); } }, redraw: function() { module.debug('Redrawing image'); module.async(function() { module.canvas.clear(); module.draw.colors(); module.canvas.merge(); }); }, change: { color: function(colorName, color) { module.debug('Changing color', colorName); if(colors[colorName] === undefined) { module.error(error.missingColor); return false; } colors[colorName] = color; module.redraw(); } }, canvas: { create: function() { module.debug('Creating canvases'); mainCanvas.width = width; mainCanvas.height = height; imageCanvas.width = width; imageCanvas.height = height; overlayCanvas.width = width; overlayCanvas.height = height; mainContext = mainCanvas.getContext('2d'); imageContext = imageCanvas.getContext('2d'); overlayContext = overlayCanvas.getContext('2d'); $module .append( mainCanvas ) ; mainContext = $module.children('canvas')[0].getContext('2d'); }, clear: function(context) { module.debug('Clearing canvas'); overlayContext.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; overlayContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); }, merge: function() { if( !$.isFunction(mainContext.blendOnto) ) { module.error(error.missingPlugin); return; } mainContext.putImageData( imageContext.getImageData(0, 0, width, height), 0, 0); overlayContext.blendOnto(mainContext, 'multiply'); } }, draw: { image: function(callback) { module.debug('Drawing image'); callback = callback || function(){}; if(image) { backgroundImage.src = image; backgroundImage.onload = function() { imageContext.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0, 0); callback(); }; } else { module.error(error.noImage); callback(); } }, colors: function() { module.debug('Drawing color overlays', colors); $.each(colors, function(colorName, color) { settings.onDraw(overlayContext, imageName, colorName, color); }); } }, debug: function(message, variableName) { if(settings.debug) { if(variableName !== undefined) { console.info(settings.name + ': ' + message, variableName); } else { console.info(settings.name + ': ' + message); } } }, error: function(errorMessage) { console.warn(settings.name + ': ' + errorMessage); }, invoke: function(methodName, context, methodArguments) { var method ; methodArguments = methodArguments || Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 2 ); if(typeof methodName == 'string' && instance !== undefined) { methodName = methodName.split('.'); $.each(methodName, function(index, name) { if( $.isPlainObject( instance[name] ) ) { instance = instance[name]; return true; } else if( $.isFunction( instance[name] ) ) { method = instance[name]; return true; } module.error(settings.error.method); return false; }); } return ( $.isFunction( method ) ) ? method.apply(context, methodArguments) : false ; } }; if(instance !== undefined && moduleArguments) { // simpler than invoke realizing to invoke itself (and losing scope due prototype.call() if(moduleArguments[0] == 'invoke') { moduleArguments = Array.prototype.slice.call( moduleArguments, 1 ); } return module.invoke(moduleArguments[0], this, Array.prototype.slice.call( moduleArguments, 1 ) ); } // initializing module.initialize(); }) ; return this; }; $.fn.colorize.settings = { name : 'Image Colorizer', debug : true, namespace : 'colorize', onDraw : function(overlayContext, imageName, colorName, color) {}, // whether to block execution while updating canvas async : true, // object containing names and default values of color regions colors : {}, metadata: { image : 'image', name : 'name' }, error: { noImage : 'No tracing image specified', undefinedColors : 'No default colors specified.', missingColor : 'Attempted to change color that does not exist', missingPlugin : 'Blend onto plug-in must be included', undefinedHeight : 'The width or height of image canvas could not be automatically determined. Please specify a height.' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Form Validation * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.form = function(fields, parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.form.settings, parameters), validation = $.extend({}, $.fn.form.settings.defaults, fields), namespace = settings.namespace, metadata = settings.metadata, selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var $module = $(this), $field = $(this).find(selector.field), $group = $(this).find(selector.group), $message = $(this).find(selector.message), $prompt = $(this).find(selector.prompt), $submit = $(this).find(selector.submit), formErrors = [], element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing form validation', $module, validation, settings); if(settings.keyboardShortcuts) { $field .on('keydown' + eventNamespace, module.event.field.keydown) ; } $module .on('submit' + eventNamespace, module.validate.form) ; $field .on('blur' + eventNamespace, module.event.field.blur) ; $submit .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.submit) ; $field .on(module.get.changeEvent() + eventNamespace, module.event.field.change) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module', instance); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache'); $field = $module.find(selector.field); }, submit: function() { module.verbose('Submitting form', $module); $module .submit() ; }, event: { field: { keydown: function(event) { var $field = $(this), key = event.which, keyCode = { enter : 13, escape : 27 } ; if( key == keyCode.escape) { module.verbose('Escape key pressed blurring field'); $field .blur() ; } if(!event.ctrlKey && key == keyCode.enter && $field.is(selector.input) ) { module.debug('Enter key pressed, submitting form'); $submit .addClass(className.down) ; $field .one('keyup' + eventNamespace, module.event.field.keyup) ; event.preventDefault(); return false; } }, keyup: function() { module.verbose('Doing keyboard shortcut form submit'); $submit.removeClass(className.down); module.submit(); }, blur: function() { var $field = $(this), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group) ; if( $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) ) { module.debug('Revalidating field', $field, module.get.validation($field)); module.validate.field( module.get.validation($field) ); } else if(settings.on == 'blur' || settings.on == 'change') { module.validate.field( module.get.validation($field) ); } }, change: function() { var $field = $(this), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group) ; if(settings.on == 'change' || ( $fieldGroup.hasClass(className.error) && settings.revalidate) ) { clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(function() { module.debug('Revalidating field', $field, module.get.validation($field)); module.validate.field( module.get.validation($field) ); }, settings.delay); } } } }, get: { changeEvent: function() { return (document.createElement('input').oninput !== undefined) ? 'input' : (document.createElement('input').onpropertychange !== undefined) ? 'propertychange' : 'keyup' ; }, field: function(identifier) { module.verbose('Finding field with identifier', identifier); if( $field.filter('#' + identifier).size() > 0 ) { return $field.filter('#' + identifier); } else if( $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]').size() > 0 ) { return $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]'); } else if( $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]').size() > 0 ) { return $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]'); } return $(''); }, validation: function($field) { var rules ; $.each(validation, function(fieldName, field) { if( module.get.field(field.identifier).get(0) == $field.get(0) ) { rules = field; } }); return rules || false; } }, has: { field: function(identifier) { module.verbose('Checking for existence of a field with identifier', identifier); if( $field.filter('#' + identifier).size() > 0 ) { return true; } else if( $field.filter('[name="' + identifier +'"]').size() > 0 ) { return true; } else if( $field.filter('[data-' + metadata.validate + '="'+ identifier +'"]').size() > 0 ) { return true; } return false; } }, add: { prompt: function(identifier, errors) { var $field = module.get.field(identifier), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.find(selector.prompt), promptExists = ($prompt.size() !== 0) ; errors = (typeof errors == 'string') ? [errors] : errors ; module.verbose('Adding field error state', identifier); $fieldGroup .addClass(className.error) ; if(settings.inline) { if(!promptExists) { $prompt = settings.templates.prompt(errors); $prompt .appendTo($fieldGroup) ; } $prompt .html(errors[0]) ; if(!promptExists) { if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { module.verbose('Displaying error with css transition', settings.transition); $prompt.transition(settings.transition + ' in', settings.duration); } else { module.verbose('Displaying error with fallback javascript animation'); $prompt .fadeIn(settings.duration) ; } } else { module.verbose('Inline errors are disabled, no inline error added', identifier); } } }, errors: function(errors) { module.debug('Adding form error messages', errors); $message .html( settings.templates.error(errors) ) ; } }, remove: { prompt: function(field) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), $fieldGroup = $field.closest($group), $prompt = $fieldGroup.find(selector.prompt) ; $fieldGroup .removeClass(className.error) ; if(settings.inline && $prompt.is(':visible')) { module.verbose('Removing prompt for field', field); if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $prompt.transition(settings.transition + ' out', settings.duration, function() { $prompt.remove(); }); } else { $prompt .fadeOut(settings.duration, function(){ $prompt.remove(); }) ; } } } }, validate: { form: function(event) { var allValid = true ; // reset errors formErrors = []; $.each(validation, function(fieldName, field) { if( !( module.validate.field(field) ) ) { allValid = false; } }); if(allValid) { module.debug('Form has no validation errors, submitting'); $module .removeClass(className.error) .addClass(className.success) ; $.proxy(settings.onSuccess, this)(event); } else { module.debug('Form has errors'); $module.addClass(className.error); if(!settings.inline) { module.add.errors(formErrors); } return $.proxy(settings.onFailure, this)(formErrors); } }, // takes a validation object and returns whether field passes validation field: function(field) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), fieldValid = true, fieldErrors = [] ; if(field.rules !== undefined) { $.each(field.rules, function(index, rule) { if( module.has.field(field.identifier) && !( module.validate.rule(field, rule) ) ) { module.debug('Field is invalid', field.identifier, rule.type); fieldErrors.push(rule.prompt); fieldValid = false; } }); } if(fieldValid) { module.remove.prompt(field, fieldErrors); $.proxy(settings.onValid, $field)(); } else { formErrors = formErrors.concat(fieldErrors); module.add.prompt(field.identifier, fieldErrors); $.proxy(settings.onInvalid, $field)(fieldErrors); return false; } return true; }, // takes validation rule and returns whether field passes rule rule: function(field, validation) { var $field = module.get.field(field.identifier), type = validation.type, value = $.trim($field.val() + ''), bracketRegExp = /\[(.*?)\]/i, bracket = bracketRegExp.exec(type), isValid = true, ancillary, functionType ; // if bracket notation is used, pass in extra parameters if(bracket !== undefined && bracket !== null) { ancillary = '' + bracket[1]; functionType = type.replace(bracket[0], ''); isValid = $.proxy(settings.rules[functionType], $module)(value, ancillary); } // normal notation else { isValid = $.proxy(settings.rules[type], $field)(value); } return isValid; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.form.settings = { name : 'Form', namespace : 'form', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, keyboardShortcuts : true, on : 'submit', inline : false, delay : 200, revalidate : true, transition : 'scale', duration : 150, onValid : function() {}, onInvalid : function() {}, onSuccess : function() { return true; }, onFailure : function() { return false; }, metadata : { validate: 'validate' }, selector : { message : '.error.message', field : 'input, textarea, select', group : '.field', input : 'input', prompt : '.prompt', submit : '.submit' }, className : { error : 'error', success : 'success', down : 'down', label : 'ui label prompt' }, // errors error: { method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, templates: { error: function(errors) { var html = '
    ' ; $.each(errors, function(index, value) { html += '
  • ' + value + '
  • '; }); html += '
'; return $(html); }, prompt: function(errors) { return $('
') .addClass('ui red pointing prompt label') .html(errors[0]) ; } }, rules: { checked: function() { return ($(this).filter(':checked').size() > 0); }, empty: function(value) { return !(value === undefined || '' === value); }, email: function(value){ var emailRegExp = new RegExp("[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?", "i") ; return emailRegExp.test(value); }, length: function(value, requiredLength) { return (value !== undefined) ? (value.length >= requiredLength) : false ; }, not: function(value, notValue) { return (value != notValue); }, contains: function(value, text) { text = text.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); return (value.search(text) !== -1); }, is: function(value, text) { return (value == text); }, maxLength: function(value, maxLength) { return (value !== undefined) ? (value.length <= maxLength) : false ; }, match: function(value, fieldIdentifier) { // use either id or name of field var $form = $(this), matchingValue ; if($form.find('#' + fieldIdentifier).size() > 0) { matchingValue = $form.find('#' + fieldIdentifier).val(); } else if($form.find('[name=' + fieldIdentifier +']').size() > 0) { matchingValue = $form.find('[name=' + fieldIdentifier + ']').val(); } else if( $form.find('[data-validate="'+ fieldIdentifier +'"]').size() > 0 ) { matchingValue = $form.find('[data-validate="'+ fieldIdentifier +'"]').val(); } return (matchingValue !== undefined) ? ( value.toString() == matchingValue.toString() ) : false ; }, url: function(value) { var urlRegExp = /(ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/ ; return urlRegExp.test(value); } } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - State * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.state = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.state.settings, parameters), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), // shortcuts error = settings.error, metadata = settings.metadata, className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, states = settings.states, text = settings.text, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = namespace + '-module', returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var $module = $(this), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing module'); // allow module to guess desired state based on element if(settings.automatic) { module.add.defaults(); } // bind events with delegated events if(settings.context && moduleSelector !== '') { if( module.allows('hover') ) { $(element, settings.context) .on(moduleSelector, 'mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.enable.hover) .on(moduleSelector, 'mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.disable.hover) ; } if( module.allows('down') ) { $(element, settings.context) .on(moduleSelector, 'mousedown' + eventNamespace, module.enable.down) .on(moduleSelector, 'mouseup' + eventNamespace, module.disable.down) ; } if( module.allows('focus') ) { $(element, settings.context) .on(moduleSelector, 'focus' + eventNamespace, module.enable.focus) .on(moduleSelector, 'blur' + eventNamespace, module.disable.focus) ; } $(settings.context) .on(moduleSelector, 'mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.change.text) .on(moduleSelector, 'mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.reset.text) .on(moduleSelector, 'click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle.state) ; } else { if( module.allows('hover') ) { $module .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.enable.hover) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.disable.hover) ; } if( module.allows('down') ) { $module .on('mousedown' + eventNamespace, module.enable.down) .on('mouseup' + eventNamespace, module.disable.down) ; } if( module.allows('focus') ) { $module .on('focus' + eventNamespace, module.enable.focus) .on('blur' + eventNamespace, module.disable.focus) ; } $module .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.change.text) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.reset.text) .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle.state) ; } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module', instance); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache'); $module = $(element); }, add: { defaults: function() { var userStates = parameters && $.isPlainObject(parameters.states) ? parameters.states : {} ; $.each(settings.defaults, function(type, typeStates) { if( module.is[type] !== undefined && module.is[type]() ) { module.verbose('Adding default states', type, element); $.extend(settings.states, typeStates, userStates); } }); } }, is: { active: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.active); }, loading: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.loading); }, inactive: function() { return !( $module.hasClass(className.active) ); }, enabled: function() { return !( $module.is(settings.filter.active) ); }, disabled: function() { return ( $module.is(settings.filter.active) ); }, textEnabled: function() { return !( $module.is(settings.filter.text) ); }, // definitions for automatic type detection button: function() { return $module.is('.button:not(a, .submit)'); }, input: function() { return $module.is('input'); } }, allow: function(state) { module.debug('Now allowing state', state); states[state] = true; }, disallow: function(state) { module.debug('No longer allowing', state); states[state] = false; }, allows: function(state) { return states[state] || false; }, enable: { state: function(state) { if(module.allows(state)) { $module.addClass( className[state] ); } }, // convenience focus: function() { $module.addClass(className.focus); }, hover: function() { $module.addClass(className.hover); }, down: function() { $module.addClass(className.down); }, }, disable: { state: function(state) { if(module.allows(state)) { $module.removeClass( className[state] ); } }, // convenience focus: function() { $module.removeClass(className.focus); }, hover: function() { $module.removeClass(className.hover); }, down: function() { $module.removeClass(className.down); }, }, toggle: { state: function() { var apiRequest = $module.data(metadata.promise) ; if( module.allows('active') && module.is.enabled() ) { module.refresh(); if(apiRequest !== undefined) { module.listenTo(apiRequest); } else { module.change.state(); } } } }, listenTo: function(apiRequest) { module.debug('API request detected, waiting for state signal', apiRequest); if(apiRequest) { if(text.loading) { module.update.text(text.loading); } $.when(apiRequest) .then(function() { if(apiRequest.state() == 'resolved') { module.debug('API request succeeded'); settings.activateTest = function(){ return true; }; settings.deactivateTest = function(){ return true; }; } else { module.debug('API request failed'); settings.activateTest = function(){ return false; }; settings.deactivateTest = function(){ return false; }; } module.change.state(); }) ; } // xhr exists but set to false, beforeSend killed the xhr else { settings.activateTest = function(){ return false; }; settings.deactivateTest = function(){ return false; }; } }, // checks whether active/inactive state can be given change: { state: function() { module.debug('Determining state change direction'); // inactive to active change if( module.is.inactive() ) { module.activate(); } else { module.deactivate(); } if(settings.sync) { module.sync(); } $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); }, text: function() { if( module.is.textEnabled() ) { if( module.is.active() ) { if(text.hover) { module.verbose('Changing text to hover text', text.hover); module.update.text(text.hover); } else if(text.disable) { module.verbose('Changing text to disable text', text.disable); module.update.text(text.disable); } } else { if(text.hover) { module.verbose('Changing text to hover text', text.disable); module.update.text(text.hover); } else if(text.enable){ module.verbose('Changing text to enable text', text.enable); module.update.text(text.enable); } } } } }, activate: function() { if( $.proxy(settings.activateTest, element)() ) { module.debug('Setting state to active'); $module .addClass(className.active) ; module.update.text(text.active); } $.proxy(settings.onActivate, element)(); }, deactivate: function() { if($.proxy(settings.deactivateTest, element)() ) { module.debug('Setting state to inactive'); $module .removeClass(className.active) ; module.update.text(text.inactive); } $.proxy(settings.onDeactivate, element)(); }, sync: function() { module.verbose('Syncing other buttons to current state'); if( module.is.active() ) { $allModules .not($module) .state('activate'); } else { $allModules .not($module) .state('deactivate') ; } }, get: { text: function() { return (settings.selector.text) ? $module.find(settings.selector.text).text() : $module.html() ; }, textFor: function(state) { return text[state] || false; } }, flash: { text: function(text, duration) { var previousText = module.get.text() ; module.debug('Flashing text message', text, duration); text = text || settings.text.flash; duration = duration || settings.flashDuration; module.update.text(text); setTimeout(function(){ module.update.text(previousText); }, duration); } }, reset: { // on mouseout sets text to previous value text: function() { var activeText = text.active || $module.data(metadata.storedText), inactiveText = text.inactive || $module.data(metadata.storedText) ; if( module.is.textEnabled() ) { if( module.is.active() && activeText) { module.verbose('Resetting active text', activeText); module.update.text(activeText); } else if(inactiveText) { module.verbose('Resetting inactive text', activeText); module.update.text(inactiveText); } } } }, update: { text: function(text) { var currentText = module.get.text() ; if(text && text !== currentText) { module.debug('Updating text', text); if(settings.selector.text) { $module .data(metadata.storedText, text) .find(settings.selector.text) .text(text) ; } else { $module .data(metadata.storedText, text) .html(text) ; } } else { module.debug('Text is already sane, ignoring update', text); } } }, setting: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing setting', name, value); if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else { settings[name] = value; } } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing internal', name, value); if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else { module[name] = value; } } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.state.settings = { // module info name : 'State', // debug output debug : true, // verbose debug output verbose : true, // namespace for events namespace : 'state', // debug data includes performance performance: true, // callback occurs on state change onActivate : function() {}, onDeactivate : function() {}, onChange : function() {}, // state test functions activateTest : function() { return true; }, deactivateTest : function() { return true; }, // whether to automatically map default states automatic : true, // activate / deactivate changes all elements instantiated at same time sync : false, // default flash text duration, used for temporarily changing text of an element flashDuration : 3000, // selector filter filter : { text : '.loading, .disabled', active : '.disabled' }, context : false, // error error: { method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, // metadata metadata: { promise : 'promise', storedText : 'stored-text' }, // change class on state className: { focus : 'focus', hover : 'hover', down : 'down', active : 'active', loading : 'loading' }, selector: { // selector for text node text: false }, defaults : { input: { hover : true, focus : true, down : true, loading : false, active : false }, button: { hover : true, focus : false, down : true, active : true, loading : true } }, states : { hover : true, focus : true, down : true, loading : false, active : false }, text : { flash : false, hover : false, active : false, inactive : false, enable : false, disable : false } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Chatroom * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.chatroom = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $(this) .each(function() { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.chatroom.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, $module = $(this), $expandButton = $module.find(selector.expandButton), $userListButton = $module.find(selector.userListButton), $userList = $module.find(selector.userList), $room = $module.find(selector.room), $userCount = $module.find(selector.userCount), $log = $module.find(selector.log), $message = $module.find(selector.message), $messageInput = $module.find(selector.messageInput), $messageButton = $module.find(selector.messageButton), instance = $module.data('module'), element = this, html = '', users = {}, channel, loggedInUser, message, count, height, pusher, module ; module = { width: { log : $log.width(), userList : $userList.outerWidth() }, initialize: function() { // check error conditions if(Pusher === undefined) { module.error(error.pusher); } if(settings.key === undefined || settings.channelName === undefined) { module.error(error.key); return false; } else if( !(settings.endpoint.message || settings.endpoint.authentication) ) { module.error(error.endpoint); return false; } // define pusher pusher = new Pusher(settings.key); Pusher.channel_auth_endpoint = settings.endpoint.authentication; channel = pusher.subscribe(settings.channelName); channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', module.user.list.create); channel.bind('pusher:subscription_error', module.error); channel.bind('pusher:member_added', module.user.joined); channel.bind('pusher:member_removed', module.user.left); channel.bind('update_messages', module.message.receive); $.each(settings.customEvents, function(label, value) { channel.bind(label, value); }); // bind module events $userListButton .on('click.' + namespace, module.event.toggleUserList) ; $expandButton .on('click.' + namespace, module.event.toggleExpand) ; $messageInput .on('keydown.' + namespace, module.event.input.keydown) .on('keyup.' + namespace, module.event.input.keyup) ; $messageButton .on('mouseenter.' + namespace, module.event.hover) .on('mouseleave.' + namespace, module.event.hover) .on('click.' + namespace, module.event.submit) ; // scroll to bottom of chat log $log .animate({ scrollTop: $log.prop('scrollHeight') }, 400) ; $module .data('module', module) .addClass(className.loading) ; }, // refresh module refresh: function() { // reset width calculations $userListButton .removeClass(className.active) ; module.width = { log : $log.width(), userList : $userList.outerWidth() }; if( $userListButton.hasClass(className.active) ) { module.user.list.hide(); } $module.data('module', module); }, user: { updateCount: function() { if(settings.userCount) { users = $module.data('users'); count = 0; $.each(users, function() { count++; }); $userCount .html( settings.templates.userCount(count) ) ; } }, // add user to user list joined: function(member) { users = $module.data('users'); if(member.id != 'anonymous' && users[ member.id ] === undefined ) { users[ member.id ] = member.info; if(settings.randomColor && member.info.color === undefined) { member.info.color = settings.templates.color(member.id); } html = settings.templates.userList(member.info); if(member.info.isAdmin) { $(html) .prependTo($userList) ; } else { $(html) .appendTo($userList) ; } if(settings.partingMessages) { $log .append( settings.templates.joined(member.info) ) ; module.message.scroll.test(); } module.user.updateCount(); } }, // remove user from user list left: function(member) { users = $module.data('users'); if(member !== undefined && member.id !== 'anonymous') { delete users[ member.id ]; $module .data('users', users) ; $userList .find('[data-id='+ member.id + ']') .remove() ; if(settings.partingMessages) { $log .append( settings.templates.left(member.info) ) ; module.message.scroll.test(); } module.user.updateCount(); } }, list: { // receives list of members and generates user list create: function(members) { users = {}; members.each(function(member) { if(member.id !== 'anonymous' && member.id !== 'undefined') { if(settings.randomColor && member.info.color === undefined) { member.info.color = settings.templates.color(member.id); } // sort list with admin first html = (member.info.isAdmin) ? settings.templates.userList(member.info) + html : html + settings.templates.userList(member.info) ; users[ member.id ] = member.info; } }); $module .data('users', users) .data('user', users[members.me.id] ) .removeClass(className.loading) ; $userList .html(html) ; module.user.updateCount(); $.proxy(settings.onJoin, $userList.children())(); }, // shows user list show: function() { $log .animate({ width: (module.width.log - module.width.userList) }, { duration : settings.speed, easing : settings.easing, complete : module.message.scroll.move }) ; }, // hides user list hide: function() { $log .stop() .animate({ width: (module.width.log) }, { duration : settings.speed, easing : settings.easing, complete : module.message.scroll.move }) ; } } }, message: { // handles scrolling of chat log scroll: { test: function() { height = $log.prop('scrollHeight') - $log.height(); if( Math.abs($log.scrollTop() - height) < settings.scrollArea) { module.message.scroll.move(); } }, move: function() { height = $log.prop('scrollHeight') - $log.height(); $log .scrollTop(height) ; } }, // sends chat message send: function(message) { if( !module.utils.emptyString(message) ) { $.api({ url : settings.endpoint.message, method : 'POST', data : { 'message': { content : message, timestamp : new Date().getTime() } } }); } }, // receives chat response and processes receive: function(response) { message = response.data; users = $module.data('users'); loggedInUser = $module.data('user'); if(users[ message.userID] !== undefined) { // logged in user's messages already pushed instantly if(loggedInUser === undefined || loggedInUser.id != message.userID) { message.user = users[ message.userID ]; module.message.display(message); } } }, // displays message in chat log display: function(message) { $log .append( settings.templates.message(message) ) ; module.message.scroll.test(); $.proxy(settings.onMessage, $log.children().last() )(); } }, expand: function() { $module .addClass(className.expand) ; $.proxy(settings.onExpand, $module )(); module.refresh(); }, contract: function() { $module .removeClass(className.expand) ; $.proxy(settings.onContract, $module )(); module.refresh(); }, event: { input: { keydown: function(event) { if(event.which == 13) { $messageButton .addClass(className.down) ; } }, keyup: function(event) { if(event.which == 13) { $messageButton .removeClass(className.down) ; module.event.submit(); } } }, // handles message form submit submit: function() { var message = $messageInput.val(), loggedInUser = $module.data('user') ; if(loggedInUser !== undefined && !module.utils.emptyString(message)) { module.message.send(message); // display immediately module.message.display({ user: loggedInUser, text: message }); module.message.scroll.move(); $messageInput .val('') ; } }, // handles button click on expand button toggleExpand: function() { if( !$module.hasClass(className.expand) ) { $expandButton .addClass(className.active) ; module.expand(); } else { $expandButton .removeClass(className.active) ; module.contract(); } }, // handles button click on user list button toggleUserList: function() { if( !$log.is(':animated') ) { if( !$userListButton.hasClass(className.active) ) { $userListButton .addClass(className.active) ; module.user.list.show(); } else { $userListButton .removeClass('active') ; module.user.list.hide(); } } } }, utils: { emptyString: function(string) { if(typeof string == 'string') { return (string.search(/\S/) == -1); } return false; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else { settings[name] = value; } } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var maxDepth, found ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && instance !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { if( $.isPlainObject( instance[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { instance = instance[value]; } else if( instance[value] !== undefined ) { found = instance[value]; } else { module.error(error.method, query); } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { return found.apply(context, passedArguments); } return found || false; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.chatroom.settings = { name : 'Chat', debug : false, namespace : 'chat', channel : 'present-chat', onJoin : function(){}, onMessage : function(){}, onExpand : function(){}, onContract : function(){}, customEvents : {}, partingMessages : false, userCount : true, randomColor : true, speed : 300, easing : 'easeOutQuint', // pixels from bottom of chat log that should trigger auto scroll to bottom scrollArea : 9999, endpoint : { message : false, authentication : false }, error: { method : 'The method you called is not defined', endpoint : 'Please define a message and authentication endpoint.', key : 'You must specify a pusher key and channel.', pusher : 'You must include the Pusher library.' }, className : { expand : 'expand', active : 'active', hover : 'hover', down : 'down', loading : 'loading' }, selector : { userCount : '.actions .message', userListButton : '.actions .list.button', expandButton : '.actions .expand.button', room : '.room', userList : '.room .list', log : '.room .log', message : '.room .log .message', author : '.room log .message .author', messageInput : '.talk input', messageButton : '.talk .send.button' }, templates: { userCount: function(number) { return number + ' users in chat'; }, color: function(userID) { var colors = [ '#000000', '#333333', '#666666', '#999999', '#CC9999', '#CC6666', '#CC3333', '#993333', '#663333', '#CC6633', '#CC9966', '#CC9933', '#999966', '#CCCC66', '#99CC66', '#669933', '#669966', '#33A3CC', '#336633', '#33CCCC', '#339999', '#336666', '#336699', '#6666CC', '#9966CC', '#333399', '#663366', '#996699', '#993366', '#CC6699' ] ; return colors[ Math.floor( Math.random() * colors.length) ]; }, message: function(message) { var html = '' ; if(message.user.isAdmin) { message.user.color = '#55356A'; html += '
'; html += ''; } /* else if(message.user.isPro) { html += '
'; html += ''; } */ else { html += '
'; } html += '

'; if(message.user.color !== undefined) { html += '' + message.user.name + ': '; } else { html += '' + message.user.name + ': '; } html += '' + message.text + '

' + '
' ; return html; }, joined: function(member) { return (typeof member.name !== undefined) ? '
' + member.name + ' has joined the chat.
' : false ; }, left: function(member) { return (typeof member.name !== undefined) ? '
' + member.name + ' has left the chat.
' : false ; }, userList: function(member) { var html = '' ; if(member.isAdmin) { member.color = '#55356A'; } html += '' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' ; if(member.color !== undefined) { html += '

' + member.name + '

'; } else { html += '

' + member.name + '

'; } html += '
'; return html; } } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Checkbox * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.checkbox = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.checkbox.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $label = $(this).next(settings.selector.label).first(), $input = $(this).find(settings.selector.input), selector = $module.selector || '', instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), element = this, module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing checkbox', settings); if(settings.context && selector !== '') { module.verbose('Adding delegated events'); $(element, settings.context) .on(selector, 'click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle) .on(selector + ' + ' + settings.selector.label, 'click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle) ; } else { $module .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle) .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; $label .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.toggle) ; } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module'); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, is: { radio: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.radio); }, enabled: function() { return $input.prop('checked') !== undefined && $input.prop('checked'); }, disabled: function() { return !module.is.enabled(); } }, can: { disable: function() { return (typeof settings.required === 'boolean') ? settings.required : !module.is.radio() ; } }, enable: function() { module.debug('Enabling checkbox', $input); $input .prop('checked', true) ; $.proxy(settings.onChange, $input.get())(); $.proxy(settings.onEnable, $input.get())(); }, disable: function() { module.debug('Disabling checkbox'); $input .prop('checked', false) ; $.proxy(settings.onChange, $input.get())(); $.proxy(settings.onDisable, $input.get())(); }, toggle: function(event) { module.verbose('Determining new checkbox state'); if( module.is.disabled() ) { module.enable(); } else if( module.is.enabled() && module.can.disable() ) { module.disable(); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.checkbox.settings = { name : 'Checkbox', namespace : 'checkbox', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, // delegated event context context : false, required : 'auto', onChange : function(){}, onEnable : function(){}, onDisable : function(){}, error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, selector : { input : 'input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]', label : 'label' }, className : { radio : 'radio' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Dimmer * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.dimmer = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.dimmer.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.dimmer.settings), selector = settings.selector, namespace = settings.namespace, className = settings.className, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', clickEvent = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) ? 'touchstart' : 'click', $module = $(this), $dimmer, $dimmable, element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { preinitialize: function() { if( module.is.dimmer() ) { $dimmable = $module.parent(); $dimmer = $module; } else { $dimmable = $module; if( module.has.dimmer() ) { $dimmer = $dimmable.children(selector.dimmer).first(); } else { $dimmer = module.create(); } } }, initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing dimmer', settings); if(settings.on == 'hover') { $dimmable .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.show) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.hide) ; } else if(settings.on == 'click') { $dimmable .on(clickEvent + eventNamespace, module.toggle) ; } if( module.is.page() ) { module.debug('Setting as a page dimmer', $dimmable); module.set.pageDimmer(); } if(settings.closable) { module.verbose('Adding dimmer close event', $dimmer); $dimmer .on(clickEvent + eventNamespace, module.event.click) ; } module.set.dimmable(); module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module', $dimmer); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; $dimmable .off(eventNamespace) ; $dimmer .off(eventNamespace) ; }, event: { click: function(event) { module.verbose('Determining if event occured on dimmer', event); if( $dimmer.find(event.target).size() === 0 || $(event.target).is(selector.content) ) { module.hide(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } }, addContent: function(element) { var $content = $(element) ; module.debug('Add content to dimmer', $content); if($content.parent()[0] !== $dimmer[0]) { $content.detach().appendTo($dimmer); } }, create: function() { return $( settings.template.dimmer() ).appendTo($dimmable); }, animate: { show: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.set.dimmed(); if(settings.useCSS && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $dimmer.transition('is supported')) { $dimmer .transition({ animation : settings.transition + ' in', queue : true, duration : module.get.duration(), complete : function() { module.set.active(); callback(); } }) ; } else { module.verbose('Showing dimmer animation with javascript'); $dimmer .stop() .css({ opacity : 0, width : '100%', height : '100%' }) .fadeTo(module.get.duration(), 1, function() { $dimmer.removeAttr('style'); module.set.active(); callback(); }) ; } }, hide: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if(settings.useCSS && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $dimmer.transition('is supported')) { module.verbose('Hiding dimmer with css'); $dimmer .transition({ animation : settings.transition + ' out', duration : module.get.duration(), queue : true, complete : function() { module.remove.dimmed(); module.remove.active(); callback(); } }) ; } else { module.verbose('Hiding dimmer with javascript'); $dimmer .stop() .fadeOut(module.get.duration(), function() { $dimmer.removeAttr('style'); module.remove.dimmed(); module.remove.active(); callback(); }) ; } } }, get: { dimmer: function() { return $dimmer; }, duration: function() { if(typeof settings.duration == 'object') { if( module.is.active() ) { return settings.duration.hide; } else { return settings.duration.show; } } return settings.duration; } }, has: { dimmer: function() { return ( $module.children(selector.dimmer).size() > 0 ); } }, is: { active: function() { return $dimmer.hasClass(className.active); }, animating: function() { return ( $dimmer.is(':animated') || $dimmer.hasClass(className.transition) ); }, dimmer: function() { return $module.is(selector.dimmer); }, dimmable: function() { return $module.is(selector.dimmable); }, dimmed: function() { return $dimmable.hasClass(className.dimmed); }, disabled: function() { return $dimmable.hasClass(className.disabled); }, enabled: function() { return !module.is.disabled(); }, page: function () { return $dimmable.is('body'); }, pageDimmer: function() { return $dimmer.hasClass(className.pageDimmer); } }, can: { show: function() { return !$dimmer.hasClass(className.disabled); } }, set: { active: function() { module.set.dimmed(); $dimmer .removeClass(className.transition) .addClass(className.active) ; }, dimmable: function() { $dimmable.addClass(className.dimmable); }, dimmed: function() { $dimmable.addClass(className.dimmed); }, pageDimmer: function() { $dimmer.addClass(className.pageDimmer); }, disabled: function() { $dimmer.addClass(className.disabled); } }, remove: { active: function() { $dimmer .removeClass(className.transition) .removeClass(className.active) ; }, dimmed: function() { $dimmable.removeClass(className.dimmed); }, disabled: function() { $dimmer.removeClass(className.disabled); } }, show: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.debug('Showing dimmer', $dimmer, settings); if( !module.is.active() && module.is.enabled() ) { module.animate.show(callback); $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); } else { module.debug('Dimmer is already shown or disabled'); } }, hide: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( module.is.active() || module.is.animating() ) { module.debug('Hiding dimmer', $dimmer); module.animate.hide(callback); $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); } else { module.debug('Dimmer is not visible'); } }, toggle: function() { module.verbose('Toggling dimmer visibility', $dimmer); if( !module.is.dimmed() ) { module.show(); } else { module.hide(); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; module.preinitialize(); if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.dimmer.settings = { name : 'Dimmer', namespace : 'dimmer', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, transition : 'fade', useCSS : true, on : false, closable : true, duration : { show : 500, hide : 500 }, onChange : function(){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){}, error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, selector: { dimmable : '.ui.dimmable', dimmer : '.ui.dimmer', content : '.ui.dimmer > .content, .ui.dimmer > .content > .center' }, template: { dimmer: function() { return $('
').attr('class', 'ui dimmer'); } }, className : { active : 'active', dimmable : 'ui dimmable', dimmed : 'dimmed', disabled : 'disabled', pageDimmer : 'page', hide : 'hide', show : 'show', transition : 'transition' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Dropdown * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.dropdown = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $document = $(document), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', hasTouch = ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.dropdown.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.dropdown.settings), className = settings.className, metadata = settings.metadata, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $item = $module.find(selector.item), $text = $module.find(selector.text), $input = $module.find(selector.input), $menu = $module.children(selector.menu), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing dropdown', settings); module.save.defaults(); module.set.selected(); if(hasTouch) { module.bind.touchEvents(); } module.bind.mouseEvents(); module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of dropdown', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous dropdown for', $module); $item .off(eventNamespace) ; $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, bind: { touchEvents: function() { module.debug('Touch device detected binding touch events'); $module .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.toggle) ; $item .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, module.event.item.mouseenter) .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, module.event.item.click) ; }, mouseEvents: function() { module.verbose('Mouse detected binding mouse events'); if(settings.on == 'click') { $module .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.toggle) ; } else if(settings.on == 'hover') { $module .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.delay.show) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.delay.hide) ; } else { $module .on(settings.on + eventNamespace, module.toggle) ; } $item .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.event.item.mouseenter) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.event.item.mouseleave) .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.item.click) ; }, intent: function() { module.verbose('Binding hide intent event to document'); if(hasTouch) { $document .on('touchstart' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.touch) .on('touchmove' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.touch) ; } $document .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.test.hide) ; } }, unbind: { intent: function() { module.verbose('Removing hide intent event from document'); if(hasTouch) { $document .off('touchstart' + eventNamespace) .off('touchmove' + eventNamespace) ; } $document .off('click' + eventNamespace) ; } }, event: { test: { toggle: function(event) { if( module.determine.intent(event, module.toggle) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }, touch: function(event) { module.determine.intent(event, function() { if(event.type == 'touchstart') { module.timer = setTimeout(module.hide, settings.delay.touch); } else if(event.type == 'touchmove') { clearTimeout(module.timer); } }); event.stopPropagation(); }, hide: function(event) { module.determine.intent(event, module.hide); } }, item: { mouseenter: function(event) { var $currentMenu = $(this).find(selector.menu), $otherMenus = $(this).siblings(selector.item).children(selector.menu) ; if( $currentMenu.size() > 0 ) { clearTimeout(module.itemTimer); module.itemTimer = setTimeout(function() { module.animate.hide(false, $otherMenus); module.verbose('Showing sub-menu', $currentMenu); module.animate.show(false, $currentMenu); }, settings.delay.show * 2); event.preventDefault(); } }, mouseleave: function(event) { var $currentMenu = $(this).find(selector.menu) ; if($currentMenu.size() > 0) { clearTimeout(module.itemTimer); module.itemTimer = setTimeout(function() { module.verbose('Hiding sub-menu', $currentMenu); module.animate.hide(false, $currentMenu); }, settings.delay.hide); } }, click: function (event) { var $choice = $(this), text = ( $choice.data(metadata.text) !== undefined ) ? $choice.data(metadata.text) : $choice.text(), value = ( $choice.data(metadata.value) !== undefined) ? $choice.data(metadata.value) : text.toLowerCase(), callback = function() { module.determine.selectAction(text, value); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(value, text); } ; if( $choice.find(selector.menu).size() === 0 ) { if(event.type == 'touchstart') { $choice.one('click', callback); } else { callback(); } } } }, resetStyle: function() { $(this).removeAttr('style'); } }, determine: { selectAction: function(text, value) { module.verbose('Determining action', settings.action); if( $.isFunction( module.action[settings.action] ) ) { module.verbose('Triggering preset action', settings.action, text, value); module.action[ settings.action ](text, value); } else if( $.isFunction(settings.action) ) { module.verbose('Triggering user action', settings.action, text, value); settings.action(text, value); } else { module.error(error.action, settings.action); } }, intent: function(event, callback) { module.debug('Determining whether event occurred in dropdown', event.target); callback = callback || function(){}; if( $(event.target).closest($menu).size() === 0 ) { module.verbose('Triggering event', callback); callback(); return true; } else { module.verbose('Event occurred in dropdown, canceling callback'); return false; } } }, action: { nothing: function() {}, hide: function() { module.hide(); }, activate: function(text, value) { value = (value !== undefined) ? value : text ; module.set.selected(value); module.set.value(value); module.hide(); }, /* Deprecated */ auto: function(text, value) { value = (value !== undefined) ? value : text ; module.set.selected(value); module.set.value(value); module.hide(); }, /* Deprecated */ changeText: function(text, value) { value = (value !== undefined) ? value : text ; module.set.selected(value); module.hide(); }, /* Deprecated */ updateForm: function(text, value) { value = (value !== undefined) ? value : text ; module.set.selected(value); module.set.value(value); module.hide(); } }, get: { text: function() { return $text.text(); }, value: function() { return ($input.size() > 0) ? $input.val() : $module.data(metadata.value) ; }, item: function(value) { var $selectedItem = false ; value = (value !== undefined) ? value : ( module.get.value() !== undefined) ? module.get.value() : module.get.text() ; if(value !== undefined) { $item .each(function() { var $choice = $(this), optionText = ( $choice.data(metadata.text) !== undefined ) ? $choice.data(metadata.text) : $choice.text(), optionValue = ( $choice.data(metadata.value) !== undefined ) ? $choice.data(metadata.value) : optionText.toLowerCase() ; if( optionValue == value ) { $selectedItem = $(this); } else if( !$selectedItem && optionText == value ) { $selectedItem = $(this); } }) ; } else { value = module.get.text(); } return $selectedItem || false; } }, restore: { defaults: function() { module.restore.defaultText(); module.restore.defaultValue(); }, defaultText: function() { var defaultText = $module.data(metadata.defaultText) ; module.debug('Restoring default text', defaultText); module.set.text(defaultText); }, defaultValue: function() { var defaultValue = $module.data(metadata.defaultValue) ; if(defaultValue !== undefined) { module.debug('Restoring default value', defaultValue); module.set.selected(defaultValue); module.set.value(defaultValue); } } }, save: { defaults: function() { module.save.defaultText(); module.save.defaultValue(); }, defaultValue: function() { $module.data(metadata.defaultValue, module.get.value() ); }, defaultText: function() { $module.data(metadata.defaultText, $text.text() ); } }, set: { text: function(text) { module.debug('Changing text', text, $text); $text.removeClass(className.placeholder); $text.text(text); }, value: function(value) { module.debug('Adding selected value to hidden input', value, $input); if($input.size() > 0) { $input.val(value); } else { $module.data(metadata.value, value); } }, active: function() { $module.addClass(className.active); }, visible: function() { $module.addClass(className.visible); }, selected: function(value) { var $selectedItem = module.get.item(value), selectedText ; if($selectedItem) { module.debug('Setting selected menu item to', $selectedItem); selectedText = ($selectedItem.data(metadata.text) !== undefined) ? $selectedItem.data(metadata.text) : $selectedItem.text() ; $item .removeClass(className.active) ; $selectedItem .addClass(className.active) ; module.set.text(selectedText); } } }, remove: { active: function() { $module.removeClass(className.active); }, visible: function() { $module.removeClass(className.visible); } }, is: { selection: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.selection); }, animated: function($subMenu) { return ($subMenu) ? $subMenu.is(':animated') || $subMenu.transition('is animating') : $menu.is(':animated') || $menu.transition('is animating') ; }, visible: function($subMenu) { return ($subMenu) ? $subMenu.is(':visible') : $menu.is(':visible') ; }, hidden: function($subMenu) { return ($subMenu) ? $subMenu.is(':not(:visible)') : $menu.is(':not(:visible)') ; } }, can: { click: function() { return (hasTouch || settings.on == 'click'); }, show: function() { return !$module.hasClass(className.disabled); } }, animate: { show: function(callback, $subMenu) { var $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu ; callback = callback || function(){}; if( module.is.hidden($currentMenu) ) { module.verbose('Doing menu show animation', $currentMenu); if(settings.transition == 'none') { callback(); } else if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $currentMenu .transition({ animation : settings.transition + ' in', duration : settings.duration, complete : callback, queue : false }) ; } else if(settings.transition == 'slide down') { $currentMenu .hide() .clearQueue() .children() .clearQueue() .css('opacity', 0) .delay(50) .animate({ opacity : 1 }, settings.duration, 'easeOutQuad', module.event.resetStyle) .end() .slideDown(100, 'easeOutQuad', function() { $.proxy(module.event.resetStyle, this)(); callback(); }) ; } else if(settings.transition == 'fade') { $currentMenu .hide() .clearQueue() .fadeIn(settings.duration, function() { $.proxy(module.event.resetStyle, this)(); callback(); }) ; } else { module.error(error.transition, settings.transition); } } }, hide: function(callback, $subMenu) { var $currentMenu = $subMenu || $menu ; callback = callback || function(){}; if(module.is.visible($currentMenu) ) { module.verbose('Doing menu hide animation', $currentMenu); if($.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $currentMenu .transition({ animation : settings.transition + ' out', duration : settings.duration, complete : callback, queue : false }) ; } else if(settings.transition == 'none') { callback(); } else if(settings.transition == 'slide down') { $currentMenu .show() .clearQueue() .children() .clearQueue() .css('opacity', 1) .animate({ opacity : 0 }, 100, 'easeOutQuad', module.event.resetStyle) .end() .delay(50) .slideUp(100, 'easeOutQuad', function() { $.proxy(module.event.resetStyle, this)(); callback(); }) ; } else if(settings.transition == 'fade') { $currentMenu .show() .clearQueue() .fadeOut(150, function() { $.proxy(module.event.resetStyle, this)(); callback(); }) ; } else { module.error(error.transition); } } } }, show: function() { module.debug('Checking if dropdown can show'); if( module.is.hidden() ) { module.hideOthers(); module.set.active(); module.animate.show(function() { if( module.can.click() ) { module.bind.intent(); } module.set.visible(); }); $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); } }, hide: function() { if( !module.is.animated() && module.is.visible() ) { module.debug('Hiding dropdown'); if( module.can.click() ) { module.unbind.intent(); } module.remove.active(); module.animate.hide(module.remove.visible); $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); } }, delay: { show: function() { module.verbose('Delaying show event to ensure user intent'); clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(module.show, settings.delay.show); }, hide: function() { module.verbose('Delaying hide event to ensure user intent'); clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(module.hide, settings.delay.hide); } }, hideOthers: function() { module.verbose('Finding other dropdowns to hide'); $allModules .not($module) .has(selector.menu + ':visible') .dropdown('hide') ; }, toggle: function() { module.verbose('Toggling menu visibility'); if( module.is.hidden() ) { module.show(); } else { module.hide(); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { module.error(error.method, query); return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.dropdown.settings = { name : 'Dropdown', namespace : 'dropdown', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, on : 'click', action : 'activate', delay: { show : 200, hide : 300, touch : 50 }, transition : 'slide down', duration : 250, onChange : function(value, text){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){}, error : { action : 'You called a dropdown action that was not defined', method : 'The method you called is not defined.', transition : 'The requested transition was not found' }, metadata: { defaultText : 'defaultText', defaultValue : 'defaultValue', text : 'text', value : 'value' }, selector : { menu : '.menu', item : '.menu > .item', text : '> .text', input : '> input[type="hidden"]' }, className : { active : 'active', placeholder : 'default', disabled : 'disabled', visible : 'visible', selection : 'selection' } }; // Adds easing $.extend( $.easing, { easeOutQuad: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return -c *(t/=d)*(t-2) + b; }, }); })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Modal * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.modal = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $window = $(window), $document = $(document), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.modal.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.modal.settings), selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', $module = $(this), $context = $(settings.context), $close = $module.find(selector.close), $allModals, $otherModals, $focusedElement, $dimmable, $dimmer, element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing dimmer', $context); if(typeof $.fn.dimmer === undefined) { module.error(error.dimmer); return; } $dimmable = $context .dimmer({ closable : false, useCSS : true, duration: { show : settings.duration * 0.9, hide : settings.duration * 1.1 } }) ; if(settings.detachable) { $dimmable.dimmer('add content', $module); } $dimmer = $dimmable .dimmer('get dimmer') ; $otherModals = $module.siblings(selector.modal); $allModals = $otherModals.add($module); module.verbose('Attaching close events', $close); $close .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.close) ; $window .on('resize' + eventNamespace, function() { module.event.debounce(module.refresh, 50); }) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of modal'); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous modal'); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; $close .off(eventNamespace) ; $context .dimmer('destroy') ; }, refresh: function() { module.remove.scrolling(); module.cacheSizes(); module.set.type(); module.set.position(); }, attachEvents: function(selector, event) { var $toggle = $(selector) ; event = $.isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle ; if($toggle.size() > 0) { module.debug('Attaching modal events to element', selector, event); $toggle .off(eventNamespace) .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound); } }, event: { close: function() { module.verbose('Closing element pressed'); if( $(this).is(selector.approve) ) { if($.proxy(settings.onApprove, element)() !== false) { module.hide(); } else { module.verbose('Approve callback returned false cancelling hide'); } } else if( $(this).is(selector.deny) ) { if($.proxy(settings.onDeny, element)() !== false) { module.hide(); } else { module.verbose('Deny callback returned false cancelling hide'); } } else { module.hide(); } }, click: function(event) { if( $(event.target).closest(selector.modal).size() === 0 ) { module.debug('Dimmer clicked, hiding all modals'); if(settings.allowMultiple) { module.hide(); } else { module.hideAll(); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }, debounce: function(method, delay) { clearTimeout(module.timer); module.timer = setTimeout(method, delay); }, keyboard: function(event) { var keyCode = event.which, escapeKey = 27 ; if(keyCode == escapeKey) { if(settings.closable) { module.debug('Escape key pressed hiding modal'); module.hide(); } else { module.debug('Escape key pressed, but closable is set to false'); } event.preventDefault(); } }, resize: function() { if( $dimmable.dimmer('is active') ) { module.refresh(); } } }, toggle: function() { if( module.is.active() ) { module.hide(); } else { module.show(); } }, show: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.showDimmer(); module.showModal(callback); }, showModal: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( !module.is.active() ) { module.cacheSizes(); module.set.position(); module.set.type(); if( $otherModals.filter(':visible').size() > 0 && !settings.allowMultiple) { module.debug('Other modals visible, queueing show animation'); module.hideOthers(module.showModal); } else { if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { module.debug('Showing modal with css animations'); $module .transition(settings.transition + ' in', settings.duration, function() { module.set.active(); callback(); }) ; } else { module.debug('Showing modal with javascript'); $module .fadeIn(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.set.active(); callback(); }) ; } $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); } } else { module.debug('Modal is already visible'); } }, showDimmer: function() { if( !$dimmable.dimmer('is active') ) { module.debug('Showing dimmer'); $dimmable.dimmer('show'); } else { module.debug('Dimmer already visible'); } }, hide: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if($allModals.filter(':visible').size() <= 1) { module.hideDimmer(); } module.hideModal(callback); }, hideDimmer: function() { if( !module.is.active() ) { module.debug('Dimmer is not visible cannot hide'); return; } module.debug('Hiding dimmer'); if(settings.closable) { $dimmer .off('click' + eventNamespace) ; } $dimmable.dimmer('hide', function() { $module .transition('reset') ; module.remove.active(); }); }, hideModal: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( !module.is.active() ) { module.debug('Cannot hide modal it is not active'); return; } module.debug('Hiding modal'); module.remove.keyboardShortcuts(); if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $module .transition(settings.transition + ' out', settings.duration, function() { module.remove.active(); module.restore.focus(); callback(); }) ; } else { $module .fadeOut(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.remove.active(); module.restore.focus(); callback(); }) ; } $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); }, hideAll: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( $allModals.is(':visible') ) { module.debug('Hiding all visible modals'); module.hideDimmer(); $allModals .filter(':visible') .modal('hide modal', callback) ; } }, hideOthers: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; if( $otherModals.is(':visible') ) { module.debug('Hiding other modals'); $otherModals .filter(':visible') .modal('hide modal', callback) ; } }, add: { keyboardShortcuts: function() { module.verbose('Adding keyboard shortcuts'); $document .on('keyup' + eventNamespace, module.event.keyboard) ; } }, save: { focus: function() { $focusedElement = $(document.activeElement).blur(); } }, restore: { focus: function() { if($focusedElement && $focusedElement.size() > 0) { $focusedElement.focus(); } } }, remove: { active: function() { $module.removeClass(className.active); }, keyboardShortcuts: function() { module.verbose('Removing keyboard shortcuts'); $document .off('keyup' + eventNamespace) ; }, scrolling: function() { $dimmable.removeClass(className.scrolling); $module.removeClass(className.scrolling); } }, cacheSizes: function() { module.cache = { height : $module.outerHeight() + settings.offset, contextHeight : (settings.context == 'body') ? $(window).height() : $dimmable.height() }; module.debug('Caching modal and container sizes', module.cache); }, can: { fit: function() { return (module.cache.height < module.cache.contextHeight); } }, is: { active: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.active); }, modernBrowser: function() { // appName for IE11 reports 'Netscape' can no longer use return !(window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window); } }, set: { active: function() { module.add.keyboardShortcuts(); module.save.focus(); $module .addClass(className.active) ; if(settings.closable) { $dimmer .off('click' + eventNamespace) .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.click) ; } }, scrolling: function() { $dimmable.addClass(className.scrolling); $module.addClass(className.scrolling); }, type: function() { if(module.can.fit()) { module.verbose('Modal fits on screen'); module.remove.scrolling(); } else { module.verbose('Modal cannot fit on screen setting to scrolling'); module.set.scrolling(); } }, position: function() { module.verbose('Centering modal on page', module.cache, module.cache.height / 2); if(module.can.fit()) { $module .css({ top: '', marginTop: -(module.cache.height / 2) }) ; } else { $module .css({ marginTop : '1em', top : $document.scrollTop() }) ; } } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.modal.settings = { name : 'Modal', namespace : 'modal', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, allowMultiple : true, detachable : true, closable : true, context : 'body', duration : 500, easing : 'easeOutExpo', offset : 0, transition : 'scale', onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){}, onApprove : function(){ return true; }, onDeny : function(){ return true; }, selector : { close : '.close, .actions .button', approve : '.actions .positive, .actions .approve, .actions .ok', deny : '.actions .negative, .actions .deny, .actions .cancel', modal : '.ui.modal' }, error : { dimmer : 'UI Dimmer, a required component is not included in this page', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, className : { active : 'active', scrolling : 'scrolling' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Nag * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.nag = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $(this) .each(function() { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.nag.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, namespace = settings.namespace, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = namespace + '-module', $module = $(this), $close = $module.find(selector.close), $context = $(settings.context), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), moduleOffset, moduleHeight, contextWidth, contextHeight, contextOffset, yOffset, yPosition, timer, module, requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); } ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing element'); // calculate module offset once moduleOffset = $module.offset(); moduleHeight = $module.outerHeight(); contextWidth = $context.outerWidth(); contextHeight = $context.outerHeight(); contextOffset = $context.offset(); $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; $close .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.dismiss) ; // lets avoid javascript if we dont need to reposition if(settings.context == window && settings.position == 'fixed') { $module .addClass(className.fixed) ; } if(settings.sticky) { module.verbose('Adding scroll events'); // retrigger on scroll for absolute if(settings.position == 'absolute') { $context .on('scroll' + eventNamespace, module.event.scroll) .on('resize' + eventNamespace, module.event.scroll) ; } // fixed is always relative to window else { $(window) .on('scroll' + eventNamespace, module.event.scroll) .on('resize' + eventNamespace, module.event.scroll) ; } // fire once to position on init $.proxy(module.event.scroll, this)(); } if(settings.displayTime > 0) { setTimeout(module.hide, settings.displayTime); } if(module.should.show()) { if( !$module.is(':visible') ) { module.show(); } } else { module.hide(); } }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying instance'); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; if(settings.sticky) { $context .off(eventNamespace) ; } }, refresh: function() { module.debug('Refreshing cached calculations'); moduleOffset = $module.offset(); moduleHeight = $module.outerHeight(); contextWidth = $context.outerWidth(); contextHeight = $context.outerHeight(); contextOffset = $context.offset(); }, show: function() { module.debug('Showing nag', settings.animation.show); if(settings.animation.show == 'fade') { $module .fadeIn(settings.duration, settings.easing) ; } else { $module .slideDown(settings.duration, settings.easing) ; } }, hide: function() { module.debug('Showing nag', settings.animation.hide); if(settings.animation.show == 'fade') { $module .fadeIn(settings.duration, settings.easing) ; } else { $module .slideUp(settings.duration, settings.easing) ; } }, onHide: function() { module.debug('Removing nag', settings.animation.hide); $module.remove(); if (settings.onHide) { settings.onHide(); } }, stick: function() { module.refresh(); if(settings.position == 'fixed') { var windowScroll = $(window).prop('pageYOffset') || $(window).scrollTop(), fixedOffset = ( $module.hasClass(className.bottom) ) ? contextOffset.top + (contextHeight - moduleHeight) - windowScroll : contextOffset.top - windowScroll ; $module .css({ position : 'fixed', top : fixedOffset, left : contextOffset.left, width : contextWidth - settings.scrollBarWidth }) ; } else { $module .css({ top : yPosition }) ; } }, unStick: function() { $module .css({ top : '' }) ; }, dismiss: function(event) { if(settings.storageMethod) { module.storage.set(settings.storedKey, settings.storedValue); } module.hide(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); }, should: { show: function() { if(settings.persist) { module.debug('Persistent nag is set, can show nag'); return true; } if(module.storage.get(settings.storedKey) != settings.storedValue) { module.debug('Stored value is not set, can show nag', module.storage.get(settings.storedKey)); return true; } module.debug('Stored value is set, cannot show nag', module.storage.get(settings.storedKey)); return false; }, stick: function() { yOffset = $context.prop('pageYOffset') || $context.scrollTop(); yPosition = ( $module.hasClass(className.bottom) ) ? (contextHeight - $module.outerHeight() ) + yOffset : yOffset ; // absolute position calculated when y offset met if(yPosition > moduleOffset.top) { return true; } else if(settings.position == 'fixed') { return true; } return false; } }, storage: { set: function(key, value) { module.debug('Setting stored value', key, value, settings.storageMethod); if(settings.storageMethod == 'local' && window.store !== undefined) { window.store.set(key, value); } // store by cookie else if($.cookie !== undefined) { $.cookie(key, value); } else { module.error(error.noStorage); } }, get: function(key) { module.debug('Getting stored value', key, settings.storageMethod); if(settings.storageMethod == 'local' && window.store !== undefined) { return window.store.get(key); } // get by cookie else if($.cookie !== undefined) { return $.cookie(key); } else { module.error(error.noStorage); } } }, event: { scroll: function() { if(timer !== undefined) { clearTimeout(timer); } timer = setTimeout(function() { if(module.should.stick() ) { requestAnimationFrame(module.stick); } else { module.unStick(); } }, settings.lag); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { module.debug('Changing internal', name, value); if(value !== undefined) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else { module[name] = value; } } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.nag.settings = { name : 'Nag', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, namespace : 'Nag', // allows cookie to be overriden persist : false, // set to zero to manually dismiss, otherwise hides on its own displayTime : 0, animation : { show: 'slide', hide: 'slide' }, // method of stickyness position : 'fixed', scrollBarWidth : 18, // type of storage to use storageMethod : 'cookie', // value to store in dismissed localstorage/cookie storedKey : 'nag', storedValue : 'dismiss', // need to calculate stickyness on scroll sticky : false, // how often to check scroll event lag : 0, // context for scroll event context : window, error: { noStorage : 'Neither $.cookie or store is defined. A storage solution is required for storing state', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, className : { bottom : 'bottom', fixed : 'fixed' }, selector : { close: '.icon.close' }, speed : 500, easing : 'easeOutQuad', onHide: function() {} }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Popup * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.popup = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $document = $(document), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.popup.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.popup.settings), selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, error = settings.error, metadata = settings.metadata, namespace = settings.namespace, eventNamespace = '.' + settings.namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $context = $(settings.context), $target = (settings.target) ? $(settings.target) : $module, $window = $(window), $offsetParent = (settings.inline) ? $target.offsetParent() : $window, $popup = (settings.inline) ? $target.next(settings.selector.popup) : $window.children(settings.selector.popup).last(), searchDepth = 0, element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { // binds events initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing module', $module); if(settings.on == 'click') { $module .on('click', module.toggle) ; } else { $module .on(module.get.startEvent() + eventNamespace, module.event.start) .on(module.get.endEvent() + eventNamespace, module.event.end) ; } if(settings.target) { module.debug('Target set to element', $target); } $window .on('resize' + eventNamespace, module.event.resize) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, refresh: function() { if(settings.inline) { $popup = $target.next(selector.popup); $offsetParent = $target.offsetParent(); } else { $popup = $window.children(selector.popup).last(); } }, destroy: function() { module.debug('Destroying previous module'); $window .off(eventNamespace) ; $popup .remove() ; $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, event: { start: function(event) { module.timer = setTimeout(function() { if( module.is.hidden() ) { module.show(); } }, settings.delay); }, end: function() { clearTimeout(module.timer); if( module.is.visible() ) { module.hide(); } }, resize: function() { if( module.is.visible() ) { module.set.position(); } } }, // generates popup html from metadata create: function() { module.debug('Creating pop-up html'); var html = $module.data(metadata.html) || settings.html, variation = $module.data(metadata.variation) || settings.variation, title = $module.data(metadata.title) || settings.title, content = $module.data(metadata.content) || $module.attr('title') || settings.content ; if(html || content || title) { if(!html) { html = settings.template({ title : title, content : content }); } $popup = $('
') .addClass(className.popup) .addClass(variation) .html(html) ; if(settings.inline) { module.verbose('Inserting popup element inline', $popup); $popup .insertAfter($module) ; } else { module.verbose('Appending popup element to body', $popup); $popup .appendTo( $context ) ; } $.proxy(settings.onCreate, $popup)(); } else { module.error(error.content); } }, // determines popup state toggle: function() { module.debug('Toggling pop-up'); if( module.is.hidden() ) { module.debug('Popup is hidden, showing pop-up'); module.unbind.close(); module.hideAll(); module.show(); } else { module.debug('Popup is visible, hiding pop-up'); module.hide(); } }, show: function(callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; module.debug('Showing pop-up', settings.transition); if(!settings.preserve) { module.refresh(); } if( !module.exists() ) { module.create(); } module.save.conditions(); module.set.position(); module.animate.show(callback); }, hide: function(callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; $module .removeClass(className.visible) ; module.restore.conditions(); module.unbind.close(); if( module.is.visible() ) { module.animate.hide(callback); } }, hideAll: function() { $(selector.popup) .filter(':visible') .popup('hide') ; }, hideGracefully: function(event) { // don't close on clicks inside popup if(event && $(event.target).closest(selector.popup).size() === 0) { module.debug('Click occurred outside popup hiding popup'); module.hide(); } else { module.debug('Click was inside popup, keeping popup open'); } }, exists: function() { if(settings.inline) { return ( $popup.size() !== 0 ); } else { return ( $popup.parent($context).size() ); } }, remove: function() { module.debug('Removing popup'); $popup .remove() ; }, save: { conditions: function() { module.cache = { title: $module.attr('title') }; if (module.cache.title) { $module.removeAttr('title'); } module.verbose('Saving original attributes', module.cache.title); } }, restore: { conditions: function() { if(module.cache && module.cache.title) { $module.attr('title', module.cache.title); } module.verbose('Restoring original attributes', module.cache.title); return true; } }, animate: { show: function(callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; $module .addClass(className.visible) ; if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $popup .transition(settings.transition + ' in', settings.duration, function() { module.bind.close(); $.proxy(callback, element)(); }) ; } else { $popup .stop() .fadeIn(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.bind.close(); $.proxy(callback, element)(); }) ; } $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); }, hide: function(callback) { callback = callback || function(){}; module.debug('Hiding pop-up'); if(settings.transition && $.fn.transition !== undefined && $module.transition('is supported')) { $popup .transition(settings.transition + ' out', settings.duration, function() { module.reset(); callback(); }) ; } else { $popup .stop() .fadeOut(settings.duration, settings.easing, function() { module.reset(); callback(); }) ; } $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); } }, get: { startEvent: function() { if(settings.on == 'hover') { return 'mouseenter'; } else if(settings.on == 'focus') { return 'focus'; } }, endEvent: function() { if(settings.on == 'hover') { return 'mouseleave'; } else if(settings.on == 'focus') { return 'blur'; } }, offstagePosition: function() { var boundary = { top : $(window).scrollTop(), bottom : $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height(), left : 0, right : $(window).width() }, popup = { width : $popup.width(), height : $popup.outerHeight(), position : $popup.offset() }, offstage = {}, offstagePositions = [] ; if(popup.position) { offstage = { top : (popup.position.top < boundary.top), bottom : (popup.position.top + popup.height > boundary.bottom), right : (popup.position.left + popup.width > boundary.right), left : (popup.position.left < boundary.left) }; } module.verbose('Checking if outside viewable area', popup.position); // return only boundaries that have been surpassed $.each(offstage, function(direction, isOffstage) { if(isOffstage) { offstagePositions.push(direction); } }); return (offstagePositions.length > 0) ? offstagePositions.join(' ') : false ; }, nextPosition: function(position) { switch(position) { case 'top left': position = 'bottom left'; break; case 'bottom left': position = 'top right'; break; case 'top right': position = 'bottom right'; break; case 'bottom right': position = 'top center'; break; case 'top center': position = 'bottom center'; break; case 'bottom center': position = 'right center'; break; case 'right center': position = 'left center'; break; case 'left center': position = 'top center'; break; } return position; } }, set: { position: function(position, arrowOffset) { var windowWidth = $(window).width(), windowHeight = $(window).height(), width = $target.outerWidth(), height = $target.outerHeight(), popupWidth = $popup.width(), popupHeight = $popup.outerHeight(), parentWidth = $offsetParent.outerWidth(), parentHeight = $offsetParent.outerHeight(), distanceAway = settings.distanceAway, offset = (settings.inline) ? $target.position() : $target.offset(), positioning, offstagePosition ; position = position || $module.data(metadata.position) || settings.position; arrowOffset = arrowOffset || $module.data(metadata.offset) || settings.offset; // adjust for margin when inline if(settings.inline) { if(position == 'left center' || position == 'right center') { arrowOffset += parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('margin-top'), 10); distanceAway += -parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('margin-left'), 10); } else { arrowOffset += parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('margin-left'), 10); distanceAway += parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('margin-top'), 10); } } module.debug('Calculating offset for position', position); switch(position) { case 'top left': positioning = { bottom : parentHeight - offset.top + distanceAway, right : parentWidth - offset.left - arrowOffset, top : 'auto', left : 'auto' }; break; case 'top center': positioning = { bottom : parentHeight - offset.top + distanceAway, left : offset.left + (width / 2) - (popupWidth / 2) + arrowOffset, top : 'auto', right : 'auto' }; break; case 'top right': positioning = { top : 'auto', bottom : parentHeight - offset.top + distanceAway, left : offset.left + width + arrowOffset, right : 'auto' }; break; case 'left center': positioning = { top : offset.top + (height / 2) - (popupHeight / 2) + arrowOffset, right : parentWidth - offset.left + distanceAway, left : 'auto', bottom : 'auto' }; break; case 'right center': positioning = { top : offset.top + (height / 2) - (popupHeight / 2) + arrowOffset, left : offset.left + width + distanceAway, bottom : 'auto', right : 'auto' }; break; case 'bottom left': positioning = { top : offset.top + height + distanceAway, right : parentWidth - offset.left - arrowOffset, left : 'auto', bottom : 'auto' }; break; case 'bottom center': positioning = { top : offset.top + height + distanceAway, left : offset.left + (width / 2) - (popupWidth / 2) + arrowOffset, bottom : 'auto', right : 'auto' }; break; case 'bottom right': positioning = { top : offset.top + height + distanceAway, left : offset.left + width + arrowOffset, bottom : 'auto', right : 'auto' }; break; } // tentatively place on stage $popup .css(positioning) .removeClass(className.position) .addClass(position) .addClass(className.loading) ; // check if is offstage offstagePosition = module.get.offstagePosition(); // recursively find new positioning if(offstagePosition) { module.debug('Element is outside boundaries', offstagePosition); if(searchDepth < settings.maxSearchDepth) { position = module.get.nextPosition(position); searchDepth++; module.debug('Trying new position', position); return module.set.position(position); } else { module.error(error.recursion); searchDepth = 0; module.reset(); $popup.removeClass(className.loading); return false; } } else { module.debug('Position is on stage', position); searchDepth = 0; $popup.removeClass(className.loading); return true; } } }, bind: { close:function() { if(settings.on == 'click' && settings.closable) { module.verbose('Binding popup close event to document'); $document .on('click' + eventNamespace, function(event) { module.verbose('Pop-up clickaway intent detected'); $.proxy(module.hideGracefully, this)(event); }) ; } } }, unbind: { close: function() { if(settings.on == 'click' && settings.closable) { module.verbose('Removing close event from document'); $document .off('click' + eventNamespace) ; } } }, is: { animating: function() { return ( $popup.is(':animated') || $popup.hasClass(className.animating) ); }, visible: function() { return $popup.is(':visible'); }, hidden: function() { return !module.is.visible(); } }, reset: function() { $popup .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; if(!settings.preserve) { module.remove(); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.popup.settings = { name : 'Popup', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, namespace : 'popup', onCreate : function(){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){}, variation : '', content : false, html : false, title : false, on : 'hover', target : false, closable : true, context : 'body', position : 'top center', delay : 150, inline : false, preserve : false, duration : 250, easing : 'easeOutQuint', transition : 'scale', distanceAway : 0, offset : 0, maxSearchDepth : 10, error: { content : 'Your popup has no content specified', method : 'The method you called is not defined.', recursion : 'Popup attempted to reposition element to fit, but could not find an adequate position.' }, metadata: { content : 'content', html : 'html', offset : 'offset', position : 'position', title : 'title', variation : 'variation' }, className : { animating : 'animating', loading : 'loading', popup : 'ui popup', position : 'top left center bottom right', visible : 'visible' }, selector : { popup : '.ui.popup' }, template: function(text) { var html = ''; if(typeof text !== undefined) { if(typeof text.title !== undefined && text.title) { html += '
' + text.title + '
'; } if(typeof text.content !== undefined && text.content) { html += '
' + text.content + '
'; } } return html; } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Rating * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.rating = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.rating.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.rating.settings), namespace = settings.namespace, className = settings.className, metadata = settings.metadata, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, element = this, instance = $(this).data(moduleNamespace), $module = $(this), $icon = $module.find(selector.icon), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing rating module', settings); if(settings.interactive) { module.enable(); } else { module.disable(); } if(settings.initialRating) { module.debug('Setting initial rating'); module.setRating(settings.initialRating); } if( $module.data(metadata.rating) ) { module.debug('Rating found in metadata'); module.setRating( $module.data(metadata.rating) ); } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Instantiating module', settings); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous instance', instance); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; $icon .off(eventNamespace) ; }, event: { mouseenter: function() { var $activeIcon = $(this) ; $activeIcon .nextAll() .removeClass(className.hover) ; $module .addClass(className.hover) ; $activeIcon .addClass(className.hover) .prevAll() .addClass(className.hover) ; }, mouseleave: function() { $module .removeClass(className.hover) ; $icon .removeClass(className.hover) ; }, click: function() { var $activeIcon = $(this), currentRating = module.getRating(), rating = $icon.index($activeIcon) + 1 ; if(settings.clearable && currentRating == rating) { module.clearRating(); } else { module.setRating( rating ); } } }, clearRating: function() { module.debug('Clearing current rating'); module.setRating(0); }, getRating: function() { var currentRating = $icon.filter('.' + className.active).size() ; module.verbose('Current rating retrieved', currentRating); return currentRating; }, enable: function() { module.debug('Setting rating to interactive mode'); $icon .on('mouseenter' + eventNamespace, module.event.mouseenter) .on('mouseleave' + eventNamespace, module.event.mouseleave) .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.click) ; $module .removeClass(className.disabled) ; }, disable: function() { module.debug('Setting rating to read-only mode'); $icon .off(eventNamespace) ; $module .addClass(className.disabled) ; }, setRating: function(rating) { var ratingIndex = (rating - 1 >= 0) ? (rating - 1) : 0, $activeIcon = $icon.eq(ratingIndex) ; $module .removeClass(className.hover) ; $icon .removeClass(className.hover) .removeClass(className.active) ; if(rating > 0) { module.verbose('Setting current rating to', rating); $activeIcon .addClass(className.active) .prevAll() .addClass(className.active) ; } $.proxy(settings.onRate, element)(rating); }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.rating.settings = { name : 'Rating', namespace : 'rating', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, initialRating : 0, interactive : true, clearable : false, onRate : function(rating){}, error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined' }, metadata: { rating: 'rating' }, className : { active : 'active', disabled : 'disabled', hover : 'hover', loading : 'loading' }, selector : { icon : '.icon' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Search * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.search = function(source, parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $(this) .each(function() { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.search.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, namespace = settings.namespace, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = namespace + '-module', $module = $(this), $prompt = $module.find(selector.prompt), $searchButton = $module.find(selector.searchButton), $results = $module.find(selector.results), $result = $module.find(selector.result), $category = $module.find(selector.category), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing module'); var prompt = $prompt[0], inputEvent = (prompt.oninput !== undefined) ? 'input' : (prompt.onpropertychange !== undefined) ? 'propertychange' : 'keyup' ; // attach events $prompt .on('focus' + eventNamespace, module.event.focus) .on('blur' + eventNamespace, module.event.blur) .on('keydown' + eventNamespace, module.handleKeyboard) ; if(settings.automatic) { $prompt .on(inputEvent + eventNamespace, module.search.throttle) ; } $searchButton .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.search.query) ; $results .on('click' + eventNamespace, selector.result, module.results.select) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying instance'); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, event: { focus: function() { $module .addClass(className.focus) ; module.results.show(); }, blur: function() { module.search.cancel(); $module .removeClass(className.focus) ; module.results.hide(); } }, handleKeyboard: function(event) { var // force latest jq dom $result = $module.find(selector.result), $category = $module.find(selector.category), keyCode = event.which, keys = { backspace : 8, enter : 13, escape : 27, upArrow : 38, downArrow : 40 }, activeClass = className.active, currentIndex = $result.index( $result.filter('.' + activeClass) ), resultSize = $result.size(), newIndex ; // search shortcuts if(keyCode == keys.escape) { module.verbose('Escape key pressed, blurring search field'); $prompt .trigger('blur') ; } // result shortcuts if($results.filter(':visible').size() > 0) { if(keyCode == keys.enter) { module.verbose('Enter key pressed, selecting active result'); if( $result.filter('.' + activeClass).exists() ) { $.proxy(module.results.select, $result.filter('.' + activeClass) )(); event.preventDefault(); return false; } } else if(keyCode == keys.upArrow) { module.verbose('Up key pressed, changing active result'); newIndex = (currentIndex - 1 < 0) ? currentIndex : currentIndex - 1 ; $category .removeClass(activeClass) ; $result .removeClass(activeClass) .eq(newIndex) .addClass(activeClass) .closest($category) .addClass(activeClass) ; event.preventDefault(); } else if(keyCode == keys.downArrow) { module.verbose('Down key pressed, changing active result'); newIndex = (currentIndex + 1 >= resultSize) ? currentIndex : currentIndex + 1 ; $category .removeClass(activeClass) ; $result .removeClass(activeClass) .eq(newIndex) .addClass(activeClass) .closest($category) .addClass(activeClass) ; event.preventDefault(); } } else { // query shortcuts if(keyCode == keys.enter) { module.verbose('Enter key pressed, executing query'); module.search.query(); $searchButton .addClass(className.down) ; $prompt .one('keyup', function(){ $searchButton .removeClass(className.down) ; }) ; } } }, search: { cancel: function() { var xhr = $module.data('xhr') || false ; if( xhr && xhr.state() != 'resolved') { module.debug('Cancelling last search'); xhr.abort(); } }, throttle: function() { var searchTerm = $prompt.val(), numCharacters = searchTerm.length ; clearTimeout(module.timer); if(numCharacters >= settings.minCharacters) { module.timer = setTimeout(module.search.query, settings.searchThrottle); } else { module.results.hide(); } }, query: function() { var searchTerm = $prompt.val(), cachedHTML = module.search.cache.read(searchTerm) ; if(cachedHTML) { module.debug("Reading result for '" + searchTerm + "' from cache"); module.results.add(cachedHTML); } else { module.debug("Querying for '" + searchTerm + "'"); if(typeof source == 'object') { module.search.local(searchTerm); } else { module.search.remote(searchTerm); } $.proxy(settings.onSearchQuery, $module)(searchTerm); } }, local: function(searchTerm) { var results = [], fullTextResults = [], searchFields = $.isArray(settings.searchFields) ? settings.searchFields : [settings.searchFields], searchRegExp = new RegExp('(?:\s|^)' + searchTerm, 'i'), fullTextRegExp = new RegExp(searchTerm, 'i'), searchHTML ; $module .addClass(className.loading) ; // iterate through search fields in array order $.each(searchFields, function(index, field) { $.each(source, function(label, thing) { if(typeof thing[field] == 'string' && ($.inArray(thing, results) == -1) && ($.inArray(thing, fullTextResults) == -1) ) { if( searchRegExp.test( thing[field] ) ) { results.push(thing); } else if( fullTextRegExp.test( thing[field] ) ) { fullTextResults.push(thing); } } }); }); searchHTML = module.results.generate({ results: $.merge(results, fullTextResults) }); $module .removeClass(className.loading) ; module.search.cache.write(searchTerm, searchHTML); module.results.add(searchHTML); }, remote: function(searchTerm) { var apiSettings = { stateContext : $module, url : source, urlData: { query: searchTerm }, success : function(response) { searchHTML = module.results.generate(response); module.search.cache.write(searchTerm, searchHTML); module.results.add(searchHTML); }, failure : module.error }, searchHTML ; module.search.cancel(); module.debug('Executing search'); $.extend(true, apiSettings, settings.apiSettings); $.api(apiSettings); }, cache: { read: function(name) { var cache = $module.data('cache') ; return (settings.cache && (typeof cache == 'object') && (cache[name] !== undefined) ) ? cache[name] : false ; }, write: function(name, value) { var cache = ($module.data('cache') !== undefined) ? $module.data('cache') : {} ; cache[name] = value; $module .data('cache', cache) ; } } }, results: { generate: function(response) { module.debug('Generating html from response', response); var template = settings.templates[settings.type], html = '' ; if(($.isPlainObject(response.results) && !$.isEmptyObject(response.results)) || ($.isArray(response.results) && response.results.length > 0) ) { if(settings.maxResults > 0) { response.results = $.makeArray(response.results).slice(0, settings.maxResults); } if(response.results.length > 0) { if($.isFunction(template)) { html = template(response); } else { module.error(error.noTemplate, false); } } } else { html = module.message(error.noResults, 'empty'); } $.proxy(settings.onResults, $module)(response); return html; }, add: function(html) { if(settings.onResultsAdd == 'default' || $.proxy(settings.onResultsAdd, $results)(html) == 'default') { $results .html(html) ; } module.results.show(); }, show: function() { if( ($results.filter(':visible').size() === 0) && ($prompt.filter(':focus').size() > 0) && $results.html() !== '') { $results .stop() .fadeIn(200) ; $.proxy(settings.onResultsOpen, $results)(); } }, hide: function() { if($results.filter(':visible').size() > 0) { $results .stop() .fadeOut(200) ; $.proxy(settings.onResultsClose, $results)(); } }, select: function(event) { module.debug('Search result selected'); var $result = $(this), $title = $result.find('.title'), title = $title.html() ; if(settings.onSelect == 'default' || $.proxy(settings.onSelect, this)(event) == 'default') { var $link = $result.find('a[href]').eq(0), href = $link.attr('href') || false, target = $link.attr('target') || false ; module.results.hide(); $prompt .val(title) ; if(href) { if(target == '_blank' || event.ctrlKey) { window.open(href); } else { window.location.href = (href); } } } } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.search.settings = { name : 'Search Module', namespace : 'search', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, // onSelect default action is defined in module onSelect : 'default', onResultsAdd : 'default', onSearchQuery : function(){}, onResults : function(response){}, onResultsOpen : function(){}, onResultsClose : function(){}, automatic : 'true', type : 'simple', minCharacters : 3, searchThrottle : 300, maxResults : 7, cache : true, searchFields : [ 'title', 'description' ], // api config apiSettings: { }, className: { active : 'active', down : 'down', focus : 'focus', empty : 'empty', loading : 'loading' }, error : { noResults : 'Your search returned no results', logging : 'Error in debug logging, exiting.', noTemplate : 'A valid template name was not specified.', serverError : 'There was an issue with querying the server.', method : 'The method you called is not defined.' }, selector : { prompt : '.prompt', searchButton : '.search.button', results : '.results', category : '.category', result : '.result' }, templates: { message: function(message, type) { var html = '' ; if(message !== undefined && type !== undefined) { html += '' + '
' ; // message type if(type == 'empty') { html += '' + '
No Results
' + '
' + message + '
' ; } else { html += '
' + message + '
'; } html += '
'; } return html; }, categories: function(response) { var html = '' ; if(response.results !== undefined) { // each category $.each(response.results, function(index, category) { if(category.results !== undefined && category.results.length > 0) { html += '' + '
' + '
' + category.name + '
' ; // each item inside category $.each(category.results, function(index, result) { html += '
'; html += ''; if(result.image !== undefined) { html+= '' + '
' + ' ' + '
' ; } html += '
'; if(result.price !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.price + '
'; } if(result.title !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.title + '
'; } if(result.description !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.description + '
'; } html += '' + '
' + '
' ; }); html += '' + '
' ; } }); if(response.resultPage) { html += '' + '' + response.resultPage.text + ''; } return html; } return false; }, simple: function(response) { var html = '' ; if(response.results !== undefined) { // each result $.each(response.results, function(index, result) { html += ''; if(result.image !== undefined) { html+= '' + '
' + ' ' + '
' ; } html += '
'; if(result.price !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.price + '
'; } if(result.title !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.title + '
'; } if(result.description !== undefined) { html+= '
' + result.description + '
'; } html += '' + '
' + '
' ; }); if(response.resultPage) { html += '' + '' + response.resultPage.text + ''; } return html; } return false; } } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Shape * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.shape = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $body = $('body'), time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.shape.settings, parameters), // internal aliases namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, className = settings.className, // define namespaces for modules eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, // selector cache $module = $(this), $sides = $module.find(selector.sides), $side = $module.find(selector.side), // private variables nextSelector = false, $activeSide, $nextSide, // standard module element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing module for', element); module.set.defaultSide(); module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module for', element); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache for', element); $module = $(element); $sides = $(this).find(selector.shape); $side = $(this).find(selector.side); }, repaint: function() { module.verbose('Forcing repaint event'); var shape = $sides.get(0) || document.createElement('div'), fakeAssignment = shape.offsetWidth ; }, animate: function(propertyObject, callback) { module.verbose('Animating box with properties', propertyObject); callback = callback || function(event) { module.verbose('Executing animation callback'); if(event !== undefined) { event.stopPropagation(); } module.reset(); module.set.active(); }; $.proxy(settings.beforeChange, $nextSide[0])(); if(module.get.transitionEvent()) { module.verbose('Starting CSS animation'); $module .addClass(className.animating) ; module.repaint(); $module .addClass(className.animating) ; $activeSide .addClass(className.hidden) ; $sides .css(propertyObject) .one(module.get.transitionEvent(), callback) ; module.set.duration(settings.duration); } else { callback(); } }, queue: function(method) { module.debug('Queueing animation of', method); $sides .one(module.get.transitionEvent(), function() { module.debug('Executing queued animation'); setTimeout(function(){ $module.shape(method); }, 0); }) ; }, reset: function() { module.verbose('Animating states reset'); $module .removeClass(className.animating) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; // removeAttr style does not consistently work in safari $sides .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; $side .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') .removeClass(className.hidden) ; $nextSide .removeClass(className.animating) .attr('style', '') .removeAttr('style') ; }, is: { animating: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.animating); } }, set: { defaultSide: function() { $activeSide = $module.find('.' + settings.className.active); $nextSide = ( $activeSide.next(selector.side).size() > 0 ) ? $activeSide.next(selector.side) : $module.find(selector.side).first() ; nextSelector = false; module.verbose('Active side set to', $activeSide); module.verbose('Next side set to', $nextSide); }, duration: function(duration) { duration = duration || settings.duration; duration = (typeof duration == 'number') ? duration + 'ms' : duration ; module.verbose('Setting animation duration', duration); $sides.add($side) .css({ '-webkit-transition-duration': duration, '-moz-transition-duration': duration, '-ms-transition-duration': duration, '-o-transition-duration': duration, 'transition-duration': duration }) ; }, stageSize: function() { var $clone = $module.clone().addClass(className.loading), $activeSide = $clone.find('.' + settings.className.active), $nextSide = (nextSelector) ? $clone.find(nextSelector) : ( $activeSide.next(selector.side).size() > 0 ) ? $activeSide.next(selector.side) : $clone.find(selector.side).first(), newSize = {} ; $activeSide.removeClass(className.active); $nextSide.addClass(className.active); $clone.prependTo($body); newSize = { width : $nextSide.outerWidth(), height : $nextSide.outerHeight() }; $clone.remove(); $module .css(newSize) ; module.verbose('Resizing stage to fit new content', newSize); }, nextSide: function(selector) { nextSelector = selector; $nextSide = $module.find(selector); if($nextSide.size() === 0) { module.error(error.side); } module.verbose('Next side manually set to', $nextSide); }, active: function() { module.verbose('Setting new side to active', $nextSide); $side .removeClass(className.active) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.active) ; $.proxy(settings.onChange, $nextSide[0])(); module.set.defaultSide(); } }, flip: { up: function() { module.debug('Flipping up', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.above(); module.animate( module.get.transform.up() ); } else { module.queue('flip up'); } }, down: function() { module.debug('Flipping down', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.below(); module.animate( module.get.transform.down() ); } else { module.queue('flip down'); } }, left: function() { module.debug('Flipping left', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.left(); module.animate(module.get.transform.left() ); } else { module.queue('flip left'); } }, right: function() { module.debug('Flipping right', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.right(); module.animate(module.get.transform.right() ); } else { module.queue('flip right'); } }, over: function() { module.debug('Flipping over', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.behind(); module.animate(module.get.transform.over() ); } else { module.queue('flip over'); } }, back: function() { module.debug('Flipping back', $nextSide); if( !module.is.animating() ) { module.set.stageSize(); module.stage.behind(); module.animate(module.get.transform.back() ); } else { module.queue('flip back'); } } }, get: { transform: { up: function() { var translate = { y: -(($activeSide.outerHeight() - $nextSide.outerHeight()) / 2), z: -($activeSide.outerHeight() / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateY(' + translate.y + 'px) translateZ('+ translate.z + 'px) rotateX(-90deg)' }; }, down: function() { var translate = { y: -(($activeSide.outerHeight() - $nextSide.outerHeight()) / 2), z: -($activeSide.outerHeight() / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateY(' + translate.y + 'px) translateZ('+ translate.z + 'px) rotateX(90deg)' }; }, left: function() { var translate = { x : -(($activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth()) / 2), z : -($activeSide.outerWidth() / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateX(' + translate.x + 'px) translateZ(' + translate.z + 'px) rotateY(90deg)' }; }, right: function() { var translate = { x : -(($activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth()) / 2), z : -($activeSide.outerWidth() / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateX(' + translate.x + 'px) translateZ(' + translate.z + 'px) rotateY(-90deg)' }; }, over: function() { var translate = { x : -(($activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth()) / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateX(' + translate.x + 'px) rotateY(180deg)' }; }, back: function() { var translate = { x : -(($activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth()) / 2) } ; return { transform: 'translateX(' + translate.x + 'px) rotateY(-180deg)' }; } }, transitionEvent: function() { var element = document.createElement('element'), transitions = { 'transition' :'transitionend', 'OTransition' :'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' :'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition' :'webkitTransitionEnd' }, transition ; for(transition in transitions){ if( element.style[transition] !== undefined ){ return transitions[transition]; } } }, nextSide: function() { return ( $activeSide.next(selector.side).size() > 0 ) ? $activeSide.next(selector.side) : $module.find(selector.side).first() ; } }, stage: { above: function() { var box = { origin : (($activeSide.outerHeight() - $nextSide.outerHeight()) / 2), depth : { active : ($nextSide.outerHeight() / 2), next : ($activeSide.outerHeight() / 2) } } ; module.verbose('Setting the initial animation position as above', $nextSide, box); $activeSide .css({ 'transform' : 'rotateY(0deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.active + 'px)' }) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.animating) .css({ 'display' : 'block', 'top' : box.origin + 'px', 'transform' : 'rotateX(90deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.next + 'px)' }) ; }, below: function() { var box = { origin : (($activeSide.outerHeight() - $nextSide.outerHeight()) / 2), depth : { active : ($nextSide.outerHeight() / 2), next : ($activeSide.outerHeight() / 2) } } ; module.verbose('Setting the initial animation position as below', $nextSide, box); $activeSide .css({ 'transform' : 'rotateY(0deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.active + 'px)' }) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.animating) .css({ 'display' : 'block', 'top' : box.origin + 'px', 'transform' : 'rotateX(-90deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.next + 'px)' }) ; }, left: function() { var box = { origin : ( ( $activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth() ) / 2), depth : { active : ($nextSide.outerWidth() / 2), next : ($activeSide.outerWidth() / 2) } } ; module.verbose('Setting the initial animation position as left', $nextSide, box); $activeSide .css({ 'transform' : 'rotateY(0deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.active + 'px)' }) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.animating) .css({ 'display' : 'block', 'left' : box.origin + 'px', 'transform' : 'rotateY(-90deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.next + 'px)' }) ; }, right: function() { var box = { origin : ( ( $activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth() ) / 2), depth : { active : ($nextSide.outerWidth() / 2), next : ($activeSide.outerWidth() / 2) } } ; module.verbose('Setting the initial animation position as left', $nextSide, box); $activeSide .css({ 'transform' : 'rotateY(0deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.active + 'px)' }) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.animating) .css({ 'display' : 'block', 'left' : box.origin + 'px', 'transform' : 'rotateY(90deg) translateZ(' + box.depth.next + 'px)' }) ; }, behind: function() { var box = { origin : ( ( $activeSide.outerWidth() - $nextSide.outerWidth() ) / 2), depth : { active : ($nextSide.outerWidth() / 2), next : ($activeSide.outerWidth() / 2) } } ; module.verbose('Setting the initial animation position as behind', $nextSide, box); $activeSide .css({ 'transform' : 'rotateY(0deg)' }) ; $nextSide .addClass(className.animating) .css({ 'display' : 'block', 'left' : box.origin + 'px', 'transform' : 'rotateY(-180deg)' }) ; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.shape.settings = { // module info name : 'Shape', // debug content outputted to console debug : true, // verbose debug output verbose : true, // performance data output performance: true, // event namespace namespace : 'shape', // callback occurs on side change beforeChange : function() {}, onChange : function() {}, // animation duration duration : 700, // possible errors error: { side : 'You tried to switch to a side that does not exist.', method : 'The method you called is not defined' }, // classnames used className : { animating : 'animating', hidden : 'hidden', loading : 'loading', active : 'active' }, // selectors used selector : { sides : '.sides', side : '.side' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Sidebar * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.sidebar = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), $body = $('body'), $head = $('head'), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.sidebar.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.sidebar.settings), selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $style = $('style[title=' + namespace + ']'), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing sidebar', $module); module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module for', $module); $module .off(eventNamespace) .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing selector cache'); $style = $('style[title=' + namespace + ']'); }, attachEvents: function(selector, event) { var $toggle = $(selector) ; event = $.isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle ; if($toggle.size() > 0) { module.debug('Attaching sidebar events to element', selector, event); $toggle .off(eventNamespace) .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound); } }, show: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.debug('Showing sidebar', callback); if(module.is.closed()) { if(!settings.overlay) { if(settings.exclusive) { module.hideAll(); } module.pushPage(); } module.set.active(); callback(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onShow, element)(); } else { module.debug('Sidebar is already visible'); } }, hide: function(callback) { callback = $.isFunction(callback) ? callback : function(){} ; module.debug('Hiding sidebar', callback); if(module.is.open()) { if(!settings.overlay) { module.pullPage(); module.remove.pushed(); } module.remove.active(); callback(); $.proxy(settings.onChange, element)(); $.proxy(settings.onHide, element)(); } }, hideAll: function() { $(selector.sidebar) .filter(':visible') .sidebar('hide') ; }, toggle: function() { if(module.is.closed()) { module.show(); } else { module.hide(); } }, pushPage: function() { var direction = module.get.direction(), distance = (module.is.vertical()) ? $module.outerHeight() : $module.outerWidth() ; if(settings.useCSS) { module.debug('Using CSS to animate body'); module.add.bodyCSS(direction, distance); module.set.pushed(); } else { module.animatePage(direction, distance, module.set.pushed); } }, pullPage: function() { var direction = module.get.direction() ; if(settings.useCSS) { module.debug('Resetting body position css'); module.remove.bodyCSS(); } else { module.debug('Resetting body position using javascript'); module.animatePage(direction, 0); } module.remove.pushed(); }, animatePage: function(direction, distance) { var animateSettings = {} ; animateSettings['padding-' + direction] = distance; module.debug('Using javascript to animate body', animateSettings); $body .animate(animateSettings, settings.duration, module.set.pushed) ; }, add: { bodyCSS: function(direction, distance) { var style ; if(direction !== className.bottom) { style = '' + '' ; } $head.append(style); module.debug('Adding body css to head', $style); } }, remove: { bodyCSS: function() { module.debug('Removing body css styles', $style); module.refresh(); $style.remove(); }, active: function() { $module.removeClass(className.active); }, pushed: function() { module.verbose('Removing body push state', module.get.direction()); $body .removeClass(className[ module.get.direction() ]) .removeClass(className.pushed) ; } }, set: { active: function() { $module.addClass(className.active); }, pushed: function() { module.verbose('Adding body push state', module.get.direction()); $body .addClass(className[ module.get.direction() ]) .addClass(className.pushed) ; } }, get: { direction: function() { if($module.hasClass(className.top)) { return className.top; } else if($module.hasClass(className.right)) { return className.right; } else if($module.hasClass(className.bottom)) { return className.bottom; } else { return className.left; } }, transitionEvent: function() { var element = document.createElement('element'), transitions = { 'transition' :'transitionend', 'OTransition' :'oTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition' :'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition' :'webkitTransitionEnd' }, transition ; for(transition in transitions){ if( element.style[transition] !== undefined ){ return transitions[transition]; } } } }, is: { open: function() { return $module.is(':animated') || $module.hasClass(className.active); }, closed: function() { return !module.is.open(); }, vertical: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.top); } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.sidebar.settings = { name : 'Sidebar', namespace : 'sidebar', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, useCSS : true, exclusive : true, overlay : false, duration : 300, onChange : function(){}, onShow : function(){}, onHide : function(){}, className: { active : 'active', pushed : 'pushed', top : 'top', left : 'left', right : 'right', bottom : 'bottom' }, selector: { sidebar: '.ui.sidebar' }, error : { method : 'The method you called is not defined.', notFound : 'There were no elements that matched the specified selector' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Tab * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.tab = function(parameters) { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.tab.settings, parameters), $module = $(this), $tabs = $(settings.context).find(settings.selector.tabs), moduleSelector = $module.selector || '', cache = {}, firstLoad = true, recursionDepth = 0, activeTabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent, element = this, time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], className = settings.className, metadata = settings.metadata, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + settings.namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + settings.namespace, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (instance !== undefined && typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), module, returnedValue ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing Tabs', $module); // set up automatic routing if(settings.auto) { module.verbose('Setting up automatic tab retrieval from server'); settings.apiSettings = { url: settings.path + '/{$tab}' }; } // attach history events if(settings.history) { module.debug('Initializing page state'); if( $.address === undefined ) { module.error(error.state); return false; } else { if(settings.historyType == 'hash') { module.debug('Using hash state change to manage state'); } if(settings.historyType == 'html5') { module.debug('Using HTML5 to manage state'); if(settings.path !== false) { $.address .history(true) .state(settings.path) ; } else { module.error(error.path); return false; } } $.address .unbind('change') .bind('change', module.event.history.change) ; } } // attach events if navigation wasn't set to window if( !$.isWindow( element ) ) { module.debug('Attaching tab activation events to element', $module); $module .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.event.click) ; } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function () { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.debug('Destroying tabs', $module); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; }, event: { click: function(event) { var tabPath = $(this).data(metadata.tab) ; if(tabPath !== undefined) { if(settings.history) { module.verbose('Updating page state', event); $.address.value(tabPath); } else { module.verbose('Changing tab without state management', event); module.changeTab(tabPath); } event.preventDefault(); } else { module.debug('No tab specified'); } }, history: { change: function(event) { var tabPath = event.pathNames.join('/') || module.get.initialPath(), pageTitle = settings.templates.determineTitle(tabPath) || false ; module.debug('History change event', tabPath, event); historyEvent = event; if(tabPath !== undefined) { module.changeTab(tabPath); } if(pageTitle) { $.address.title(pageTitle); } } } }, refresh: function() { if(activeTabPath) { module.debug('Refreshing tab', activeTabPath); module.changeTab(activeTabPath); } }, cache: { read: function(cacheKey) { return (cacheKey !== undefined) ? cache[cacheKey] : false ; }, add: function(cacheKey, content) { cacheKey = cacheKey || activeTabPath; module.debug('Adding cached content for', cacheKey); cache[cacheKey] = content; }, remove: function(cacheKey) { cacheKey = cacheKey || activeTabPath; module.debug('Removing cached content for', cacheKey); delete cache[cacheKey]; } }, set: { state: function(url) { $.address.value(url); } }, changeTab: function(tabPath) { var pushStateAvailable = (window.history && window.history.pushState), shouldIgnoreLoad = (pushStateAvailable && settings.ignoreFirstLoad && firstLoad), remoteContent = (settings.auto || $.isPlainObject(settings.apiSettings) ), // only get default path if not remote content pathArray = (remoteContent && !shouldIgnoreLoad) ? module.utilities.pathToArray(tabPath) : module.get.defaultPathArray(tabPath) ; tabPath = module.utilities.arrayToPath(pathArray); module.deactivate.all(); $.each(pathArray, function(index, tab) { var currentPathArray = pathArray.slice(0, index + 1), currentPath = module.utilities.arrayToPath(currentPathArray), isTab = module.is.tab(currentPath), isLastIndex = (index + 1 == pathArray.length), $tab = module.get.tabElement(currentPath), nextPathArray, nextPath, isLastTab ; module.verbose('Looking for tab', tab); if(isTab) { module.verbose('Tab was found', tab); // scope up activeTabPath = currentPath; parameterArray = module.utilities.filterArray(pathArray, currentPathArray); if(isLastIndex) { isLastTab = true; } else { nextPathArray = pathArray.slice(0, index + 2); nextPath = module.utilities.arrayToPath(nextPathArray); isLastTab = ( !module.is.tab(nextPath) ); if(isLastTab) { module.verbose('Tab parameters found', nextPathArray); } } if(isLastTab && remoteContent) { if(!shouldIgnoreLoad) { module.activate.navigation(currentPath); module.content.fetch(currentPath, tabPath); } else { module.debug('Ignoring remote content on first tab load', currentPath); firstLoad = false; module.cache.add(tabPath, $tab.html()); module.activate.all(currentPath); $.proxy(settings.onTabInit, $tab)(currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); $.proxy(settings.onTabLoad, $tab)(currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); } return false; } else { module.debug('Opened local tab', currentPath); module.activate.all(currentPath); if( !module.cache.read(currentPath) ) { module.cache.add(currentPath, true); module.debug('First time tab loaded calling tab init'); $.proxy(settings.onTabInit, $tab)(currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); } $.proxy(settings.onTabLoad, $tab)(currentPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); } } else { module.error(error.missingTab, tab); return false; } }); }, content: { fetch: function(tabPath, fullTabPath) { var $tab = module.get.tabElement(tabPath), apiSettings = { dataType : 'html', stateContext : $tab, success : function(response) { module.cache.add(fullTabPath, response); module.content.update(tabPath, response); if(tabPath == activeTabPath) { module.debug('Content loaded', tabPath); module.activate.tab(tabPath); } else { module.debug('Content loaded in background', tabPath); } $.proxy(settings.onTabInit, $tab)(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); $.proxy(settings.onTabLoad, $tab)(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); }, urlData: { tab: fullTabPath } }, request = $tab.data(metadata.promise) || false, existingRequest = ( request && request.state() === 'pending' ), requestSettings, cachedContent ; fullTabPath = fullTabPath || tabPath; cachedContent = module.cache.read(fullTabPath); if(settings.cache && cachedContent) { module.debug('Showing existing content', fullTabPath); module.content.update(tabPath, cachedContent); module.activate.tab(tabPath); $.proxy(settings.onTabLoad, $tab)(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent); } else if(existingRequest) { module.debug('Content is already loading', fullTabPath); $tab .addClass(className.loading) ; } else if($.api !== undefined) { console.log(settings.apiSettings); requestSettings = $.extend(true, { headers: { 'X-Remote': true } }, settings.apiSettings, apiSettings); module.debug('Retrieving remote content', fullTabPath, requestSettings); $.api( requestSettings ); } else { module.error(error.api); } }, update: function(tabPath, html) { module.debug('Updating html for', tabPath); var $tab = module.get.tabElement(tabPath) ; $tab .html(html) ; } }, activate: { all: function(tabPath) { module.activate.tab(tabPath); module.activate.navigation(tabPath); }, tab: function(tabPath) { var $tab = module.get.tabElement(tabPath) ; module.verbose('Showing tab content for', $tab); $tab.addClass(className.active); }, navigation: function(tabPath) { var $navigation = module.get.navElement(tabPath) ; module.verbose('Activating tab navigation for', $navigation, tabPath); $navigation.addClass(className.active); } }, deactivate: { all: function() { module.deactivate.navigation(); module.deactivate.tabs(); }, navigation: function() { $module .removeClass(className.active) ; }, tabs: function() { $tabs .removeClass(className.active + ' ' + className.loading) ; } }, is: { tab: function(tabName) { return (tabName !== undefined) ? ( module.get.tabElement(tabName).size() > 0 ) : false ; } }, get: { initialPath: function() { return $module.eq(0).data(metadata.tab) || $tabs.eq(0).data(metadata.tab); }, path: function() { return $.address.value(); }, // adds default tabs to tab path defaultPathArray: function(tabPath) { return module.utilities.pathToArray( module.get.defaultPath(tabPath) ); }, defaultPath: function(tabPath) { var $defaultNav = $module.filter('[data-' + metadata.tab + '^="' + tabPath + '/"]').eq(0), defaultTab = $defaultNav.data(metadata.tab) || false ; if( defaultTab ) { module.debug('Found default tab', defaultTab); if(recursionDepth < settings.maxDepth) { recursionDepth++; return module.get.defaultPath(defaultTab); } module.error(error.recursion); } else { module.debug('No default tabs found for', tabPath, $tabs); } recursionDepth = 0; return tabPath; }, navElement: function(tabPath) { tabPath = tabPath || activeTabPath; return $module.filter('[data-' + metadata.tab + '="' + tabPath + '"]'); }, tabElement: function(tabPath) { var $fullPathTab, $simplePathTab, tabPathArray, lastTab ; tabPath = tabPath || activeTabPath; tabPathArray = module.utilities.pathToArray(tabPath); lastTab = module.utilities.last(tabPathArray); $fullPathTab = $tabs.filter('[data-' + metadata.tab + '="' + lastTab + '"]'); $simplePathTab = $tabs.filter('[data-' + metadata.tab + '="' + tabPath + '"]'); return ($fullPathTab.size() > 0) ? $fullPathTab : $simplePathTab ; }, tab: function() { return activeTabPath; } }, utilities: { filterArray: function(keepArray, removeArray) { return $.grep(keepArray, function(keepValue) { return ( $.inArray(keepValue, removeArray) == -1); }); }, last: function(array) { return $.isArray(array) ? array[ array.length - 1] : false ; }, pathToArray: function(pathName) { if(pathName === undefined) { pathName = activeTabPath; } return typeof pathName == 'string' ? pathName.split('/') : [pathName] ; }, arrayToPath: function(pathArray) { return $.isArray(pathArray) ? pathArray.join('/') : false ; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; // shortcut for tabbed content with no defined navigation $.tab = function(settings) { $(window).tab(settings); }; $.fn.tab.settings = { name : 'Tab', verbose : true, debug : true, performance : true, namespace : 'tab', // only called first time a tab's content is loaded (when remote source) onTabInit : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, // called on every load onTabLoad : function(tabPath, parameterArray, historyEvent) {}, templates : { determineTitle: function(tabArray) {} }, // uses pjax style endpoints fetching content from same url with remote-content headers auto : false, history : true, historyType : 'hash', path : false, context : 'body', // max depth a tab can be nested maxDepth : 25, // dont load content on first load ignoreFirstLoad : false, // load tab content new every tab click alwaysRefresh : false, // cache the content requests to pull locally cache : true, // settings for api call apiSettings : false, error: { api : 'You attempted to load content without API module', method : 'The method you called is not defined', missingTab : 'Tab cannot be found', noContent : 'The tab you specified is missing a content url.', path : 'History enabled, but no path was specified', recursion : 'Max recursive depth reached', state : 'The state library has not been initialized' }, metadata : { tab : 'tab', loaded : 'loaded', promise: 'promise' }, className : { loading : 'loading', active : 'active' }, selector : { tabs : '.ui.tab' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* * # Semantic - Transition * http://github.com/jlukic/semantic-ui/ * * * Copyright 2013 Contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { $.fn.transition = function() { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], moduleArguments = arguments, query = moduleArguments[0], queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), methodInvoked = (typeof query === 'string'), requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 0); }, returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var $module = $(this), element = this, // set at run time settings, instance, error, className, metadata, animationEnd, animationName, namespace, moduleNamespace, module ; module = { initialize: function() { // get settings settings = module.get.settings.apply(element, moduleArguments); module.verbose('Converted arguments into settings object', settings); // set shortcuts error = settings.error; className = settings.className; namespace = settings.namespace; metadata = settings.metadata; moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace; animationEnd = module.get.animationEvent(); animationName = module.get.animationName(); instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace) || module; if(methodInvoked) { methodInvoked = module.invoke(query); } // no internal method was found matching query or query not made if(methodInvoked === false) { module.animate(); } module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous module for', element); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, refresh: function() { module.verbose('Refreshing display type on next animation'); delete instance.displayType; }, forceRepaint: function() { module.verbose('Forcing element repaint'); var $parentElement = $module.parent(), $nextElement = $module.next() ; if($nextElement.size() === 0) { $module.detach().appendTo($parentElement); } else { $module.detach().insertBefore($nextElement); } }, repaint: function() { module.verbose('Repainting element'); var fakeAssignment = element.offsetWidth ; }, animate: function(overrideSettings) { settings = overrideSettings || settings; if(!module.is.supported()) { module.error(error.support); return false; } module.debug('Preparing animation', settings.animation); if(module.is.animating() && settings.queue) { if(!settings.allowRepeats && module.has.direction() && module.is.occuring() && instance.queuing !== true) { module.error(error.repeated); } else { module.queue(settings.animation); } return false; } if(module.can.animate) { module.set.animating(settings.animation); } else { module.error(error.noAnimation, settings.animation); } }, reset: function() { module.debug('Resetting animation to beginning conditions'); $module.off(animationEnd); module.restore.conditions(); module.hide(); module.remove.animating(); }, queue: function(animation) { module.debug('Queueing animation of', animation); instance.queuing = true; $module .one(animationEnd, function() { instance.queuing = false; module.repaint(); module.animate.apply(this, settings); }) ; }, complete: function () { module.verbose('CSS animation complete', settings.animation); if(!module.is.looping()) { if( module.is.outward() ) { module.verbose('Animation is outward, hiding element'); module.restore.conditions(); module.remove.display(); module.hide(); $.proxy(settings.onHide, this)(); } else if( module.is.inward() ) { module.verbose('Animation is outward, showing element'); module.restore.conditions(); module.show(); $.proxy(settings.onShow, this)(); } else { module.restore.conditions(); } module.remove.duration(); module.remove.animating(); } $.proxy(settings.complete, this)(); }, has: { direction: function(animation) { animation = animation || settings.animation; if( animation.search(className.inward) !== -1 || animation.search(className.outward) !== -1) { module.debug('Direction already set in animation'); return true; } return false; } }, set: { animating: function(animation) { animation = animation || settings.animation; module.save.conditions(); if(module.can.transition() && !module.has.direction()) { module.set.direction(); } module.remove.hidden(); module.set.display(); $module .addClass(className.animating) .addClass(className.transition) .addClass(animation) .one(animationEnd, module.complete) ; module.set.duration(settings.duration); module.debug('Starting tween', settings.animation, $module.attr('class')); }, display: function() { var displayType = module.get.displayType() ; if(displayType !== 'block') { module.verbose('Setting final visibility to', displayType); $module .css({ display: displayType }) ; } }, direction: function() { if($module.is(':visible')) { module.debug('Automatically determining the direction of animation', 'Outward'); $module .removeClass(className.inward) .addClass(className.outward) ; } else { module.debug('Automatically determining the direction of animation', 'Inward'); $module .removeClass(className.outward) .addClass(className.inward) ; } }, looping: function() { module.debug('Transition set to loop'); $module .addClass(className.looping) ; }, duration: function(duration) { duration = duration || settings.duration; duration = (typeof duration == 'number') ? duration + 'ms' : duration ; module.verbose('Setting animation duration', duration); $module .css({ '-webkit-animation-duration': duration, '-moz-animation-duration': duration, '-ms-animation-duration': duration, '-o-animation-duration': duration, 'animation-duration': duration }) ; }, hidden: function() { $module .addClass(className.transition) .addClass(className.hidden) ; }, visible: function() { $module .addClass(className.transition) .addClass(className.visible) ; } }, save: { displayType: function(displayType) { instance.displayType = displayType; }, transitionExists: function(animation, exists) { $.fn.transition.exists[animation] = exists; module.verbose('Saving existence of transition', animation, exists); }, conditions: function() { instance.cache = { className : $module.attr('class'), style : $module.attr('style') }; module.verbose('Saving original attributes', instance.cache); } }, restore: { conditions: function() { if(instance.cache === undefined) { return false; } if(instance.cache.className) { $module.attr('class', instance.cache.className); } else { $module.removeAttr('class'); } if(instance.cache.style) { $module.attr('style', instance.cache.style); } else { if(module.get.displayType() === 'block') { $module.removeAttr('style'); } } if(module.is.looping()) { module.remove.looping(); } module.verbose('Restoring original attributes', instance.cache); } }, remove: { animating: function() { $module.removeClass(className.animating); }, display: function() { if(instance.displayType !== undefined) { $module.css('display', ''); } }, duration: function() { $module .css({ '-webkit-animation-duration' : '', '-moz-animation-duration' : '', '-ms-animation-duration' : '', '-o-animation-duration' : '', 'animation-duration' : '' }) ; }, hidden: function() { $module.removeClass(className.hidden); }, visible: function() { $module.removeClass(className.visible); }, looping: function() { module.debug('Transitions are no longer looping'); $module .removeClass(className.looping) ; module.forceRepaint(); } }, get: { settings: function(animation, duration, complete) { // single settings object if(typeof animation == 'object') { return $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.transition.settings, animation); } // all arguments provided else if(typeof complete == 'function') { return $.extend({}, $.fn.transition.settings, { animation : animation, complete : complete, duration : duration }); } // only duration provided else if(typeof duration == 'string' || typeof duration == 'number') { return $.extend({}, $.fn.transition.settings, { animation : animation, duration : duration }); } // duration is actually settings object else if(typeof duration == 'object') { return $.extend({}, $.fn.transition.settings, duration, { animation : animation }); } // duration is actually callback else if(typeof duration == 'function') { return $.extend({}, $.fn.transition.settings, { animation : animation, complete : duration }); } // only animation provided else { return $.extend({}, $.fn.transition.settings, { animation : animation }); } return $.fn.transition.settings; }, displayType: function() { if(instance.displayType === undefined) { // create fake element to determine display state module.can.transition(); } return instance.displayType; }, transitionExists: function(animation) { return $.fn.transition.exists[animation]; }, animationName: function() { var element = document.createElement('div'), animations = { 'animation' :'animationName', 'OAnimation' :'oAnimationName', 'MozAnimation' :'mozAnimationName', 'WebkitAnimation' :'webkitAnimationName' }, animation ; for(animation in animations){ if( element.style[animation] !== undefined ){ module.verbose('Determined animation vendor name property', animations[animation]); return animations[animation]; } } return false; }, animationEvent: function() { var element = document.createElement('div'), animations = { 'animation' :'animationend', 'OAnimation' :'oAnimationEnd', 'MozAnimation' :'mozAnimationEnd', 'WebkitAnimation' :'webkitAnimationEnd' }, animation ; for(animation in animations){ if( element.style[animation] !== undefined ){ module.verbose('Determined animation vendor end event', animations[animation]); return animations[animation]; } } return false; } }, can: { animate: function() { if($module.css(settings.animation) !== 'none') { module.debug('CSS definition found', $module.css(settings.animation)); return true; } else { module.debug('Unable to find css definition', $module.attr('class')); return false; } }, transition: function() { var elementClass = $module.attr('class'), animation = settings.animation, transitionExists = module.get.transitionExists(settings.animation), $clone, currentAnimation, inAnimation, displayType ; if( transitionExists === undefined || instance.displayType === undefined) { module.verbose('Determining whether animation exists'); $clone = $('
').addClass( elementClass ).appendTo($('body')); currentAnimation = $clone .removeClass(className.inward) .removeClass(className.outward) .addClass(className.animating) .addClass(className.transition) .addClass(animation) .css(animationName) ; inAnimation = $clone .addClass(className.inward) .css(animationName) ; displayType = $clone .attr('class', elementClass) .show() .css('display') ; module.verbose('Determining final display state', displayType); if(currentAnimation != inAnimation) { module.debug('Transition exists for animation', animation); transitionExists = true; } else { module.debug('Static animation found', animation, displayType); transitionExists = false; } $clone.remove(); module.save.displayType(displayType); module.save.transitionExists(animation, transitionExists); } return transitionExists; } }, is: { animating: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.animating); }, inward: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.inward); }, outward: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.outward); }, looping: function() { return $module.hasClass(className.looping); }, occuring: function(animation) { animation = animation || settings.animation; return ( $module.hasClass(animation) ); }, visible: function() { return $module.is(':visible'); }, supported: function() { return(animationName !== false && animationEnd !== false); } }, hide: function() { module.verbose('Hiding element'); module.remove.visible(); module.set.hidden(); module.repaint(); }, show: function(display) { module.verbose('Showing element', display); module.remove.hidden(); module.set.visible(); module.repaint(); }, start: function() { module.verbose('Starting animation'); $module.removeClass(className.disabled); }, stop: function() { module.debug('Stopping animation'); $module.addClass(className.disabled); }, toggle: function() { module.debug('Toggling play status'); $module.toggleClass(className.disabled); }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found || false; } }; module.initialize(); }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.transition.exists = {}; $.fn.transition.settings = { // module info name : 'Transition', // debug content outputted to console debug : true, // verbose debug output verbose : true, // performance data output performance : true, // event namespace namespace : 'transition', // animation complete event complete : function() {}, onShow : function() {}, onHide : function() {}, // whether animation can occur twice in a row allowRepeats : false, // animation duration animation : 'fade', duration : '700ms', // new animations will occur after previous ones queue : true, className : { animating : 'animating', disabled : 'disabled', hidden : 'hidden', inward : 'in', loading : 'loading', looping : 'looping', outward : 'out', transition : 'ui transition', visible : 'visible' }, // possible errors error: { noAnimation : 'There is no css animation matching the one you specified.', repeated : 'That animation is already occurring, cancelling repeated animation', method : 'The method you called is not defined', support : 'This browser does not support CSS animations' } }; })( jQuery, window , document ); /* ****************************** Module - Video Author: Jack Lukic This is a video playlist and video embed plugin which helps provide helpers for adding embed code for vimeo and youtube and abstracting event handlers for each library ****************************** */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { $.fn.video = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.video.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.video.settings), selector = settings.selector, className = settings.className, error = settings.error, metadata = settings.metadata, namespace = settings.namespace, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $placeholder = $module.find(selector.placeholder), $playButton = $module.find(selector.playButton), $embed = $module.find(selector.embed), element = this, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.debug('Initializing video'); $placeholder .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.play) ; $playButton .on('click' + eventNamespace, module.play) ; module.instantiate(); }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function() { module.verbose('Destroying previous instance of video'); $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) .off(eventNamespace) ; $placeholder .off(eventNamespace) ; $playButton .off(eventNamespace) ; }, // sets new video change: function(source, id, url) { module.debug('Changing video to ', source, id, url); $module .data(metadata.source, source) .data(metadata.id, id) .data(metadata.url, url) ; settings.onChange(); }, // clears video embed reset: function() { module.debug('Clearing video embed and showing placeholder'); $module .removeClass(className.active) ; $embed .html(' ') ; $placeholder .show() ; settings.onReset(); }, // plays current video play: function() { module.debug('Playing video'); var source = $module.data(metadata.source) || false, url = $module.data(metadata.url) || false, id = $module.data(metadata.id) || false ; $embed .html( module.generate.html(source, id, url) ) ; $module .addClass(className.active) ; settings.onPlay(); }, generate: { // generates iframe html html: function(source, id, url) { module.debug('Generating embed html'); var width = (settings.width == 'auto') ? $module.width() : settings.width, height = (settings.height == 'auto') ? $module.height() : settings.height, html ; if(source && id) { if(source == 'vimeo') { html = '' + '' ; } else if(source == 'youtube') { html = '' + '' ; } } else if(url) { html = '' + '' ; } else { module.error(error.noVideo); } return html; }, // generate url parameters url: function(source) { var api = (settings.api) ? 1 : 0, autoplay = (settings.autoplay) ? 1 : 0, hd = (settings.hd) ? 1 : 0, showUI = (settings.showUI) ? 1 : 0, // opposite used for some params hideUI = !(settings.showUI) ? 1 : 0, url = '' ; if(source == 'vimeo') { url = '' + 'api=' + api + '&title=' + showUI + '&byline=' + showUI + '&portrait=' + showUI + '&autoplay=' + autoplay ; if(settings.color) { url += '&color=' + settings.color; } } if(source == 'ustream') { url = '' + 'autoplay=' + autoplay ; if(settings.color) { url += '&color=' + settings.color; } } else if(source == 'youtube') { url = '' + 'enablejsapi=' + api + '&autoplay=' + autoplay + '&autohide=' + hideUI + '&hq=' + hd + '&modestbranding=1' ; if(settings.color) { url += '&color=' + settings.color; } } return url; } }, setting: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, settings, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { settings[name] = value; } else { return settings[name]; } }, internal: function(name, value) { if( $.isPlainObject(name) ) { $.extend(true, module, name); } else if(value !== undefined) { module[name] = value; } else { return module[name]; } }, debug: function() { if(settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.debug = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.debug.apply(console, arguments); } } }, verbose: function() { if(settings.verbose && settings.debug) { if(settings.performance) { module.performance.log(arguments); } else { module.verbose = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.info, console, settings.name + ':'); module.verbose.apply(console, arguments); } } }, error: function() { module.error = Function.prototype.bind.call(console.error, console, settings.name + ':'); module.error.apply(console, arguments); }, performance: { log: function(message) { var currentTime, executionTime, previousTime ; if(settings.performance) { currentTime = new Date().getTime(); previousTime = time || currentTime; executionTime = currentTime - previousTime; time = currentTime; performance.push({ 'Element' : element, 'Name' : message[0], 'Arguments' : [].slice.call(message, 1) || '', 'Execution Time' : executionTime }); } clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); module.performance.timer = setTimeout(module.performance.display, 100); }, display: function() { var title = settings.name + ':', totalTime = 0 ; time = false; clearTimeout(module.performance.timer); $.each(performance, function(index, data) { totalTime += data['Execution Time']; }); title += ' ' + totalTime + 'ms'; if(moduleSelector) { title += ' \'' + moduleSelector + '\''; } if($allModules.size() > 1) { title += ' ' + '(' + $allModules.size() + ')'; } if( (console.group !== undefined || console.table !== undefined) && performance.length > 0) { console.groupCollapsed(title); if(console.table) { console.table(performance); } else { $.each(performance, function(index, data) { console.log(data['Name'] + ': ' + data['Execution Time']+'ms'); }); } console.groupEnd(); } performance = []; } }, invoke: function(query, passedArguments, context) { var object = instance, maxDepth, found, response ; passedArguments = passedArguments || queryArguments; context = element || context; if(typeof query == 'string' && object !== undefined) { query = query.split(/[\. ]/); maxDepth = query.length - 1; $.each(query, function(depth, value) { var camelCaseValue = (depth != maxDepth) ? value + query[depth + 1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + query[depth + 1].slice(1) : query ; if( $.isPlainObject( object[camelCaseValue] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[camelCaseValue]; } else if( object[camelCaseValue] !== undefined ) { found = object[camelCaseValue]; return false; } else if( $.isPlainObject( object[value] ) && (depth != maxDepth) ) { object = object[value]; } else if( object[value] !== undefined ) { found = object[value]; return false; } else { return false; } }); } if ( $.isFunction( found ) ) { response = found.apply(context, passedArguments); } else if(found !== undefined) { response = found; } if($.isArray(returnedValue)) { returnedValue.push(response); } else if(returnedValue !== undefined) { returnedValue = [returnedValue, response]; } else if(response !== undefined) { returnedValue = response; } return found; } }; if(methodInvoked) { if(instance === undefined) { module.initialize(); } module.invoke(query); } else { if(instance !== undefined) { module.destroy(); } module.initialize(); } }) ; return (returnedValue !== undefined) ? returnedValue : this ; }; $.fn.video.settings = { name : 'Video', namespace : 'video', debug : true, verbose : true, performance : true, metadata : { source : 'source', id : 'id', url : 'url' }, onPlay : function(){}, onReset : function(){}, onChange : function(){}, // callbacks not coded yet (needs to use jsapi) onPause : function() {}, onStop : function() {}, width : 'auto', height : 'auto', autoplay : false, color : '#442359', hd : true, showUI : false, api : true, error : { noVideo : 'No video specified', method : 'The method you called is not defined' }, className : { active : 'active' }, selector : { embed : '.embed', placeholder : '.placeholder', playButton : '.play' } }; })( jQuery, window , document );