module.exports = function(grunt) { var defaultTasks = [ // watch less folder 'watch' ], watchTasks = [ // compiles less 'less:buildCSS', // copies assets and js over to build dir 'copy:toBuild', // copies files over to docs 'copy:libraryToDocs' ], buildTasks = [ // clean build directory 'clean:build', // compiles less 'less:buildCSS', // copies assets and js over to build dir 'copy:toBuild', // creates minified css of each file 'cssmin:minifyCSS', // creates custom license in header 'cssmin:addBanner', // creates minified js of each file 'uglify:minifyJS', // creates release js of all together 'uglify:buildReleaseJS', // cleans docs folder 'clean:docs', // copies spec files over to docs 'copy:specToDocs', // copies files over to docs 'copy:libraryToDocs' ], config ; config = { package : grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), //server : grunt.file.readJSON('server.json'), // watches for changes in a source folder watch: { scripts: { files: [ '../src/**/*.less', '../src/**/*.js' ], tasks : watchTasks } }, clean: { build : { cwd: '../build', src: '*' }, docs : { cwd: 'src/files/release/uncompressed/', src: '*' } }, docco: { generate: { expand : true, cwd : '../spec', src : [ '**/*.commented.js' ], options: { output: 'src/files/generated/' } } }, less: { options: { compress : false, optimization : 2 }, buildCSS: { options : { paths : ['../build'] }, expand : true, cwd : '../src', src : [ '**/*.less' ], dest : '../build/uncompressed', ext : '.css' } }, copy: { toBuild: { files: [ { expand : true, cwd : '../src/', src : [ '**/*.js', 'images/*', 'fonts/*' ], dest : '../build/uncompressed' }, { expand : true, cwd : '../src/', src : [ '**/*.js', 'images/*', 'fonts/*' ], dest : '../build/minified' }, { expand : true, cwd : '../src/', src : [ 'images/*', 'fonts/*' ], dest : '../build/packaged' } ] }, libraryToDocs: { files: [ { expand : true, cwd : '../build/', src : [ '**' ], dest : 'src/files/release/' } ] }, specToDocs: { files: [ { expand : true, cwd : '../spec', src : [ '**' ], dest : 'src/files/spec/' } ] } }, cssmin: { minifyCSS: { expand : true, cwd : '../build/uncompressed', src : [ '**/*.css' ], dest : '../build/minified', ext : '.min.css' }, addBanner: { options : { banner : '' + '/*\n' + '* # <%= %>\n' + '* Version: <%= package.semantic.version %>\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '* Copyright <%="yyyy") %> Contributors\n' + '* Released under the MIT license\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '* Released: <%="mm/dd/yyyy") %>\n' + '*/\n' }, files: { '../build/packaged/css/semantic.min.css': [ '../build/uncompressed/**/*.css' ] } } }, uglify: { minifyJS: { expand : true, cwd : '../build/uncompressed', src : [ '**/*.js' ], dest : '../build/minified', ext : '.min.js' }, buildReleaseJS: { options: { mangle : true, compress : true, banner : '' + '/*' + '* # <%= %>\n' + '* Version: <%= package.semantic.version %>\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '* Copyright <%="yyyy") %> Contributors\n' + '* Released under the MIT license\n' + '*\n' + '*\n' + '* Released: <%="mm/dd/yyyy") %>\n' + '*/\n' }, files: { '../build/packaged/javascript/semantic.min.js': [ '../build/uncompressed/**/*.js' ] } } }, s3: { options: '<%= server.cdn %>', deploy: { options: { }, upload: [ { src: '../docs', dest: 'docs' } ] } } }; grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-docco'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-bower-task'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-css'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.initConfig(config); grunt.registerTask('default', defaultTasks); grunt.registerTask('build', buildTasks); };